
how to update SVN on a folder and build a csproj automatically?

i'm extending my precompiling application by automating the following steps: 1) update the SVN on a folder (we're using TortoiseSVN, unfortunately) 2) do a programmatic build on the csproj after an update was made I would like to know how i can accomplish these in c#? thanks. ...

Could not find conceptual model for type 'ModelType'

Hi, I'm currently trying to deploy a Silverlight app with a RIA services link to a Web Application Project. This app also uses Devart dotConnect for Oracle (an EF system for oracle). When running MSBuild on the csproj file I am getting the error: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\Silverlight\v3.0\Microsoft.Ria.Client.targets(26...

Why Visual Studio doesn't adds AspNetCompiler settings in solution file for configurations different from standard (Release/Debug)?

I have 3 build configurations for my solution: Release, Debug, and Custom. Also I have WebSite (yes, not a WebApplication) project type. By default, when you create WebSite VisualStudio 2008 adds to the solution file following sections: Debug.AspNetCompiler.VirtualPath = "/MyWebSite" Debug.AspNetCompiler.PhysicalPath = "MyWebSite\" Debu...

Gated Checkins in TFS2010

Hello, I wish to utilize the new gated check-in function of TFS 2010. I have about 10 solutions, that all share as a dependency a proprietary shared-code library. My structure is: TeamProj/SharedCode TeamProj/Proj1 TeamProj/Proj2 TeamProj/Proj3 ........ The question I have is, how can I set-off an integration of ALL projects that h...

Microsoft.WebApplication.targets was not found, on the build server. What's your solution?

Trying to build my project on the build server gives me the following error: Microsoft (R) Build Engine Version 4.0.30319.1 error MSB4019: The imported project "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\TeamData\Microsoft.Data.Schema.SqlTasks.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the <Import> declaration is ...

How to prevent the copy of XML documentation files in a release mode build?

I have a Visual Studio 2010 project which references some third-party components. Their assemblies are accompanied by XML documentation files, which are useful for us (and only us) developers. And whenever the project is built (either in Debug or Release modes) these XML files are copied to the build directory. I can't seem to find a se...

Detokenising multiple files using msbuild - property not found error

I have the following piece of code to replace all tokens in a given set of files: (I'm using the msbuild extensions detokenise task). <Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns=""&gt; <UsingTask TaskName="MSBuild.ExtensionPack.FileSystem.Detokenise" AssemblyFile="Extensions/MSBuild....

How to Configure and use web Dash Board In Cruise Control.NET

I Have a single project in my ccnet.config file. I build that project using MSBUILD.exe in .config file. Now I want to see the build results on web Dashboard, But i don't know , how to see and configure dashboard to view the build status. Kindly Help. Thanks ...

VC++ 2010:Can I execute multiple post-build events from multiple props files in one project?

I use prop files to define include directories and linkage for libraries that I want to use. We have a solution with 40+ projects and require different libraries for the different projects. I want to use post-build event to copy the required binaries into my distribution binary folder, but currently only the first prop file post build e...

Run a solution in debug mode if MSBuild compilation is successful from the command line

I am looking to improve my personal development process. I would like to create a batch file or similar that I can run from Windows PowerShell or the plain-old command line that does the following: Compiles my solution (e.g. C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe /m:8 "%CD%\MySolution.sln") If the compilation was successfu...

Getting Wix Votive to register COM objects

Hi. I'm using the Wix 3.5 Votive (visual studio integration) to author an installer for some COM objects. In Votive, setting a project reference pulls in the binaries from that project and automatically generates the Wix source at compile time. This is absolutely great, it is DRY and means I don't have to constantly update the Wix XML. ...

Getting MSBuild and CruiseControl .NET to build and deploy VS2010 database projects

I almost have a NAnt script together that will build and deploy VS2010 database projects, but one error stands in my way: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\TeamData\Microsoft.Data.Schema.TSqlTasks.targets(56,5): error MSB4062: The "SqlBuildTask" task could not be loaded from the assembly Microsoft.Data.Schema.T...

NUnit 2.4.6 unable to find log4n 1.2.10 when launched from NAnt 0.91-alpha2

I have a .NET 3.5 web application, and I am adding Silverlight 4. I can build and test the whole project in VS 2010. My assemblies still targets 3.5. I had to upgrade NAnt from .85 to .91-alpha2 to get the build to work at all, and I had to use an call to msbuild v4.0.30319 rather than NAnt's task. That all works now (though if anyb...

Referencing an msbuild property using the contents of another property

I want to be able to reference an msbuild (3) property using the contents of another property. For example: <PropertyGroup> <SelectVariable>Test</SelectVariable> <TestVariable>1</TestVariable> <FullVariable>2</FullVariable> </PropertyGroup> <Message Text="Value $($(SelectVariable)Variable)"/> In th...

How to manage dependencies between solutions using TFS2010

Hi there, I thinking about switching to TFS2010 for my team. Right now we're using NANT scripts, and I'd like to know how the following issue could be solved with TFS2010. The team is working on a framework which is made of several solutions (.sln). In each solution, we have a "References" folder where we put the assemblies used by the...

Execute Unit Tests using MsBuild command line

I use scripting for this: "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\TF.exe" get $/DmlOnDemmand /recursive /force /noprompt And I build solution .sln call %msBuildDir%\msbuild %solutionName% /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=%buildType% Now, I would like execute all Unit Tests and check all is OK. How can I execute unit t...

In MsBuild, what's the difference between CreateProperty vs PropertyGroup?

It's possible to create properties using either of these methods: <Target Name="A"> <PropertyGroup> <DogSound>Bark</DogSound> </PropertyGroup> </Target> <Target Name="B"> <CreateProperty Value="Bark"> <Output TaskParameter="Value" PropertyName="DogSound"/> </CreateProperty> </Target> But, what's the di...

.Net Build Error in Final Builder

My project is using an Interface to connect some optional code to my main application. It builds and runs fine during development but when I build it on my build machine I get Errors like the one below. ERROR BC30456 in C:\calc{list} Build{Pro}\Trunk\plugin Constant Contact\InfusionLogic.CC\calcListCCListColSWB.vb(94,0) : 'IconCol' is ...

MSBuild: transform paths to namespaces

I have list of items like this: <ItemGroup> <ToCompile Include="clojure\core.clj;clojure\set.clj;clojure\zip.clj;clojure\test\junit.clj;"/> </ItemGroup> And I want to transform that to a list of items like this: clojure.core clojure.set clojure.test.junit Is there a way to do this with MSBuild transforms? I tried b...

How do I prevent IVsBuildPropertyStorage.SetItemAttribute from escaping special characters?

I am working on a Visual Studio 2010 extension and I want to add an attribute to an MSBuild Item, as follows: <EmbeddedResource Include="SomeFile.xml"> <FooAttribute>%(Filename)%(Extension)</FooAttribute> </EmbeddedResource> So, far the only way I found is using the method IVsBuildPropertyStorage.SetItemAttribute . This works ...