
Multivalued Fields a Good Idea?

I have recently been introduced to the new Access 2007 feature which is multivalued fields. My initial impression is that it is a bad idea to make use of multiple values in a single field. Traditionally if you wanted to allow for a record to have several values for a field you would create another two tables and link them with foreign ...

MSAccess 2003 - VBA for passing a value from one form to another

So how can I pass a value from one form to another? For example: The user select's an organization from a list and this opens up a trip form that allows a user to enter various information regarding the trip. At one place I would like to add another little pop up form where they can enter contact information (just a name and phone for PO...

How to fix method saveastext of object failed?

This is Access 2003. From an access database code module, I am opening two outside access databases and then saving the text of two forms that exist in both of the databases. I am executing the statements: Call app1.SaveAsText(acForm, "MyForm", "c:\MyForm_app1.txt") Call app2.SaveAsText(acForm, "MyForm", "c:\MyForm_app2.txt") Both a...

MSAccess 2003 - VBA for taking information from text boxes and inserting into table

So I have an input form that I want to use to update a table with certain fields of information. I have the ID of the record automatically coming up in a text box. I have three text boxes that I need to add to the table (excluding the ID) on a button click. Name Date Method are the field names. As_Name As_Date As_Method are the text ...

Reading Unicode data from an Access database using JDBC

Hello, I have an MS-Access database, which I am connecting to in Java using the JDBC (I think the JDBC-ODBC bridge). My access database has some values which are in hebrew. When I try to read these values using String str = rs.getString(1) (rs is a RowSet), the string I get is just a string of question marks. I have other strings in h...

opening .mdb files 2003 to ms access 2007

Hi I tried creating a test database from ms access 2003 and saved it as my Test.mdb. Now, I would like to open it to ms access 2007 but when I do that I just get a box name "action failed"- Step is grayed out, Stop all macros, Continue (grayed-out). In the Box these are files: Macroname: AutoExec, Condition: True, Actionname: Ausführe...

Why would a long Rake task just stop, then start again?

I have a complex legacy data migration problem. MS Access data going into MySQL. I'm using a Rake task. There's a lot of data and it requires a lot of transforming and examining. The Rake task is hundreds of lines across about 12 files. The whole thing takes about two hours to run. It has to run on Windows (I'm using XP VMware VM hosted ...

DLookup in Access not running until textBox clicked on in Form


MS Access 2003 does not enter into debug mode and ignores breakpoints

I developed a small VBA procedure in MS Access 2003 module (just one public Sub) The database is locked for me only, nobody else has access to the file. My code works but there is a small bug I want to find and fix I need to debug my VBA code. I put breakpoint at the first line of the procedure. However, when I run this code, it never ...

ETL Tool for transfering old Firebird Database to a new organized Firebird Database

After looking at a lot of questions..i found no real answer for this. I redisigned an Database for our customer. With Microsoft Access i found a good Tool to get old table Data in my new well formed Database Structure. It is really easy but takes a lot of time (cause handling old Data with a lot of care). Are there any Open Source Tool...

OleDbCommand parameters order and priority

I have been debugging this query for the last 40 minutes, and the problem apparently is the order of the parameters after all. SELECT * FROM tblSomeThing WHERE id = @id AND debut = @dtDebut AND fin = @dtFin Then I add the parameters this way, notice that the two last parameters are switched, I get no results. cmd.Parameters.Add("@id"...

MS Access. Editable Selection. Grouping of Items based on data other than primary key.

I hope I can explain this clearly. I have a table, lets call it Widgets, that contains information (Color, Size, etc) about many many different widgets that are specified by an ID# which is the primary key. I also have a table, call it Tests, that is related to Widgets through a one to many relationship. Each row in this table represen...

Blank forms displays in MS Access.

I just converted my MS Access database from 2000 to 2003 format and then created an executable (.mde) file. The executable works fine, but on one form the screen is blank in form view, even though all of the contols show up in design view. What am I doing wrong? ...

ms access Add, Edit, Delete Items through an Access form

I'm not real familiar with inputting data through forms. Up until now I've just been handling the data from the table. However, now I have a table with two pieces of information: Group ID Each ID is in a group, not all IDs are represented in the table (ie there is another table with a complete list of IDs...many to one), and multiple...

VBA/Access RecordSet per form record problem


Getting a value for a report via dialog, MS Access

OK, this should be brainlessly trivial, yet I can't manage to run. MS Access. I have a report. Before that gets on the screen, a dialog box should appear, and the user should type a number. I did this: I put a text box in the report (the value from the user should appear there). ControlSource has the same value as the name of the text ...

Can I add a user to Access with VBA, instead of using the builtin User and Group Account box?

While making an access database, I'd like to make it as idiot proof as possible. This means, I don't want the client to have to use the access components; I'd rather have my own form that just takes a username and password and adds it to the correct groups automatically. I thought I had some code that would work: Dim usr as User set u...

MS Acess 2003 - VBA for Update SQL query?

hey guys, could someone show me the simple update query through vb? I need to add new fields to the table (just 3) and add a couple text boxes on a form so that users can add some additional data relative to the record (which is already what this form is based on). So the first form I have is a form that populates a list, when the user ...

MS Access to SQL Server - Newbie needing advice/direction

So I have been working with multiple different MS Access apps at work (about 8) for different departments. And it looks as though there are going to stand up a SQL Server at work, which makes sense from a capacity/integrations standpoint. Soooo......I have experience with Access, SQL and VBA, but having never used any of it in a SQL Ser...

Best practices in Access programming

I'm wondering about some ideas which can improve process of designing solutions using Access and VBA programming language. Of course I'm not talking about best programming practices in general, but only these directly related to Access and VBA. Everybody knows, that VBA has poor object-oriented programming support, there is no inherita...