
MS Access 2003 - Question about extracting information from ppt slides

Just wondering: If I have a ppt slides that I want to extract information out of, and I set up the template for all these slides that are used by various people through out the organization, and I know all the "names" to each text box object, can I use some vb to pull that information out of the ppt slides into an access database? I k...

Using Access DB (.mdb) with ADODB in C# (ASP.MVC) like with Classic ASP

Hi, I used to work a lot with classic asp. I'm currently trying the ASP.NET MVC and like it so far, but I'm missing the simple usage of the ADODB Connection. I was searching the web, for any simple and clear solution like the code below, used on classic ASP, but everything I found was way more complicated and/or not with ADODB on C#. I ...

MSAccess Insert with sub select wont work

Hi all. I have simple query, but when I'm trying to execute this query I'm getting error: Query input must contain at least one table or query. (Error 3067) Query: INSERT INTO FV_Ko ( FvId, OldPriceNetto ) SELECT [PFvId], (SELECT FV.PriceNetto1 FROM FV WHERE FV.FVnr = '123'); Thanks in advance ...

VBA - Connect Excel 2007 Spreadsheet to Access 2007 Database via ADODB

Currently there is a Excel 2002 spreadsheet writing/retrieving data from a Access 2002 database. IT is presently researching a upgrade to Office 2007 and when I upgrade both the spreadsheet and database the ADODB connection fails. The 2002 era VBA connection string is: Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Jet OLEDB:Database Password = st...

Possible to read RecordCount for last exececution of a querydef?

I have a saved querydef that I am exporting, with a filter, like so: DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, tmpQueryName, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, appDirectory & "\" & tmpQueryName & ".xls", True I'd like to be able to store in an execution history table the queryname, timestamp, filter, and recordcount of the executed querydef. It would be e...

MS Access error "ODBC--call failed. Invalid character value for cast specification (#0)"

Does anyone have an idea what this error means or how to solve it? I am using Access 2003 and SQL2005. It comes up when trying to add a record on a particular subform. [Microsoft][SQL Native Client] Invalid character value for cast specification (#0) This MS bug report describes the same message, but it is a bug in SQL Server 6.5 that...

Simple SQL query in Access fails with a missing semicolon error.

So, I'm learning Access 2007, Visual Basic, and SQL at the same time. Not ideal. I have this code attached to a button in a standard wizard-generated interface. I'm trying to copy a line from tblA to tblB. Every time the code is executed I get the message, "Run-time error '3137' Missing semicolon (;) at end of SQL statement." I'm guess...

sql to compare two strings in MS access

I am trying to compare a series of strings like the following rodeo rodas carrot crate GLX GLX 1.1 GLX glxs the comparision need not be case sensitive i am trying to write a sql where i am updating the first string with the second string if they match approximately. Here except the second string all the other exampl...

graph (node and edges) in access

We've got a pretty complex graph in an Access DB stored as nodes (node1, node2, etc.) and edges between the nodes (n1->n2 etc.). We'd like to visualize this in an MS Access application. What "graphics packages" would you suggest? How can these be integrated into Access? We're currently using Access 2002. NOTE: A tree control is not suf...

importing excel data into access

My VB.NET application is using importing some excel sheet into access command.CommandText = "SELECT * INTO [MS Access;Database=" & current_db & "].[" & sheet_name & "] FROM [" & sheet_name & "$]" The problem is that if I have some cells with the green error message in excel they are not imported in access. And they are actually in the...

ms-access localization and default boolean values

Our access client generates on the fly SQL inserts, update and delete instructions to be sent on a MS-SQL Server. Most users have the runtime version of Access 2007, and a few use the complete MS-Access version, 2003 or 2007. This morning one of our new users abroad, using a french/complete version of Access 2003, was unable to update da...

Guidance for Migrating MS Access Apps to .Net Apps

I will soon begin the painful*(kidding)* process of migrating multiple, separate, Access Applications to "Real" applications*(notice the quotes, no flame wars please)*. Most likely this will be Web Apps as the usual reason is multiple users and deployability but I will take it case by case. Some of these are traditional Access apps u...

dynamically display category, subcategory, products using coldfusion

Hi to all.. please help me with this school project for an e-commerce site that im doing ryt a newbie in programming.. here's the scenario.. Im using coldfusion,ms access,dwcs3 How can I dynamically view the products that are base on dynamic category and subcategory? using URL parameters here is my table on my msaccess tblca...

how to reduce growing size of an access file?

Hi, So, at my workplace, they have a huge access file (used with MS Access 2003 and 2007). The file size is about 1.2GB, so it takes a while to open the file. We cannot delete any of the records, and we have about 100+ tables (each month we create 4 more tables, dont ask!). How do i improve this, i.e. downsizing the file? thanks. ...

Any ORMs that work with MS-Access (for prototyping)?

I'm in the early stages of a project, and it's not clear yet whether we'll need a "real" database (i.e. SQL Server et al). So I've been doing some prototyping using MS-Access, which is working fine so far. (developing in C#/VS2008/.Net 3.5/MS-Access 2000). However, the object-relational impedance mismatch is already becoming annoying, ...

How Should This SQL with Left Joins be Written in Access 2007?

I have a sql statement with multiple left joins that I cannot get to work in Access 2007, the message stating, JOIN expression not supported SELECT Foo.A, Bar.B, Baz.C, Bat.D FROM Foo LEFT JOIN Bar ON Foo.BarId = Bar.BarId LEFT JOIN Baz ON Foo.BazId = Baz.BazId LEFT JOIN Bat ON Foo.BatId = Bat.BatId WHERE Foo.Cr...

Access 2003 SQL Switch breaks data types?

Hi, I'm running Access 2003. I'm using Switch to select date fields based on a boolean criterion: Switch(<criterion>, Date1, 1, Date2) i.e., if "criterion" is true, then return Date1, otherwise return Date2. Date1 and Date2 are Date/Time type columns in a table. The problem is, Switch returns them as Text -- not Date/Time! Is th...

Migrating MS Access data to MySQL: character encoding issues

We have an MS Access .mdb file produced, I think, by an Access 2000 database. I am trying to export a table to SQL with mdbtools, using this command: mdb-export -S -X \\ -I orig.mdb Reviewer > Reviewer.sql That produces the file I expect, except one thing: Some of the characters are represented as question marks. This: "He wasn't re...

Retrive Duplicate Row value and Count

I have table named "Table X" which contains some names and their corresponding age, table may contains same names (i.e) names will occur repeatedly. Table x: name age a 21 b 37 c 23 a 34 a 21 b 19 b 37 a 21 ...o...

passing data from one database to another database table (Access) (C#)

Hello friends, I want to take a backup of my Access database Pragmatically. And After taking all data in backup i want to delete data from source database. ( So that it will not take much time while querying and filtering through application.) The source database name is Data.mdb The destination database name is Backup.mdb Both are pro...