
I want to Link to drop down lists with each other in access 2007

I'm trying to create a form that has several categories and sub categories. Is there a way that i can create a relation between what is chosen in the first drop down (Main Category) to what is displayed in the second (sub category)? I don't want to list all the sub categories at once. I only want the ones that relate to the specified ...

What issues should I be concerned about if I use Access/Jet as the back-end to my web app?

I need to know what are the concerns to store data in microsoft access for a web site. I know we could have a lot of problem example : - Multiple connection on the database Thanks ...

How do I add a row to a database with ASP.NET OLEDB?

I'm kind of new to ASP.NET and using OLEDB. I'm trying to add a row to a table in an ACCESS database. The code first reads how many rows a user already has and if they're not over the limit, it allows them to submit a new row. I've set up a dataset and that seems to be fine. The problem is when I try to update the new row back into the d...

How can I find the width of the parent window in MS-Access

I'm trying to force an MS-Access form to take a certain position relative to the right edge of the main window (actually I want to center it, but I can see also wanting to dock it to one side or another). I can reposition the form this with Me.Move, e.g., Me.Move newWindowLeft, newWindowTop, newWidth, newHeight However, how can I ...

Providing in-form help in MS Access

I'm a non-developer building a simple Access 2003 database for an NGO that works in developing countries. I would like to provide in-app help (what certain fields mean, for example) in a number of forms and on the switchboard. I'm not sure about the best way to do this - not just on a technical standpoint but to increase user-friendlines...

Serialize MS Access Database Objects to Text File(s)

Is there some code out there that lets me serialize all the objects in an MS Access MDB File. All the Objects like Table definitions, Table Data, Query defintions, Report definitions, VB Modules should be written to one or multiple text files. It is not necessary to reverse the operation (but would be nice to have). I want to put the t...

Access 2003 - Front End GUI Display question

Just wondering, is there a way to tell access to only display the forms/reports without displaying the access window itself (the "shell" window that the access forms populate inside of). just wondering. ...

OleDbCommand: SQL syntax error

I am having trouble with a ALTER TABLE command that I am trying to use on a MS Access database in a C# project. I am trying to rename a column and change the type at the same time. Here is my command: string sqlCommand = "ALTER TABLE " + tableName + " CHANGE [" + oldColName + "] [" + newColName + "] " + colType; What is wrong in...

access to excel conversion

I have an access database in which the field type is text and it contains 26 numbers. I converted it to excel, but it has only the first 5 numbers Text in database: 91234612345678912345678912 Text in excel : 9.12346E+25 How to get the entire field from database to excel? ...

database merging

I have two MS-Access databases (.mdb) with 10 rows and 5 columns in both databases and the data are same too, but i need to merge both .mdb to a new .mdb. How do I do that? ...

Unable to export Access DB table

Hi, I have an access db and am looking to export the tables to csv. All tables except one can be exported but one table gives me the error: Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object". Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly. Any ideas? ...

ASP.NET - Server Connection Reset

I have a website that from time to time requires I do bulk updates on the Access database and to facilitate this I created a run-once-and-delete page that contains a big text box, a captcha, and a hard coded strong password. When I run this against a local copy of the database I have no problems, but when I run it on the server I get a "...

join two tables to get tomorrow's price (and the price two days from "now")

I'm trying to do a JOIN query to analyze some stocks. In my first table called top10perday, I list 10 stocks per day that I have chosen to "buy" the next day and sell the following day: date symbol 07-Aug-08 PM 07-Aug-08 HNZ 07-Aug-08 KFT 07-Aug-08 MET ... 08-Aug-08 WYE 08-Aug-08 XOM 08-Aug-08 SGP 08-Aug-08 JNJ ...

Microsoft Access ADP UPDATE Query does NOT update

I have a (very simple and standard) UPDATE statement which works fine either directly in Query Analyser, or executed as a stored procedure in Query Analyser. UPDATE A SET A.field1 = B.col1 , A.field2 = B.col2 FROM tblA AS A INNER JOIN tblB AS B ON A.pk1 = B.pk1 AND A.pk2 = B.pk2 Problem is when i execute the same st...

ODBC Issue to Oracle from Windows

I'm currently using some ODBC drivers from DataDirect to link an access db to an Oracle db. When pulling back information it seems to subtract 1 hour from date/time fields, but not in all cases. If the date is say, 19/08/2009 00:00 then the value returned is 1808/2009 23:00 but if the date is 19/08/2009 15:00 the value returned is 19/0...

Compiling an Access 2007 accdb into accde

I'm trying to use the built in Make ACCDE functionality in access to make a standalone application that interfaces to an SQL-Server 2008 back end. When I run the Make ACCDE I receive an error that states that too many TableID references are being used (the limit is stated to be around 2048). Through trial and error (deleting forms unti...

Cannot open database 'filename'. It may not be a database....Access 2007

Our program has an option for users to export data into an access database. The user then downloads the database and uses this for reporting, so on and so forth. Recently, we upgraded to Office 2007, and in testing, when downloading this database, we get the error message: "Cannot open database "filename" It may not be a database ...

Convert Date in SQLServer and Access

Is there a function that works in both MS Access and SQLServer 2k5+ that will convert a string to a date? It seems CDate works in access and Convert works in SQLServer, but I'd like a function that works in both. Thanks! ...

Access Reports - Hiding Fields, Labels, and other elements based on data

I've been trying to format a report to provide a listing for prospectives vendors that shows a piece of equipment's model number, serial number, range, asset number, and calibration frequency. The concept is based on that this proposal, if accepted, would later become a purchase order - so fields such as if the work is to be performed i...

Why is the NewRecord property lying to me?

I'm at a complete loss, a form just changed behavior on me; it was working and then just stopped for no apparent reason. I'm opening it from a button: DoCmd.openForm "formName", , , "ID=" & Me.ID Debug tracing shows that the value is set properly at this point. When the form loads, I need to set a few display items, using the OnCurre...