
Restrict access to MS Access database to a particular server?

Is it possible to restrict access to a MS Access db on a users computer to a web server? The web application will be using this database and the user who is hosting it wants it locked down to everyone except the web server using it. Is this possible? ...


I have a table that contains a StudyId, a PatientId, and a StudyStartDateTime. I'd like to graph the totals of the Studies and Patients between two dates specified by the user. The problem is with counting distinct values. Here is the query: SELECT s.StudyStartDateTime, COUNT(s.StudyId), COUNT(s.PatientId) FROM dbo_St...

record count based on current date (Today's date).

I have a form in which I enter a record and I have a field that automatically updates with the current date. I would like to add a subform that tells me how many records have been entered "today" based on current date (today's date). I would like it to keep a running total. I am new to asking questions in this format and appreciate any h...

Programmatically update a folder full of Access97 files to Access2003

I have a folder full of 100-odd Access97 files. I need to update them all to Access2003. I could do it manually, but using VBA would probably be a lot faster. Does anyone that would have a snippet that would do this? Or an alternative suggestion? ...

What is the purpose of a DataRelation in a DataSet?

A C# program I am working on will need to export data to one or more tables of data. Some columns of these tables will be related to one another, such that the ID column of of one table may be reference by the cell of another table. This seems like the common case for setting up a DataRelation. But I'm trying to understand how these rela...

Convert Access Database to 97 format

Is there a way of converting an Access Database into a 97 file format, using Access 2007. I know the GUI cant do it, and I have tried: Application.ConvertAccessProject _ SourceFilename:="C:\cCentre\Database\CommDBBad.mdb", _ DestinationFilename:="C:\cCentre\Database\CommDB97.mdb", _ DestinationFileFormat:=acFileFormatAccess9...

inserting into a view in SQL server

I have a SQL Server as backend and use ms access as frontend. I have two tables (persons and managers), manager is derived from persons (a 1:1 relation), thus i created a view managersFull which is basically a: SELECT * FROM `managers` `m` INNER JOIN `persons` `p` ON `m`.`id` = `p`.`id` id in persons is autoincremen...

How to scan and count controls present in DataAccessPage of Access DataBase programmatically?

As per my application (, it scans the Access database for Active-X controls. It is working now for Report form and Access Form. The code to find out controls is as follows: oReportCtls = oReport.Controls For Each oReportCtl In oReportCtls If oReportCtl.ControlType = 119 Then 'Activex Control' ...

Unexpected result from Query run from VBA

I have problem in the following code : Set con = Application.CurrentProject.Connection Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") stSql = "SELECT * FROM [SB Items] " stSql = stSql & "WHERE [SBID]=" & Me![SBID] & " AND [ItemNumber]=" & intBtn rs.Open stSql, con, 1 ' 1 = adOpenKeyset ' If no item matches, report the ...

Reading Access MDB file from ASP.NET 3.5 Web Service on 64 bit OS.

I run Windows Server 2008/IIS 7. From a Web Service I attempt to read from a local mdb file. If I set the target platform to any or x64 I get the error: The 'Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. If I set the target platform to x86 I get the error: An attempt was made to load a program with an inco...

vb access database password

how can one create a password on a visual basic access database when you have a vb datagrid ...

opening an mdb access file without access

i dont have microsoft access but would like to open an mdb file, is there any way to do this? the mdb file contains SQL code that i need. it is just a file that connects to a remote database. i need to view the sql code i did try openoffice base, but it only showed me some tables. i dont see where the sql code is? ...

MDB 2 CSV batch.

Does anybody know what I could use to write a script to convert all MDB files in a directory to CSV files? I'm working on Windows but have been using Cygwin for some work. ...

when opening mdb file, it connects to a DB

how do i specify which DB it connects to? i am opening an access file that has sql code in it and it automatically wants to connect to a specific file. how can i change this setting? ...

how do you view code of macro in access?

i have an access database and there is a macro there. how do i view the code of the macro? ...

Learning MS Access

i am new to ms-access, and i have started to look at code that works. unfortunately it is completely uncommented. Private Sub OKbut_Click() Dim dt As Date dt = Now() Set rstOrder = New ADODB.Recordset rstOrder.Open "tblUsers", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic If rstOrder.Supports(adAddNew) Then With rstO...

importing mysql file into access DB

i need to import a mysql file into my access db. how do i do this? here's a sample of the mysql file: * MySQL Data Transfer Source Host: Source Database: jnetdata Target Host: Target Database: jnetdata Date: 5/26/2009 12:27:33 PM */ SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for chav...

Error migrating from Access 2007 database to 64-bit SQL Server 2008

I am using 64-bit Vista and I need to migrate an access database, in Office 2007 to SQL Server. I don't want to have to write an SSIS package to do this, but that may be my only option. Is there any other way to do this? I have about 330M of data in Access that needs to be moved, so I can write a webapp to replace this database. Updat...

Error when running Access 2003 app in Access 2007

My organization is in the process of upgrading from Access 2003 to Access 2007. One of the apps I am tasked with upgrading is returning very odd errors while opening and closing forms that have nested forms. Have the events changed between Access 2003 and Access 2007 ? The events seem to be firing in a different order in 2007 then they d...

Could not delete from tables, operations must use an updateable query?

has anyone gotten these ms-access errors? what do they mean? im connecting access with ODBC to a mysql database ...