
Export Access Database to CSV

I want to export an access database to csv format. When I open up the csv file in excel the dates are messed up. I have one field with the date. The date fields is fine. I have another field with just the time. The time field is messed up. It shows 12/30/1899 with the correct time. Can any help me to get only the seconds in the sec...

Convert a string to a date in Access

I'm migrating data between tables in Access 2003. In the old table, the date was stored as a text field in the format YYYYMMDD. I want to store the field as a datetime in the new table. I've tried using CDate() in my SQL statement, but it just displays as #Error in the results. What am I doing wrong? ...

How to store data permanently in database using C#?

In my project I used C# with MS Access but data can't be stored permanently. I placed the database file in the project work space, but this did not solve my problem. Please provide connection string for that. ...

Report based on more than 1 Query

Good day, I created A query that takes information from a form ie:product_name and gets the component of that product, created another query to convert the component to a product, then created another query to get components of the new product, BY QUERY IT WORK'S, / Info on tables given in prev Question {

Ms Access Comparing two recordsets

Hi, I am trying to compare two recordsets. the first rs1 has random records. The second rs2 has the standard values for those records. Initially I am looking to take each of the records and see if they match with the standard set of values in the second recordset. There are four fields in each record set to be compared and all four must...

Executing queries using DAO

I want to execute a list of queries against an Access database using DAO. The "Database.Execute()" method seems suited for this with the remark that it can only execute "action queries", that is queries which don't return a result set (MSDN reference). For queries which return records "Database.OpenRecordset()" can be used. Both methods ...

Access problem - What is the best way to run a conditional report of the current record

I simply want to run a report for the current record that displays and/or prints only the logical fields = Yes. God I miss dbase... ...

Access won't let me see the changes I've made to the database

I've got an MS-Access database stored in a folder (yes, I have 'Modify' permissions set for the folder) on a Vista machine. From my .NET application (VB2008) I can query the database just fine, and add records to the tables. When I re-run the application the added records are there. However if I start Access (2000) and open the databa...

Creating Report in access based on Query

Good day I'm creating a report based on 7 Query's the 1st query gets product_name the 2nd query gets sub_product_name the 3rd query gets sub_sub_product_name .... and so on Not all products drop-down 7 levels, Thus only 3 query's are in use, ie(the other query's are blank, 'Which is what it is supposed to do) How do I create a repo...

ms access reports and queries

Good day I am creating a bill of materials program. There are two main tables named Products and Sub_Products. In the Products table, the fields are (Product_Name, Code). In the Sub_Products table, the fields are (Code, Sub_Name). The tables are linked with code, i.e.: one product is made up of many sub_products, each sub_product is ...

HTML editor control for use in MS Access forms

Can you suggest a free/bundled HTML editor control for use in MS Access forms? Basically I need to bind a control with a VARCHAR field that allows basic HTML input, formatting and preview functionality -- a WYSIWYG editor. ...

How to check the State of a Access 2003 Form, Modal or Modeless?

For a Project running under Access 2003 I have a Form that is normally set modeless, but in some cases is opened as acDialog and thusly modal. This Form now needs to check if itself is Modal or not to modify its behaviour upon button-click accordingly. Me.Form.Modal only returns the Property-Value specified in Design-mode, not the c...

With VBA, how do I close an Excel workbook without closing all workbooks?

Using Access VBA, I want to open an XL file, do stuff, then close it without closing other XL files that are open. Option 1: If the last line is "ObjXL.Application.Quit", that closes ALL open Excel files, not just the current one. Option 2: If the last line is "ObjXL.Close", then the workbook closes, but that particular instance of XL ...

MS Access selecting records with a variable

We are trying to make a query that has the user enter a date and the query pulls all records according to that date. In the Design View of the query we have tried [Enter Date] in criteria but it will not pull because it will match the date but not time. I have seen lots of dates formatted with ## marks to ignore the time yet I do not kno...

Encoding "<" and ">" while sending XML via HTTP Post

Hi, I am sending an XML content via HTTP Post from Access VBA to Web Methods, using XMLHTTP object in MSXML. Here is the Code. Dim objXmlHttp As Object Set objXmlHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") objXmlHttp.Open "POST", webServicePath, False objXmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" Dim...

Limit number of selections in a MultiSelect ListBox in Access?

Is there a way to limit the number of selections a user can choose on a ListBox with MultiSelect enabled in Access 2003? Right now I have a procedure that fires on the On Click event that checks the number of choices selected and if it is over my threshold it will display a warning label. ...

From Access to Outlook Email and Back Again

I'm trying to set up a form where the user can click on a button and it pulls the email address of a contact, creates a new email, allows the user to type out their email and send it, then save the email into a table. I have it working, except for one little issue. In earlier versions of Outlook (2003 and earlier), you can set up Word a...

Adding relations to an Access Database.

I have an MS Access database with plenty of data. It's used by an application me and my team are developing. However, we've never added any foreign keys to this database because we could control relations from the code itself. Never had any problems with this, probably never will either. However, as development has developed further, I ...

MS Access: passing parameters from one access form to another

I've got a form and a button on it. I would like to open another form on a button click with a parameter passed from the parent form to the child form (child form's RecordSource has parameters). How can I do it? ...

How can I get the raw xml from an IXMLDOMNodeList in Microsoft Access?

How can I extract raw Xml text from an MSXML2 - IXMLDOMNodeList in Microsoft Access? ...