
Log in and password using VB6 and Access 2007

I'm trying to create a VB6 application linking to Microsoft Access 2007. I'm going to save account names and passwords in Access 2007. I'm using VB6 as the front end. Would somebody help me on the connection string and the codes to store and check the account names and passwords. ...

PHP/MS Access Question

Hi guys, I need some help figuring out how I should code this. We have this really awful POS program at work (a salon/spa) All the data is stored in a MS Access database. What I am trying to do is create a table like the one here. There will be a seperate table for each of our employees which shows their list of clients and if they h...

Access 97 - external dll gets outdated data - what can i do?

Hello, In my current job i have to fix some issues in an old Access97-application. My last problem is this: Some reports are created with an external dll and sometimes the reports are wrong. They contain data from the previous call or the detail data is missing and so on. If i start the same report without any change on the data the rep...

simple import form in Access

how to create an access form which has import excel file button. and after selecting excel file it automatically creates a table in the database with collumn headers as excel first row and data as excel other rows. if you think i am not putting any effort please give me suggestion or reference and ill do it on my own. ...

Replacement or Migration strategy for Excel/Access

Is there a way of offering the flexibility of Excel/Access development that end users love while instilling centralised IT management so data and logic is secure, backed up, version controlled etc. The common options are to re-write in C#/ASP.Net/Java/Python/Your Choice, but that takes away control from the users. Is there a better way,...

Keeping database structure compatible between MS-Access and SQL Server...

I'm working on a legacy project, written for the most part in Delphi 5 before it was upgraded to Delphi 2007. A lot has changed after this upgrade, except the database that's underneath. It still uses MS-Access for data storage. Now we want to support SQL Server as an alternate database. Still just for single-user situations, although m...

ADO Connection to Access leaves .ldb file behind

I'm writing an MS Outlook (2003) macro which uses an ADO Connection to an Access DB (2003). I am simply opening a connection, getting some records into a Recordset, which I use to populate a grid (but not bind to). I then close the Recordset and Connection and set both to Nothing. Not rocket science is it? But I am getting an infuriatin...

need help on insert new contact into access mdb from delphi

hi all I want to write an app that is an address book and uses a access .mdb file. I know how to insert a new contact into the database, but i do't know how to edit a contact. I put my test project in here Any help is welcomed ...

How to open an .accdb file in Ubuntu?

The development machine I work on has Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope as its operating system. I have been presented with data for a project I'm working on in the form of an .accdb file created by Microsoft Access. I do not own a copy of Microsoft Access. I do have Open Office installed and would be willing to install any software package ava...

Dynamic Access Form

I am creating a dynamic form in Access 2003. Each time the form is opened combo boxes are created based on table of "keywords." My code is having trouble deleting old boxes (or their labels, I'm not sure) and every opening after the first gets hung up on duplicate names (Run-time error '2450'). Secondly, junction table holding the "che...

How to refresh listbox

What's the best way to refresh a list box in MS Access? The way I have tried it doesn't seem to work :-/ This is my current method (onClick event of a button on the same form): Me.orders.Requery I have also tried orders.Requery and Forms!currentOrders.orders.Requery but none of them seem to refresh the list box's contents - I ...

How do I prevent an error 2101 in Access when I have a button to save a record on a form?

Here's something I think should work (and I believe I once had it working) in Microsoft Office Access. I have a single record form with a few bound controls and a button to save the values on the form. The button's OnClick handler is basically a private sub btnSave_Click() me.dirty = false end sub Since I need to check the ente...

VBA Code Stops Working

The following code is called everytime the form is opened. It works great until the 5th opening and then misses deleting one of the controls. Anyone know why this is? For Each cb In Forms(frmName).Controls If cb.ControlType = acCheckBox Then If Left(cb.Name, 3) = "clr" Then DeleteControl frmName, cb.Name ...

How to properly remove all connections to an Access Database

Here's a snippet of VB6 code: myProjectDaoDB.Close FileCopy myName, TempFile where myName is the path of a database. This database is presumably closed in the first line. It seems that simply closing the database is not enough to properly remove all access to database since when I run the program, I get a run-time error of '70': Perm...

Prevent Access from Changing Queries

Hello, Microsoft Access wants to be helpful and change my queries when underlying object (either form or query) does not exist. For example, if I had a query that did the following... SELECT FirstName FROM persons If the persons table does not exist yet, and I import the query, Access will place an "expr: " in front of FirstName si...

SQL Date Interval

I have a table in ms access contains startDate and EndDate, how can i delete a row from the table using SQL when the difference between the two intervals reach 6 months?i don't need to give the date by me, i need it as i'm asking... any help plz? ...

Checking for an SQL result in VB.NET

I need to check if my SQL statement returned any results from the Access db I'm using to store my data. I have this code atm: cn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=D:\Computing Project\database.mdb;") cn.Open() cmd = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM(" & roomvar.ToLower() & ") WHE...

How do I get the values of the RecordSource in an Access combobox

Hello I have a form in Access with a combobox on it. The combobox gets the displayed values through an SQL select statement by means of the RowSource property which is set to something like select description, id_of_table, col_foo from tblTable Since I usually need the selected id_of_table, the property BoundColumn is set to 2. So,...

MS Access: Is there a significant overhead when using CurrentDB as opposed to DBEngine(0)(0)?

from David W Fenton's answer to the SU question Does MS Access 2003 contain a general purpose SQL console The problem with using CurrentDB as your execution object is that it returns a new database object each time you call it My question is: Is there an overhead when using CurrentDb to execute SQL or open a recordset, and should ...

MS Access 2003 - Linking one form to multiple tables, and saving data on click

So I have a form that I want the user to use to update multiple tables with. I do not want the form to be bound to the tables, as I would rather do this with VBA (I think, I don't know). So here is a little table example UserTable UserID First Middle Last Division Title EquipTable EquipID AssignedLaptop Model Barcode SoftTable S...