
SendObject in MSAccess giving errors

I am getting the following error while sending mail using a button in MS access form I am using sendObject to send mail using vba code. The host 'smtp' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: 'pop3', Server: 'smtp', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Erro...

Access Database Pass Through Query?

I have linked Sybase database table with Access 2003. I only have read access to the Sybase database and created a pass-through query in access. Now what I need is, I need to create a temp table in Access with the data output of pass-through query. ...

Login Screen in Access with forms, macros and queriesms-

I have an embarrassing question regarding Access. I can build relational databases in my sleep but I have always used PHP, mySQL and HTML to build my applications. I've hated Access with a passion for various reasons ever since I can remember but now I'm stuck using it for a particular project. I have a number of tables, one of which i...

Excel VBA INSERT INTO statement using variables

I am using an SQL query to insert data from an excel worksheet into an Access database. I put all the data that I want from the worksheet into variables: rwyNumber = Range("b13").Value & Range("c13").Value testDate = Range("b5").Value testTime = Range("b6").Value rwySide1 = Range("b14").Value firstThird1 = Range("b28").Value secondThir...

connect Access via c#

Hi, i need to open a connection to a remote access db. in the local environment to the remote acess db is working great . when i run this application from production server (other server) it's fail with message " It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data. " my code : conStr...

JDBC and MS-Access problem

I'm trying to connect to an MSAccess database and retrieve some data. With simple examples all runs well but if i'm going to use some where clauses i get no data. This example is ok: PreparedStatement stm = con.prepareStatement("SELECT A.* FROM A"); ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery();; The next example get no rows: Prepare...

Export multiple queries to different tables

I need to export; Multiple queries to different tables of ms access database from ms sql. I know it is possible by taking each query and export it to a single table and repeating the same for different queries. What i want to know is... can it be done in one stretch? suppose there are three queries and each query output need to be in...

Connect to a linked table with code

Connect to a linked table with code I have some linked tables from a SQL-server; they are linked with an ODBC connection. The password is not saved with the connection. When I am double clicking on the table in Access table-view I get a prompt for username and password. After entering the password I can view the data in the table. My p...

Checking if OLEDB returned a result from SELECT statement (VB.NET)

In my .NET application I have to get results from a MS Access database. I would like to add error checking to make sure a row was returned from my SELECT statement. How can I make sure a result was returned? Thank you. ...

Programmatically check for Access database corruption?

Is there a way to programmatically check for database object corruption in Access 2003? My development project has gotten complex enough that it's hard to manually check all the objects after a day of programming to see if some small control, form, report, query, or code object has been corrupted somehow. I already have the data split o...

database synchronization - MS Access

I have an issue at the moment where multiple (same schema) access 2003 databases are used on laptops. I need to find an automated way to synchronize the data into a central access database. Data on the laptops is only appended to so update/delete operations wont be an issue. Which tools will allow me to do this easily? What factors wi...

Building SQL strings in Access/VBA

Occasionally, I have had to build a SQL string in VBA and execute it with Docmd.RunSql(). I have always built these strings by concatenating variables into the string, e.g: Dim mysqlstring as String mysqlstring = "INSERT INTO MyTable (Field1, Field2, Field3 ...) VALUES (" mysqlstring = mysqlstring + Me.TextMyField1 + ", " 'parameter com...

Graph on an access form

Hi, I have some code at the moment to draw a graph based on the values of a series of text boxes on an access form. I’m happy with the code and how it works but I’m not convinced that it is the most efficient way of doing this. The graph takes about 1.2 seconds to redraw each time. The form is unbound so it is just getting the values f...

Complicated MS Access Greatest-N-Per-Group problem

I am looking to combine the following queries into one, where scouting.jumpGate is integer, scouting.astroLoc is a string, scouting.ownerguild is a string and scouting.galaxy is a integer that cross-links to another table (and is my GROUP): Select TOP 3 scouting.jumpGate, scouting.astroLoc, scouting.ownerGuild...

MS Access - Can't Open Any More Tables using JdbcOdbcDriver

Hi, at work we have to deal with several MS Access mdb files, so we use the default JdbcOdbcBridge Driver which comes with the Sun JVM and, for most cases, it works great. The problem is that when we have to deal with some larger files, we face several times exceptions with the message "Can't open any more tables". How can we avoid tha...

GUID primary keys and Access Front End

I have a SQL server database with several tables that have GUIDs for primary keys that are automatically generated by SQL newID default value. (I don't want to get into a debate on the pro's and cons of that, that is just how it has to be for now). I am trying to create a basic front end to that in Access (2010 - but the issue seems to ...

How to look up values from a table in Access

I have an Access database that is used to store basic info in a table such as first and last name. How would I go about adding the functionality to lookup by last name? Is there a way to type in the last name and then hit like F12 or something like this? Can someone please point me in the right direction or provide me a link? Thanks ...

Tagging Records in a Continuous Form

In a continuous subform, I display records based on a DISTINCT query. Because it's distinct, each row does not include a record ID. Does anyone know of a way to add a checkbox (or similar), so that a user can select any of the records, which will then be used to create new records via code? I prefer to use a subform to a list, as it fe...

How to populate an access database form with values from a search

I have an Access database that I inherited and am trying to add some search functionality to it. This is simply a database that holds patient records such as name, address, phone etc. What I want to do is search by last name and have the rest of the form populate with the information. It may be worth noting that, for some reason, there ...

ASP running in 64 bits environment with Access database

I have a customer since 2003 running a simple web site built in asp 3.0 with an access database file (.mdb). Recently that customer aquired a new server that came with windows 2003 server 64 bits and the web site doesn´t function any more, showing this message: ADODB.Connection error '800a0e7a' Provider cannot be found. It may not be pr...