
xml in ms access 2007

Hi I'm trying to add ribbons in ms access 2007 by creating USysRibbons and adding xml code in it: Here is my code: <customUI xmlns="" onLoad="MyOnLoad"> <ribbon startFromScratch="false"> <tabs> <tab id="Tab1" label="My Tabs" insertAfterMso="TabDatabaseTools"> <group id="...

Deleting Duplicates in Access 2003

I have an Access 2003 table with ~4000 records which was made from 17 different tables. Roughly half of these records are duplicates. There is no unique identifying column (id, name etc). There is an id column which was auto filled when the tables were combined meaning that the duplicates aren't completely identical (though this column c...

Problems opening Access Database from Delphi 7

I am developing Delphi 7 application, which is operating with Access Database (MDB format). It works fine on my PC, and some other PCs as well. But on some machines application gives error when trying to access database sometimes, saying something like "Unkown database format (mdb)". Additionally I noticed one thing: When you open that d...

Finding similar sounding text in VBA

My manager tells me that there is a way to evaluate names that are spelled differently but sound similar in the way they are pronounced. Ideally, we want to be able to evaluate a user-entered search name and return exact matches as well as "similar sounding" names. He called the process "Soundits" but I cannot find any info on Google. ...

Close a RecordSet in a form but still display the last data it contained (access 2003)

I'm working on a bit of Access 2003 VBA code that pulls data from a temporary table and shows it in a forms recordset, I then need to delete the temp table but I can't do this until I've disconnected from the Recordset, which removes the data. What can I call instead of Recordset.Close or RecordSource = "" which would keep the data on ...

Microsoft Access 2002 Package Deployment Problem

Hi I've created a split Access database application and used the packaging wizard to create a deployment package. All the files are installed by the deployment package into C:\Documemts and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Provision Manager, this is too avoid Windows Vista not allowing write access to the Program Files directory. T...

Refactoring in Access Queries

so I have inherited an Access DB with different naming conventions applied to tables. It hurts my eyes, and I want to refactor. Code isn't a problem, but what about SQL embedded in the queries? Going to answer my own question crudely now, but can anyone come up with a better method? ...

MS Access - GLOBAL search for keyword (in queries, forms, reports)

[This questions pertains to Access 2003] I need to add an additional criteria (b) to a query wherever another specific criteria (a) is being used, so I need to do a global search for incidences of (a) So, I can do a global search in VBA code, no problem. To look in queries, I can say: SELECT MSysQueries.* FROM MSysQueries WHERE (((MSys...

MS ACCESS query using form to build WHERE clause

I need to be able to read a combo box to determine to column to use for a where clause. Simple example would be SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE [Forms]![frmNameWhatever]![ComboTime] BETWEEN [blah]![blah]![blah] AND [blah]![blah]![blah] blah blah blah works... The first part, right after the where, returns zero rows... Am i using the wrong syn...

Remind me Friday, what I should see on the weekend

I have the following query set up, in various incarcerations, to remind me of contract expirations 0, 7, 30, 60, and 90 days before the confirmed expiration date. My method of calculating the notification date doesn't give me any flexibility. For example, say I have 30 contracts expiring 12/5, a Saturday when my office isn't open. I w...

MS Access 2000: Is it possible to open a connection to query Lotus Notes?

Can I create either an ODBC connection or a connection string in VBA to get into a lotus notes database to pull data out of it? ...

Access SQL query needed to trim down the result

Hi there, I have a table in MS Access database and need to create a query to trim down the result. For example: here is the table: ------------------------------------- search code | relation | environment | ------------------------------------- Server.PRD | installs | Production | ------------------------------------- Server.DEV |...

Access 2007 Wizards won't run

Every time I try to run a Wizard in Access 2007 a dialog box pops up saying the following: The database cannot be opened because the VBA project contained in it cannot be read. The database can be opened only if the VBA project is first deleted. Deleting the VBA project removes all code from modules, forms and reports. You should bac...

MS access update query to update part of string

Hi, I am trying to use an update query to update the first 3 characters of a string. but i am getting a syntax error my query is update table1, table 2 set left(table1.stringfield, 3) = table2.stringfield thankstksy ...

Cannot get data in MS Access database

Hi all, I have an Access database stored on PC A, and an application located on PC B and C. When the application loads the data from the database, the error message "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '\\FolderName\Test.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to...

SQL Join Problem

I'm pretty new to SQL and please bare with me while I explain this as it is quite hard to explain. I have 3 tables: Trip Promotion Promotion Cost. 1 ---- M 1 --------- M Sample data include: TripID TripName Date XYZ123 Hawaii 09/06/09 YTU574 Japan 09/09/09 GHR752 US 11/07/09 PromotionID T...

Recordset returns the correct number of row but with all field empty

hi I have the same copy of access running in 3 cities right now. they work prefectly ok. they are 99% the same with one minor difference. Each of them has two views which use different odbc connection to different cities DB (all these db are SQL 2005). The views act as datasource for some two very simple queries. however, while i tried ...

Access 2007 Date Picker in Ribbon Input Control

I was wondering if there was any way to implement the date picker in Access 2007 as a control in the ribbon. I've already created a custom tab for the ribbon that replaced my main form, but since almost all of the application's functions depend on a start and end date, I still need the user to be able to input these somewhere convenient...

Unique id property value to identify an Access database instance

I have an access 'application' (.adp file), when it opens i have it update an admin database with the username and time open. When it closes it updates the admin database with username time closed - these are sperate records in the events table so it looks like username,dbaction,time bob,open,13:00 gareth,open,13:05 bob,close,14:00 If...

Error on Save a changed row if the change was in a field of type 'Memo'

Hi there, We have a Access-db with linked (odbc) tables on an sql-server. Some times there is a rare problem with one column of a particular row: no more changes in the field of type memo are possible. Changes in other columns of this particular rows are saved as normal. The error-msg goes something like: annother application has chang...