
access options ms access 2007

hi does anyone know how to disable the access-options or to hide it? Thanks additional info: hi again if you open your ms access 2007, you usually see the button at the upper left -"the microsoft office button" and if you click on that, you'll see the different functions like: "new", "save", "open" etc and at the button you'll see t...

Is it possible to create a check constraint in access and/or DAO?

Hello I am trying to create a check constraint on an access (jet?) table. So, I open the .mdb file with access, go into queries->create query in design view, type esc, then menu->view->query and finally type create table X ( a number, check (a > 20) ) but access thinks that I have a "syntax error in field definition". However, I ...

Upgrading from Access 2003 to Access 2007 and SQL Server

I am maintaining a pretty large Access 2003 project with a MDB data file on the server and linked tables. The plan is to upgrade to Access 2007 (or even 2010) and SQL Server as the data storage. As this is a two-step plan, which of these steps is best done first? Does it make a difference if I first upgrade to 2007, or should I link to ...

Grouping controls together on an Access form

Hi, I have an Access2003 form where I wanted to group several controls together and change visibility programatically, though VBA code. Is this possible? I do know that I can group items through Format -> Group, but if I do that, how do I refer the the entire group in my code? Thank you ...

Relative table links in ms-access

I'm sure this must have been asked before, but I can't find it. Can I set a relative path for the location of a linked table in Access 2003? The other table is also stored in an mdb file. These databases will sometimes be connected to via odbc or oledb, so relying on vba code that fires when Access opens the file will not work. If poss...

connect Ms Access to java

I extracted data from excel using poi api. Now I want to store the data in access please clarify ...


I am having trouble getting records out of a database for a certain date. This this the SQL command I have at the moment: SELECT * FROM ict1 WHERE date='26/03/1992' It should return one record from my database. "date" is a column and one of the records has '26/03/1992' as the value. I have tested the db connection and I can use: SELE...

Executing Access SQL Query Between Two Databases

I need to execute a SQL Query between two databases. Example: SELECT * from table1 in 'D:\paulo\sdatabases\SCWa.mdb' The problem is that both tables have a password. How can i put the password in a query like this? ...

Using MS Access 2000 VBA to send a Direct Message via the Twitter API

I am trying to send a direct message via the Twitter API from Access 2000 VBA. I can post a status update to my Twitter account with the following code: tUsername = "TwitterUser" tPassword = "theirpassword" tStatus = "some sample text" xml.Open "POST", "http://" & tUsername & ":" & tPassword & "

How do I go about using DLookup in a validation rule of a text box on a form in access

Hello I am trying to use DLookup for a ValidationRule for a TextBox on a form in Access. As per an example found on MSDN I used dlookup("ABKUERZUNG", "tblABKUERZUNG", "ABKUERZUNG=[Forms]![frmMutBetriebspunkt]![BP_ABKUERZUNG]") is null Which does not work: The expression you entered contains invalid syntax. Now, if someone knew w...

Is it possible to access a MS Access database with PHP on a Linux Web Server?

Ideally it would be brilliant if I could upload an .mdb file to a linux webserver and query it using php. Is this possible? If so how? ...

How do I access the selected rows in Access?

Hi community, I have a form which includes a data sheet. I would like to make it possible for a user to select multiple rows, click on a button and have some sql query run and perform some work on those rows. Looking through my VBA code, I see how I can access the last selected record using the CurrentRecord property. Yet I don't see h...

Setting up an MS-Access DB for multi-user access

We're thinking of "growing" a little MS-Access DB with a few tables, forms and queries for multiple users. (Using a different back-end is another, but more long-term option that is unfortunately currently not acceptable.) Most users will be read-only, but there will be a few (currently one or two) users that have to be able to do changes...

Creating reports in Access after the DB is completed

Hi, I have a fully functional DB developed in Access. It was done using a very "interactive" developer-client increment-iterative process as no one really knows what the final DB is to show. All tables were developed (and normalized) as well as forms (and sub-forms), however, now reports must be designed and implemented. The forms of c...

Conditional Formatting in Access 2007 Report

I have created two reports in Access 2007 that are virtually identical except for the data source. In both of them I have set up conditional formatting on a field to make the font italic when Expression is [Status]="Holding" In one of the reports the conditional formatting is applied and in the other it isn't. I've even tried settin...

MS Access Complicated Order By

For an invoicing app I'm working on my PHB has decided that the parts sold listed on the invoice need to go in a very unique order. I would like to accomplish this with a single sql statement if possible. Essentially the order needs to be as such The most expensive part (but only if there is another part listed at $0) All parts lis...

Using OleDbCommand to update a record with byte[] data in binary format.

Im using the code below, to update a record in an MS Access database, to store some information related to a property grid, however, im receiving a syntax error when the query tries to execute, and i cannot figure out why. ConnCheck simply looks to see if the connection is open, and if not, it opens it. Thanks in advance Main_Class.C...

Programmatically import a form in Access

I need to write an automatic updater for a MS Access database and I need it to Delete a specific Form and then Import a new one from another database. If possible, how would you accomplish this in C#? ...

MS Access Convert like function to Memo Data Type

I need to use rich text formatting for a field in a report in MS Access in order to use character spacing. In the report, attempting to change the Text Format in the field's properties from Plain Text to Rich Text Produces the error: "The setting you entered isn't valid for this property." I presume that is because the field is not a mem...

Unable to set ComboBox.RowSource on continuous form

I am having trouble setting the row source of a certain combo box on my form (viewed as a continuous form, although I also seem to have some problems in single-form mode). The combo-box is bound to a field called supplierID, and is meant to present the user with a list of all the possible suppliers for an item. The row-source I am usin...