
What kinds of problems have there been using Access databases with SharePoint?

Just curious what the experience has been in uploading MS Access tables to SharePoint 2007 list. We've been planning on doing so, but I seem to recall issues with SharePoint mangling Access tables in the resulting lists and generally the migrations not going so well. Your experiences? Best practices and recommendations? I'm particular...

How can I make a combo box readonly in Access 2000?

This seem so simple but I can't figure it out. It seems like I'd want to set the Locked property to Yes, but that actually prevents them from selecting anything in the drop down! When I say readonly, I mean having the combo box preloaded with values and forcing the user to only select one of those values without being able to type in th...

How TO join many tables into one in Access

Hi, I had a table with some 25000 records and 75 fields. For easier analysis i broke them down into 10 tables with 2500 records each. now i want to put them back together to form a single table. how do i write a query. i tried a select query like select * from (table1, table2.....) but i get error as query is too complex. tksy ...

ASP - Insert French Character in Access Database

I want to insert french characters in an Access database using ASP. Can you please suggest me what can i do?? Many Thanks Shaheen ...

Disable use of or catch when user presses Alt + F4 in MS Access App

I like to run some code when a user closes my ms 2000 app. This is being bypassed by the user pressing alt F4 and not using the exit buttons provided, how do i disable this functionality? Alternatively, is there a way to catch this and run some code. Im trying to avoid using a hidden form by the way. ...

merge msaccess tables

How can i merge two identical tables of two msaccess identical db? For eg: db1..table1 ID Name 1 Sanjana 2 Parul 3 Rohan db2...table1 ID Name 1 Sarika 2 Deepak I want to append the values of second table into first as follows: ID Name 1 Sanjana 2 Parul 3 Rohan 4 Sarik...

Form has my table locked down tight even after docmd.close

Sorry for the wall of text guys but this one requires expliaining, way too much code to post... I'm importing fixed width files into access in methods that require data entry. I import the file using transferText into two specs (ones global, the other is special circumstance). I have a function that uses DAO to cycle through all Field...

Is an MSAccess database with .NET portable?

In my A-Level project I have all the record info stored in an MS Access database file. I'm just wondering, can I bundle this file with the software and not require the computer the software is running on to have MS Access installed? The reason I ask is that if finished, this program will be ran on my college network to handle room booki...

MS ACCESS How to drop a column with primary key.

I want to drop a column from table in access which is the primary key. how can i write a query for this. ...

What is the name of the violating unique index constraint in dao / ms-access

hello everyone I am trying to insert a record into a table with DAO (within MS-Access) and doing so, I receive an Error 3022 (which indicates that a unique index is violated). The error is correct since in fact the tried-to-insert record has a value which is already found in the table. Now, I'd like to find out the name of the violate...

how to use undo operation in ms-access database

hi, I am currently working in application,I loaded MS_access database into datagridview there i have written code for insert,delete,update and search . For Example: IN Ms Word when we click CTl+Z any previously made changes would be restored. Just like this any previous changes made in the datagridview should be restored using either...

Get the week number from a given date

Examples: 'DD/MM/YYYY "1/1/2009" should give `1` "31/1/2009" should give `5` "1/2/2009" should also give `5` Format("1/2/2009", "ww") returns 6. So, how can I get the correct result? ...

Values not showing in Access form combo box

Hi, I have an application in Access 2003 that I am working on. In it, I have an employee table, which is connected to two other tables. The two connected tables are tables that hold a few fixed KeyWords. In my main employee table, I just have the ID from the other table, rather than having the whole word. I wanted to make a form for e...

MS-Access Database getting very large during inserts

I have a database which I regularly need to import large amounts of data into via some python scripts. Compacted, the data for a single months imports takes about 280mb, but during the import file size swells to over a gb. Given the 2gb size limit on mdb files, this is a bit of a concern. Apart from breaking the inserts into chunks and ...

How do I connect to an MS Access database using Perl?

I have a .accdb file on my local machine and I am trying to connect to it and read some data from 3 tables within the DB. How do I establish the connection using Perl? So far I have scraped together this much for MS Access, but I am getting errors saying that I am not using the correct driver. Any ideas? my $msaccess_dbh = DBI->connect...

How do I use an MS Access database with the Compact Framework?

I am developing a Compact Framework application that needs to manipulate an existing MS Access database. Apparently the CF has no support for Access databases, or even ODBC. How can I do this, without changing the database? ...

vb6 recordset sql query

How to use append query in vb6 with access db having a password? The following is giving an error. dim s as string s="insert into patientprofile(crno) select patientprofile.crno from 'd:\liverrecord.mdb' & 'Jet OLEDB:Database Password=liver'" ...

vb6 msaccess sql

Suppose i merge two identical access tables with append query then how can i link it up with other tables? since the primary key will be alloted fresh then how will the other related tables take up this primary key as its foreign key? ...

Access 97 - how to edit/explore existing toolbar?

My current job is updating an existing Access97-Project. I haven't worked with Access in a long time and i can't find out, how i can explore a toolbar called "sbmbDrucken" which is obviously user-created. I just need access to the action or the code which is called by the buttons... Is there any menu entry i missed or do i need special ...

MS Access and japanese characters?

Hi, the app I am working for is a MS access db. It is a manufacturing company. They have clients all over the world. They print labels for items, in different languages. The labels are stored in a table, one column per language. Is it possible to have a column in the text table for japanese characters along the other (western) language...