
How Can I Sort an ADO Table on a Fieldname Containing a Space?

I am using Delphi, but this is a simple and general problem: I'm doing the following: var ArticlesTable: TADOTable; begin ArticlesTable.DisableControls; ArticlesTable.Sort := 'CITY'; ArticlesTable.First; while not ArticlesTable.Eof do begin ... ArticlesTable.Next; end; This works very well and allows me to effici...

ssis sql server 2008 for access .mdb database

I want to know how to import .mdb (MS Office 07) file into Sql server 2008 by SSIS. I need to run this ETL packet in such a way that it checks for duplicates, and if any doesnt re-insert them, but only inserts new records. If someone has a tutorial link or can explain here in steps would be very helpful ...

Converting Northwind 2007 to SQL2005 Database

I have recently downloaded the Access 2007 Northwind example database and would now like to convert the database into a SQL 2005 database. I am using the Developer Edition of SQL 2005 and not SQL Express. I installed the Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider drivers for working with Access 2007. So far I have 'created' a n...

MS Access Command Line Args Not Working In Virtual PC

My associate is using Win 7 Pro 64bit, and running an MS Access 2003 application in a Virtual PC (setup as Win XP). It appears that the Access command line arguments are being ignored: both /cmd [myString], and /decompile. Although not a crucial problem, has anyone else come across this - or other MS Access probs whilst running in VPC?...

Calling web service from c++ v6

Hi i have been deploy webservice in . is there will be any problem if i will cal the webservice from c++ (version 6) or Microsoft Access VBA? Thanks ...

Access: Runtime error '2105' "You can't go to the specified record"

Hello I have a button on a form whose purpose is to add a new record to the underlying table. The OnClick Event code for the button looks like me.dirty = false if me.NewRecord then msgBox("new record") else msgBox("not new record") end if doCmd.goToRecord record := acNewRecord The message box is needed to make...

How to compare data file with column in SQL server database?

I am required to compare data in a file with a column in SQL server database. I have been asked to use Microsoft Access to do the same. Additional information: File consists of many lines of text. Amongst the text is the a word that matches the column name of SQL server database. How should go about doing the comparison? If I use MS ...

Access against MySQL or Postgres?

I have a (potential) client who has had several a several Access applications previously developed which they want to upgrade to use a database back end. Unfortunately because of costs they don't want to use SQL Server, and SQL Express is likely inappropriate due to licensing restrictions. They have mentioned using MySQL and an option ...

How can I use hibernate with MS Access?

I want to use hibernate with MS Access. Which dialect should I use and can you give me a sample hibernate configuration file with MS Access? ...

VB6 execution with database is different when stepping through vs running

I've come across a weird scenario with the following code in a vb6 app: Private database As dao.Database Set database = openDaoDatabase([some valid database location], False) createDBField database, "Table", "FirstRow", dao.dbInteger, 0, "0" Public Sub createDBField(targetDB As dao.Database, strTable As String, strField As String, dbT...

Save Image to application Path

I am using access database as backend and with DevExpress as Frontend and i want to save image at Application path and retrive for this can u giv me some idea... ...

Upgrading and Security Implementation (Access 2000-2003 and up)

I’ve been working on a few small scale Access projects that have turned large scale rather quickly. The original designer implemented next to zero security and everyone can just walk in with a simple shift enter, way beyond just a security hole for nuclear submarines to dive through and that has always drove me bonkers. With that said,...

Access Services and SharePoint 2010 - Need Info

I've been asked to research the ability to publish Access solutions directly to SharePoint as demonstrated in the demo below. I'm going to keep searching via Google / Bing - but I thought I'd check here to see if anyone has any good links to information on this feature. ...

Trying to connect Access 07 for use as a front end to a SQL Server 2008 Express database.

Relevant background- I'm a noob working my brains out for over a year into trying to make a database in MS SQL Server 2008 Express with the end idea for the front end being Access. After tons of reading and slaving over my schemas and three major revisions I'm finally ready to connect it to Access and I'm just striking out all around. T...

Writing a C# desktop application that needs to embed an encrypted database. What type of database should I use?

Hey SO'ers, I'm making a C#/WPF app that needs to access a number of tables to generate some of the xaml code I will use in the app. The tables will also contain some floating point numerical data as well. The program is single-user, so the rdbms doesn't have to be very fancy, but the file does need to be encrypted as it will be "shrin...

Calling a Java program from Microsoft Access

I have two programs I need to integrate. One is a Microsoft Access program. The other is a Java program. No flexibility on choice of platform for either one here, these are existing complex programs. The Access program needs at some point to spit out one line of text which the Java program knows how to convert into a code (another line...

Excel or Access

What I am trying to do is make a form in Access and with out having to cut and paste over and over again have it ascend by rank, the problem with this is that lower ranks have letters closer to one if I have a list like this Cpl 4th rank MSgt 8th rank but it is a higher rank then Cpl 1st lt is is like the 11th ranking etc.. yes the 1st...

Access/jet equivalent of Oracle's decode

Is there an equivalent for Oracle's decode() in Access (or Jet, for that matter). The problem I am facing is: I should sort (order) a resultset based basically upon a status and a date (with all records having status = 2) at the end. In Oracle I'd go something like select ... from ... where .. order by decode(status, 2, 0, 1)...

How to transfer my data from MS ACCESS DB to a new SQL SERVER DB?

Hello, I have a contact DB that I created 3 years ago in MS ACCESS. After 1 year learning ASP.NET/C#, I'm comfortable witting application now for my office. So, I would like to create the same application in web (using ASP.NET/C#/SQL SERVER) so that anybody in my department can access. Meanwhile, there are at least 127 contacts, prevent...

Using Microsoft Access with Java without the JdbcOdbc default bridge

Hi, we have to use in our project some legacy Microsoft Access 97/2000 databases with Java. The problem is: we face many problems with the default JdbcOdbc driver which is available on the JDK (memory leaks are the most common issue). So here is my question: is there any other JDBC Driver we could use (open source whould be great) to a...