
Catching event when a link is clicked in a Textbox displaying richtext

In Microsoft Access 2007 the Textbox can be set to display a cut-down version of HTML as richtext. However, there does not seem to be an easy way to detect what has been clicked within the box itself. For instance, you can display a classic HTML <a> tag that appears as a link but clicking it doesn't generate any event. I'd like to know...

VBA - Accessing a collection of values

I have two access forms. frm_Main and frm_Sub which has data conditionally displayed depending on the selections of the main form. I need to write a select all function for items displayed in frm_Sub. In VBA is there a way that I can get a list of the id's currently being displayed in frm_Sub? for example, if I do this me.controls(...

Save email after modification

Hi All, I have code, similar to the following, that I would like to modify: Sub SendEmail() Dim myOlApp As Outlook.Application Dim myItem As Outlook.MailItem 'Create an Outlook application object Set myOlApp = New Outlook.Application 'Create a new MailItem form Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem) ...

Access 2003 VBA Get Active filter?

is there a way to retrieve the active filter on a form via VBA? ...

how to add 24 hrs in a column in ms access

in MS access i ve a column in time format n i would like add 24 hrs for each row of that column ..... can any one please suggest a query for it in sql....... ...

Connecting to MSAccess with Java

I am developing my project in Java. I would like to know how I can connect to MSAccess. Any links, or small examples would be greatly appreciated. ...

Moving ms access driven site from sql server to - connection string problems

Hi, I've done a fair bit of mysql php programming but am pretty new to asp/access etc. This will either be incredibly easy or impossible! SUMMARY: I'm trying to transfer a web application from a corporate network to an external web host for testing and don't know how to connect the pages to the database on the new server. BACKGROUND...

JET SQL for Access 2003

Hello all, I have the following SQL statement: Select Choose(1,Orders.Employee, Orders.Customer) as Name1, Choose(2,Orders.Employee, Orders.Customer) as Name2, [Shipped Date] FROM Orders; However, the field "[Shipped Date]" has a space in it and hence why I have put square brackets around it. The problem is, in SQL view, it seems to...

sync an event to only one combo-box (New Version)

From prev Question ( FormA is bounded to multiple tables (a,b,c) from a, I have 1 combo-boxe(1) that displays customers from b, I have a combo-box(2) that displays items from c, (used as shopping basket) displays items the customer adds - com...

Cross tab query with boolean fields as row headers.

I currently have a table structure that looks something like this(some details omitted): ColumnName || Type Date_Of_Job DateTime Reparied_Service Boolean Disconnect_Service Boolean Relayed_Service Boolean Reparied_Stopcock Boolean Replaced_Stopcock Boolean TPFNR_Repaired ...

Reports based on a Form

I need to create a report not based on a table or query but on a form The form has multiple Fields from table a, b, c and query x, y, z (all relating to what the end-user selects)..All those fields are combo-boxes how do I create a report based on that form. Thanks ...

checked fields in creating a query

Good day I have a table(abc) with 2 fields (items = type TEXT) & (Check = type Yes/No) I created a form, in a sub-form Table(abc) displays items, and a checkbox(check) How do I code a query to save only the items checked in another table. plz ...

How i Create Access Database at runtime in C#?

How i Create Access Database at runtime in C#? ...

Access VBA - relative file references

Hi, In have built a couple of mda library files which I am then referencing from my main Access application (i.e. using Tools -> References from within the IDE). Is there a way that these references can be made relative rather than absolute. The reason I am asking is so that it would make it easy to set-up on the user's computer if all...

How to decode HTML encoded text in MS Access

Hi all, I have a table field in MS Access 2003 which contains HTML encoded strings like this: &#913;&#957;&#964;&#945;&#947;&#969;&#957;&#953;&#963;&#956;&#972;&#962; &#960;&#945;&#947;&#954;&#959;&#963;&#956;&#943;&#959;&#965; &#949;&#960;&#953;&#960;&#941;&#948;&#959;&#965; &#963;&#964;&#951;&#957; &#954;&#945;&#964;&#940;&#961;&#964...

Proper way to check if an unbound control has a value

Simple scenario: a form and one text box (unbound), Text1. If "" <> Text1 Then MsgBox "Not Empty" End If The above code works. The expression ""<> Text1 evaluates to True if the text box contain characters. The opposite doesn't work, regardless of the text box is empty or not: If "" = Text1 Then ' or alternatively, False = ("...

How can I access a view command through T-SQL?

I'd like to be able to retrieve programmatically the command strings that generate the views on our SQL Server. I though the ADOX collection, used together with an ADODB connection, will allow us to access this through the catalog/view/command property. Unfortunately, the 'views' collection is not available when connecting from an MS-A...

un-checking check-box in access 2007

Good day Created table(Team) with 3 fields namely:(Player_Name, Player_Class, Add_Player) The field (Add_Player) is a YES/NO or check-box field I created a form_A, created a subform_AB to display THE TABLE(Team) When I check the Add_Player, I created a Query to read only those player_names who are checked. AND THEN CREATE A REPORT ON...

Repetition of query to produce report

I am creating a bill of materials program. There are two main tables named Products and Sub_Products. In the Products table, the fields are (Product_Name, Code). In the Sub_Products table, the fields are (Code, Sub_Name). The tables are linked with code, i.e.: one product is made up of many sub_products, each sub_product is a product ...

Query most recent TWO entries per widget

I have two tables. One (Widgets) has a list of widgets (ID, widget_name, color, etc...) and data about them. The other one (Tests) has a list of tests run on the widgets (ID, date, info1, info2, etc...). What I want to do is display the most recent TWO tests. I dont think i really need to use the table Widgets for this but i described ...