
How to reference a control's properties in Access

For instance, I have a query which takes as a parameter the text property of a drop-down box [DDB1] of Form1. How do I reference the property? My stumbling around google has suggested that it should be something along the lines of Forms![Form1]![DDB1].text But I have been unable to find a definitive syntax for such references. Any ide...

Using Data Adapter to save in Access db, c#

Hi All I have loaded three tables to my application. After the work is done, I want to save it all. Using 'for each' (is there a better way?), I recreated from my different class objects three data tables. Now I have the tables, I think I added them to new ds DataSet ds= new DataSet(); ds.Tables.Add(emp); ds.Tables.Add(managers); ds.Ta...

Detect if Access Application has error.

I want to write a script or program to detect If the MS Access application running without errors. If there was an error I would like to know the error number. Is it possible? What is the best way? I would like to write VBScript and run it every 30 minutes. The Access Application that I have is on MS Access 2003. ...

MS Access Outlook integration

Good day!! I'm just new to outlook. Can i do update/delete contacts,appointments,tasks to outlook using ms access? is it the same behavior with the all versions of outlook? Thanks ...

Access Form Design - subforms going crazy

Hi, im fighting with access 2007 right now. i cant make the form designer to cooperate with me, especialy when using subforms. the just do what they want. does anybody know about a good guide how to layout beautiful forms (that include subforms) with access 2007. what a mess... thank you! ...

Locking .MDB record and table in .NET

I am trying to lock a record from a .mdb with OLEDB using .NET. How do I do that? How can I lock an entire table as well? ...

M/S - Access 2007 - Displaying Values of Parameters in a FORM

I'm just learning Access 07 and coding so, this may be a very simple question: I have a FORM that I want to display the value of Parameters so that I know what I have inputed. Similar to [Start Date] & [End Date]. "Your query will start at 07/01/2009 and end on 07/10/2009." I can do this in a REPORT "Parameters!Start Date.value" but...

ms access auto fill main form based on focus of subform

i have a data entry/editing form with two combo boxes (Name and Group). Each Group correlates to multiple names but each name is in only one group. At the bottom of this form is a subform which is a continuous form displaying a query of the associated table filtered based on an unbound combo from which you select the group. Basically ...

Technique or tool for manually merging objects (not data) from 2 Access databases

Access 2003. I have two versions of an MS Access based application (data is in SQL Server, queries, forms, etc are in MS Access) Are there any tools or techniques for merging the two versions? As a simple example, if I import all queries into DB_PRIMARY from DB_SECONDARY, non duplicated named queries will come in without a problem, bu...

How to get previous owner in sql table?

I have a Transaction table (transId, sn, customerId, date) that lists item transactions between customers. Some item has sn (serial number) and travels from one customer to another. For some customer (12345678), I need to find out who was the last previous owner of customer's items. Here's my query: SELECT c.*, p.transId,...

How to catch Input to Access 2007 form before populating controls? Or assign different Inputs to different Controls?

Heya guys, Tough question here (for me at least); Here's the sit: I have a form base application in Access 2007 (must). There are a few forms which have exactly two (2) text boxes that allow input. Ideally, I'd like each of the text boxes to be mapped to different input devices, a Magnetic Swipe Card reader and a Barcode/Datamatrix re...

Is there a replacement for mdbtools?

I'm using mdbtools' SQL functionality to connect to an .mdb file on linux. Mdbtools is still beta and hasn't been updated since 2007, many features like sufficient SQL support aren't available yet. Features I need: SQL, either with python bindings or through ODBC. AS statement in SQL operations. JOIN if possible. Runs on non-windows. ...

Application Level Custom Tab in Access 2007

Is it possible to create a Application Level Custom Tab in Access 2007. Something that is not database specific but would appear in any database file opened. Storing Database as an Addin file does not seem to work ...

"Silent" errors in .ADP with SQL Server

I have an adp project in MS Access 2003 with an SQL Server Express 2008 as backend. Everything works fine, except when there is an error on the SQL side, e.g. duplicate indices. the current dataset just doesn’t get updated/inserted, no error message whats-o-ever, but I know it’s not updated, because if I do a select on the server I stil...

Is it possible upgrade old MS access database with script?

I have this old MS Acceess db full of useful data, but newer version of software requires newer version of db (newer as differences in db design and some fixes). With Sql Server or there is no trouble at all, I would write a script a I would have a upgraded db. With Access I have trouble when I try to write script myself and when I use t...

How to convert mdb to mdf Database in Sql Server 2000

Using SQL Server 2000 and Access 2003 I want to convert the database from access to sql Database. There is possibility in sql server 2000 or any other tools is available. Need Help ...

MS Access 2003 - Concatenating Field Types of Same ID on a Form

Ok so a guy at work has a little access database he uses to keep track of things. He has this form that he uses that already queries what he needs and produces the results on a form and that is really all he needs. One thing is that he has duplicates for every record that comes up with a different "Type" as a field "indentifier" (what I...

checking an access file via java and mailing for a specific row

Hello I need to write a program that checks a access .mdb file and when a specific row is added (say the "name" field column of the newly added a row that contains a specific string, it should send an email to a specific address. For this I am planning to use "Jackcess" library for reading the mdb file and "Apache's commons-email libra...

Access: Canceling Report generation causes error 2501

Hi can't believe I am losing so much time on this one. I have an order form, and when I click on a button "reports", a dialog pop ups with a list of different reports to chose from. Double-clicking selects and starts the correspondent report. On one of these reports, there is an unbound text box I need the user to enter data with. Th...

Create an external table in access with outlook contacts programmatically

I'm not sure if this is possible, but i would like to create an external table in access with outlook contacts programmatically. I've searched in the Microsoft Access object model, but couldn't find a method or property that enables you to do so. I need this for synchronizing contact persons between outlook and an application I'm buildi...