
Ilf and SQL querry

Hello. How to write SQL querry using Ilf function in it? For exaple i would like to write some like this: SELECT priceNetto, vat, PriceBrutto:Ilf(Country="ABC", priceNetto*1.22, priceNetto) but it wont compile. PriceBrutto is a dynamic column (there is no that column in querry, but im wolud like to "build" this column programically lik...

duplicates in a join

the following SQL is returning every BT.Bt_Name where L.date_back is Null. I only wish to select the BT.Bt_Names where L.Bc_id is duplicated SELECT BT.Bt_Name FROM Book_Title BT INNER JOIN ( Book_Copy BC INNER JOIN Loan L ON BC.Bc_id = L.Bc_id ) ON BT.Bt_id = BC.Bt_id WHERE L.Date_back Is NULL GROUP BY BT.Bt_name HAVING COUNT(L.Bc...

MS-Access: is it possible to display 'virtual' rows in a continuous form?

Hello I am looking for a method to display virtual rows in an MS Access application, that is, rows that don't actually exist in any table, but only in memory. I could probably create a temporary table as I need it, fill it with my 'virtual row' values and then display the temporary table's content in the continuous form. Yet, if possib...

varchar(max) datatype odbc mapping to ms-access2003

Hi there, i have tested the difference between defining varchar(max) in opposite text with our legacy application on a SQL Server 2005. All went very well and the new datatype reduced in a particular test case the amount of reads from 78 to 8 that represents a performance gain which we dont want to miss. But now on the target sqlserver...

Microsoft Access required for C# database access on end-user machines?

Silly question, perhaps. I've developed an app on my machine that uses a Microsoft Access database (.mdb) to access certain information and populate a table with monitoring data using OLEDb. The application works fine on my machine, but when I put the release on test machines (without MS Access), it crashes. Interestingly, if I were to...

Organizational chart represented in a table

HI, I have an Access application, in which I have an employee table. The employees are part of several different levels in the organization. The orgranization has 1 GM, 5 department heads, and under each department head are several supervisors, and under those supervisors are the workers. Depending on the position of the employee, the...

How to rename an Access Table using VBA from Excel?

I´m trying to rename an Access Table using VBA from Excel... any help? ...

Visual C++ 2008 as frontend for Access

I am working on a database project that requires me to code in C++. I have the framework for the relational database built using Microsoft Access. Since I would like a GUI for the user, I am trying to use Visual C++ 2008 to build it. I have tried to build a solution as a win32 console app, MFC app, and CLR app, each halting me with thei...

Linking a Checkbox to date

I am trying to link a checkbox to a date. So when the user Clicks the checkbox it automaticly puts in the current date. ...

Retrieve List of Tables in MS Access File

If I can open a connection to an MS Access file in C#, how can I retrieve a list of the different tables that exist in the Access DB (and if possible, any meta-data associated with the tables)? ...

public and private modifiers for variables in access form module

Hello I have a form module in my access project. In the top of the module, I declare a variable like so: option explicit private id_foo as long I want to explicitely state that I need the variable in my form module by using the private access modifier on it. Now, further down in the same form module, I have a function that needs to...

Returning row number on MS Access

I have 4 tables, from which i select data with help of joins in select query...I want a serial no.(row number) per record as they are fetched. first fetched record should be 1, next 2 and so on... In oracle the equiavelent in RowNum. ...

MS Access: list macro from VBA

I have to deal with a few macros (not VBA) in an inherited Access application. In order to document them, I would like to print or list the actions in those macros, but I am very dissatisfied by the way Access does it. Therefore I want to make my little piece of code to list the macros, their instructions list and parameters to the de...

Access: editing a field that is bound to an expression rather than a field

Hello On a continouos form in ms-access, I have a record source similar to select col_1, col_2 & " " & col_3 as col_expr from tblFoo and then I have bound col_expr to a text box on that form. When I open the form, it displays the value of col_2 & " " & col_3 correctly in the textbox. Obviously, editing the value within the tex...

Creating a temporary table similar to Oracle's temporary table behaviour

Hello I am looing for a way in access to create a temporary table whose behaviour is similar to Oracle's in that its content is gone after the mdb is closed. As far as I can tell it's not possible, but I am open to be corrected on this. Should it not be possible, I am still looking for a way to use temporary table but makes sure that ...

Getting Number of Rows in a Group By Query with Microsoft Access

I have basically the same problem outlined in this question, however I am using Microsoft Access as a database instead of MySQL. The result of which is that SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS doesn't seem to be available to me. Believe me, I want to switch, but for the moment it is out of the question. I have a query that aggregates a number of ro...

Jet Engine's query-optimization is based on statistics, but how are they refreshed with linked tables?

Hi there, i am dealing with some legacy access < 2007 "databases". All the tables are linked tables to a SQL Server 2008. While the odbc-links are established the table structure is copied into the mdb-file together with the DSN-string. Thats what one can see in Msysobjects. A query forces the jet-engine to retrieve the data from SQL...

how to join two or more tables and result set having all distinct values

I have some 20 excel files containing data. all the tables have same columns like id name age location etc..... each file has distinct data but i don't know if data in one file is again repeated in another file. so i want to join all the files and the result st should contain distinct values. please help me out with this problem as soon ...

Access SQL query: find the row with the most recent date for each distinct entry in a table

All, I'm sure this is a pretty simple SQL query question, but I'm sure there's a good way, and a very BAD way, to do this. Left to my own devices, I'm liable to end up with the latter. So... I have a table in Access with data that looks like this: ID Value As_of 1173 156 20090601 1173 173 20081201 1173 307 200...

Using MS Access 2003 to connect to SQL Server 2005

My dad built an MS Access Database to do property management. Now he wants to share it with other users over the internet. So I got a hosted SQL Server account at Network Solutions. Now I'm trying to connect the Access 2003 client to a test SQL database using these guidelines from MS: