
How to see the code for built in functions in MS Access?

Hi, How to see the code for built in functions in MS Access? I am specifically looking for the code of the function "LIKE" thanks ...

Access 2007: Querying for DateTime field between two Short Date values

I have a form containing two text boxes for user input. Both text boxes have the Property format set to "Short Date". One is the "start date", and the other is the "end date". I also have several tables, each with a DateTime field ("studystartdatetime"). I would like to be able to query these tables, but restrict the results to rows ...

Add record only if doesn't exist in Access 2007

I have a table, let's say it stores staff names (this isn't the exact situation, but the concept is the same), and the primary key is set to an autonumber. When adding a a new member of staff I want to check to see if that name exists in the database before it is added, and maybe give an error if it already exists. How can I do this from...

How to determine which table uses the most space in an Access database

Hi, is there any easy way to determine how much space each table in an Access 2007 database is using? I have an unusually big Access database and need to find out which table uses the most space. The row counts do not give enough information about the used space. Regards /Frank ...

MS Access 2003 - Sparkline Graphs in Microsoft Access

Hey guys. Just wondering if anyone knows of a method to create sparkline graphs on a form in MS Access. The chart builder does not really work very well to create sparkline charts (graphs that small). Just curious, thanks! ...

How do I use an Access 2003 mde with Access 2007 and keep my custom menus/toolbars?

Please describe the exact steps required to use a compiled Access 2003 mdb with the Access 2007 runtime and retain my custom menus and toolbars so that they look the same as they did with the 2003 runtime. I've tried following the various incomplete instructions around the web, but I either end up with my menus/toolbars on the ribbon's u...

Starting Word from Access - 2nd time fails

When starting up Word from a form in Access, I do this: Dim wordApp As Word.Application Dim wordDoc As Word.Document Dim wordRange As Word.Range Set wordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application") wordApp.Visible = True Set wordDoc = wordApp.Documents.Open(etikettenTemplate) ' fill in some bookmarks in the word doc...

Power builder DSN Creation

I am new to Powerbuilder. I want to retrive the data from an MSAccess tables and update it to curresponding SQL tables.I am not able to create a permanent DSN for MSAccess because i have to select different MSAccess files with same table informations.I can create a permanent DSn for SQL server. Please help me to create s DSN Dyanamical...

Reports as PDF in Access 2007 using a Stored Procedure

I am creating a report in Access 2007 and am able to save it as a PDF, but the problem is that instead of having 1 report per PDF I have got 206 Reports in 1 PDF. I'm using VBA to programatically do this here is the code I'm using Sub makeLetterPDF(Contract As String, LetterType, outTo As String) Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim strR...

to modify a query in access

Hi, I have a query which gives a result like this field1 field2 field3 field4 field5 23 gfhf ghjj 5 49 23 ghf jkll 6 45 67 bnvn nmb 7 45 89 gfh hjj 8 78 89 gfhg hk 9 23 Here the first 2 and last 2 records are kind of sa...

Populating a subform with different displays as a GUI in Access 2007

This is my first time building a UI in Access (using Access 2007), and I'm wondering what is the Right Way (TM) of going about this. Essentially, I have several different queries that I'd like to display as pivot charts, pivot tables, tables, and reports. Eventually I'm also going to have to build forms to manipulate the data as well,...

Microsoft Access and paging large datasets

Is there an easy way to page large datasets using the Access database via straight SQL? Let's say my query would normally return 100 rows, but I want the query to page through the results so that it only retrieves (let's say) the first 10 rows. Not until I request the next 10 rows would it query for rows 11-20. ...

How to Query and Dump Results Into Table In Access

Need to query my SQL server from Access using an ADO connection (for example), and then using something like: Currentdb.CreateTableDef() in Access to create a table (in Access) with the query results. How can I do this? ...

slow exporting from access to excel

I have to generate about 800 excel files from an access database. For the first 10-15 of them it's working nice, a few seconds/excel file but it's constantly taking longer, at the 150th excel file it's taking 10 minutes. Here is my code: It's doing this for each nrliste in the access table (about 800 of them) Dim lista = From ls In L...

Intermittent Oledb connection error "Cannot open database ''."

We are occasionally seeing this error: Cannot open database ''. It may not be a database that your application recognizes, or the file may be corrupt. This is a Winforms .NET 2.0 product on a Jet/Access DB using Oledb connections. This error occurs only intermittently. Make the same request a couple of minutes before/after ...

ms access can't edit field because I must delete relationships but there are no relationships to delete

I have built a database on multiple tables. One of these tables has a field (Initials) that was originally defined to have 50 characters. After building the entire thing I realize I would have liked that field to be limited to 3 characters. I tried to change this, but it tells me that I have to delete one or more relationships. So, I...

How can I script copying an Access table from one mdb to another?

Hi all, I've inherited a setup that utilizes Access 97 databases. I need to copy a table from one main mdb to multiple others to prep them for use. The source mdb and source table are mostly static, the destination mdbs vary widely. So, I have: source.mdb contains table A destination.mdb contains tables 1, 2, and 3 I need to end up w...

Problem while Designing a Database

Hello, I am in a mission to devise an application database in MS ACCESS. In my database there are 5 tables: Master Cash Cheque Detail Month (displays month in a year) Here I have made Master as parent record and 3 others Cash, Cheque and Detail are children to Master table. Here are the fields in master table Lt no Name Re...

Saving a Date/Time Stamp from VB 2005 to MS Access

I am coding ib Visual Basic. I need to store the current system time in MS Access timestamp field. How do I go about it. Dim row As DataRow = ds.Tables("StudentTable").NewRow row("SSMA_TimeStamp") = System.DateTime.Now.ToString() ...

BeforeUpdate problem - Runtime error 2115

I have written the following query : Private Sub Size_Sqft_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) Me!Size_Sqft = Nz(Me!Size_Sqft, 0) End Sub But while i removing the zero in the filed to make it null , i am getting the following error Runtime error 2115 Macro and function set to before update and validation rule property for this field...