
msbuild builds always debug

I am trying to build release mode . like that msbuild LP.sln /p:buildmode=release Blockquote but i get always debug . any idea why ? I saw and checked following posts . link text link text thanks a lot . ...

Getting Build URi or Build number of the last build from MSBuild

Hi all, I am trying to create a custom task for MSBuild so that it will send an email to the users that sais that a new version is up on the test server. I go the email part done, what i would like to do is add the work items that are included in this build. I tried the MSBuild extention (used to send the email) but the feature to get...

How can we provide absolute path of file to ApplicationFile?

In my scenario I have created two bootstrappers: With Relative Prerequisites (at the local repository). With HomeSite (download from the vendor's website). Now I have to copy my msi file for both of the bootstrappers in two different locations. So can I just put msi at one location and use it for both the bootstrapper? As it saves h...

Is it possible to access files stored in TFS’s source control from the TFSBuild.proj file before the “Get” build task?

I’m using a few custom MSBuild tasks that are checked into source control. I would like to import these tasks into my TFSBuild.proj file that TFS uses to build the project. Right now I have created a 2nd project file that includes all of the uses of these custom tasks. I do this because I can run this project file after the workspace has...

WPF app builds in vs2k8, but not on command line w/ msbuild

I have a fairly small solution that includes a WPF windows application. It builds perfectly fine when built from the solution. I recently integrated the projects contained within the solution into an existing, much larger command line build that uses MSBuild. When built from the command line, however, I get the following errors: MainWin...

How do you format text in MSBuild?

Specifically, I am looking to zero pad a number to create a string based label. i.e. build 7 into build 007. You can easily add strings together, but in all my searches on formatting, padding, strings, etc... I have not been able to find any references. Example of what I am working with. <PropertyGroup> <FileParserVersion>File ...

CCNet email does not include MSBuild results

We're using CCNet but when an MSBuild task fails, we don't get the MSBuild results (i.e. missing file or whatever reason the compile failed) in the email notification. I do see the build failure on the CCNet website (dashboard). I can see a file called msbuild-results.xml being created in the artifacts folder, so the msbuild ...

MSBuild AfterPublish Target

I want a particular file copied in with the published output of my web project. I tried changing the Build Action to Content and changing the Copy to Output Directory to Copy always. This works fine except that it buries it down in a sub folder the same way it is in the project. I do not want it buried down in a sub folder. I want it si...

How can I access app.config on the BeforeBuild event from a custom MSBuild task?

I've written a custom MSBuild task to generate model code from MSSQL stored procedures. I want to use the same configuration for my task to connect to the database as the application does. I've created a config section that looks like this <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <configSections> <section name="Core...

How do you read a registry value using a custom msbuild task?

I'm creating an MSBuild task that will read the registry for a specific registry key. If I write the same line of code (see below) in a console application, it returns the expected result, but when it is within the MSBuild task, it returns nothing. Return Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Setup\", "...

How do I modify the custom errors of a remote IIS6 website using MSBuild

I'm trying to use "Microsoft.Sdc.Tasks.Web.Website.UpdateHttpErrorSetting" to change the http error messages of a remote IIS website. The documentation for this task in particular is somewhat lacking and I haven't found a way to use it succesfully. I'd like the http 404 error to load a url instead of the default 404b.html file. I've trie...

Encoding of copied file in MsBuild

Hi all: I currently have a set of files which will get copied during build using MsBuild's copy task. The files were initially set to ANSI format. However the copied files turned into UTF-8 format. This caused some major problems with my build process, as I was expecting the copied files to still be in ANSI format. I want the copied...

Change only Revision number in AssemblyInfo.cs with msbuild FileUpdate task

I need to change only the revision number of an AssemblyInfo.cs file. The version number is in the format Major.Minor.Build.Revision e.g. Currently I change the version with the FileUpdate task (from the MSBuild Community Tasks Project) and the following regex: <FileUpdate Files="@(AssemblyResult)" Regex='(\[\s*assembly:\s*Ass...

MSBuild CopyTask: Copying the same file to multiple locations

Is there a way to get the CopyTask to copy the same file to multiple locations? eg. I've generated an AssemblyInfo.cs file and want to copy it across to all my projects before building. ...

Difficult and confusing problem with MsBuild target command when running Jar file

Hi all: I have a strange problem which I would like to hear from all the experienced developers out there... Currently I have a MsBuild file with a target that executes a set of unit tests using a Java jar file. The target looks like this: <Target Name="RunTests" > <MSBuild Projects="MyProject.csproj" /> <Exec ContinueOnError="fa...

Declaring dynamic profile path in MsBuild

Hi all: Currently I'm trying to copy a file to a location inside a user's profile, but hit a problem with declaring dynamic profile name, e.g.: <Target Name="CopyScript"> <MsBuild Projects="JsProject.csproj" /> <Copy SourceFiles="$(ProjectDir)\myScript.js" DestinationFolder="$(systemdrive)\Documents and Settings\$(userProfileNa...

Reading/Capturing DOS input for use in MsBuild

Hi all: How do I capture/read DOS input for use in MsBuild? EDITED for clarification Currently I have 2 files. One batch file, the other is the core.msbuild file which contains the msbuild stuff. I want to be able to capture an extra user input e.g. an output directory, from the windows command prompt (when the build file is execute...

MSBuild ITaskItem RecursiveDir metadata disappears

I have a custom MSBuild task, which processes a set of files and returns a modified subset of this. Basically, I just create a new ITaskItem array out of the input, skipping some items. However, the RecursiveDir metadata disappears when this result set is returned to MSBuild! It is still with the correct values at the end of my custom t...

MsBuild - Is it possible to isolate batch tasks, so one failing task doesn't skip the remaining tasks?

Let me start by example... I have an all.proj that looks similar to this: <ItemGroup> <ProjectsToBuild Include="..\Sites\*\*.csproj" /> </ItemGroup> <Target Name="DeployWebsites" DependsOnTargets="BuildMergedSolutions"> <AspNetCompiler PhysicalPath="%(ProjectsToBuild.RootDir)%(ProjectsToBuild.Directory)" TargetPath="%(Proj...

date format in msbuild script?

In my msbuild script I'm creating a zip file with year/month/day in the zip filename, but month and day are always written with no leading zero. Is there a way to add leading zero to my zip filename? <Time> <Output TaskParameter="Year" PropertyName="Year" /> <Output TaskParameter="Month" PropertyName="Month" /> <Output TaskParame...