
Storing Data in MS Access and Querying it in Excel

I'm currently on a non-IT project that currently has data which requires some systematic analysis (mathematical formulas). The data is currently stored in Excel but it's a pain to manually enter/massage data in Excel to do the analysis. Would it be better to store the data in MS Access and use Excel to query Access? In other words, st...

Importing Data from a Microsoft Access File on a Mac

Hey guys, I have an MS-Access mdb file that I need to import data from into my mysql instance. I am on a mac, is there any free/OSS tools that allow me to do that? If not, is there a free/OSS JDBC driver that I can use to extract the data I need? Thanks. ...

Import MS Visual Foxpro .dbf tables into MS Access 2007

Does anyone know how to import .dbf file into MS ACcess 2007? ...

ODBC problems in SQL 2000 --> 2005 Upgrade

This wiki post outlines both a problem and a solution. I wanted to post this for others that may be having similar problems, as I couldn't find anything specifically to solve this problem elsewhere. We recently upgraded our SQL Server 2000 database to SQL Server 2005. One of the databases on the server is a back-end to a MS Access datab...

Unique naming of photos - GUID vs sequential number

A while ago I wrote a plan management system for the council that I work for, which lets us store all the old and new plans in digital format with information associated with via a access database(I didn't know MS SQL server at the time). Each plan has a unique plan ID which is just a auto incrementing int (primary key), a title and ...

best way to migrate tables from MS access to sql server and consolidate

I have a ms access database that has one table for each photo album with the name of the table as the albumname tablename = "Trips" fields: picID, comment i am migrating to sql server and i wanted to fix this normalization issue and just have One table called Albums with albumID and albumName One table called pictures with picID, alb...

How to get a table from two databases?

Using Access 2003 I want to get a table value from the two databases Database – 1 Emp_Table Database – 2 Customer_Table Select * from Database-1.Emp_Table, Database-2.Customer_Table The above query is showing error in the Access. I tried a Join query also, it showing error. Can any one to solve this problem? Need Query Help. ...

How to copy a table from one database to other database?

Using VB 6 and Access 2003 I want to copy a table from one database to other database. Database1 Table1 Table2 Database2 Table3 Above, I want to copy the Table3 to Database-1 Expected Output Table1 Table2 Table3 How to write a code? Need VB6 Code Help. ...

How to get a 00:00:00 instead of 12:00:00 AM?

Using Access 2003 Database Table1 Intime Outtime WorkTime OverTime 08:00:00 19:00:00 09:00:00 02:00:00 09:00:00 18:23:23 09:00:00 00:23:23 15:00:00 ----- 00:00:00 00:00:00 09:00:00 18:00:00 09:00:00 00:00:00 Intime, Outtime, Work time, overtime data type is text From 09:00:00 to 18:00:00 - It will come in Work time Before 09:...

Selecting Time ranges from Date Time fields in Access

I have a table containing reports and the date/time they were created. I'd like to create a graph to tally the number of reports created during intervals of ten minutes between two time periods: 8:00AM-9:00AM and 1:00PM-2:00PM. Here's an example of a query I'd like to run: SELECT s.StudyStartDateTime AS "8:00 - 8:10", s.StudyStartDate...

SUM() on a form footer resulting in #Error

I'm trying to display the sum of a field in a text box in the form footer. The field is not calculated in any way. Here are a couple of the things I've tried: =Sum([txtWeldInches]) =Sum([WeldInches]) =Sum(CDbl([txtWeldInches])) =Sum(CDbl([WeldInches])) ...well you get the idea. Each iteration I've used results in the Text Box displ...

ms-access: instead of rowsource, running from query

i have a very complex query that is running from a listbox rowsource. i just do a listbox1.requery and it populates the listbox. instead of doing it this way, i would like to: i just want to save the query in the queries section call it from there. then i want to save the results of the query into a string then i want to feed the stri...

ms-access save query result in a string

I have a query saved in the queries section. I am running the query from VBA. Is it possible to save the results of this query to a string? ...

sync text-box to combo-box

good_day created combo-box to view suppliers, sync'd it to another combo-box displaying all products(Product_Name) for that company I need the Product_Code for the Product_Name(that was selected)(same table), in a text-box in the same form ie..Products combo-box I have to view Products by name and once selected the closed combo-box mu...

adding new record to only one field or 'sync button'

good_day On my form, created a combo-box with properties (Limit to list = No, Allow Value List Edits = Yes) when I enter data into the combo-box, it does not add a new record but replace's the old one, Therefor I created a button to add new record, And then tried it, and it works beautiful, Now the problem is when the add_new button i...

Graphing time intervals in Access

I have a table that looks like the following: StudyId StudyStartDateTime ============================ 1 01/01/2009 08:45 AM 2 01/01/2009 08:53 AM ... I'd like to return a query that contains the StudyId, as well as the ten-minute interval during which it was started: StudyId Interval ================== 1 8:40...

Select Distinct in SQL Server vs Access

I have a large query that pulls data from 3 tables. It is a SELECT DISTINCT query. I am in the process of migrating this query from Access to SQL Server. The query in Access, which uses linked tables to SQL Server, returns 920K records. The query in SQL Server (querying the same 3 tables) returns 1.1 million records. They are the sam...

Connection string for Ms Access Database

My Ms-Access .mdb file is on my website. It is in the App_Data Folder The current connection string is: OleDbDataAdapter Da = new OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from SerialNo", new OleDbConnection(@"provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; data source=")); Where am I making ...

How do I perform update query with subquery in Access?

I want to port this SQL query, which works just fine on SQL Server, MySQL, and Oracle, to an Access database. How do I do that? Right now it prompts me for a Company_ID for some reason. Edit: I was getting the prompt because I forgot to first create the Company_ID column in VendorRegKeys. Now I am getting error "Operation must use an...

Can you consume xml from access?

I'm researching the viability of a planned project that is to consume some data from a web server. Not being an access developer myself I wanted to know: Is it possible to consume xml from an access database? Can xml be consumed over an authenticated connection? Can xml be consumed over an encrypted connection (https)? What are the 'g...