
Microsoft CRM 4.0 View: How can I create a complete new one?

I want to create a complete new View for Microsoft CRM 4.0. I don't want to create a custom view and select which columns show. I want to create a view that represent the result of a specific join between my entity and another entity. Is it possible to create it? Thank you! ...

Linking activities to an account in CRM 4.0

I am developing an application using the CRM 4.0 web service interface and need to programatically create a phone call record and link it to an account record. I can see how to create the records but I am not sure how to link the phone call to the account. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Nigel ...

Microsoft CRM 4.0: How to set "valid for update" = 0 for attribute?

I want my attribute to be disabled if the form is in update mode. I tried to export entity xml and edit value ValidForUpdateAPI documented here but it doesn't work: when I import my customizations CRM ignore them! ...

Microsoft CRM 4.0 Announcement: How to customize recipients?

I want to send announcement only to certain recipient in my organization. Is it possible? ...

dynamics CRM performance question

Hello Dynamics CRM gurus :) My boss asked me to do a research on available CMSes on market because cms we are using currently is rather a mess. For me as a .NET developer it would be great to choose and implement Dynamics CRM because of extensibility and perfect integration with .NET environment and well-known tools. All marketing blah...

How do I publish a Dynamics CRM4 plug-in with multiple assemblies?

My plugin DLL is really simple but references fifteen or so other DLLs. How do I register this? ...

CRM view in a iframe now opens in a new window, why?

It has worked for over a year and started opening in a new window. I am not aware of anything changing. I made it following the guide at Stunnware. The code in the page is: <html> <head/> <body class='stage' onload='resultRender.submit()'> <FORM id='resultRender' method='post' action='/ALI/AdvancedFind/fetchData.aspx' target='resultF...

Ms CRM Rename 'More Addresses' in Account and Contact entities

Does anybody know how to rename 'More Addresses' in Account and Contact entities navigation pane? The usual method would be to change the display options in the address/contact or account relationship, but this is read only in this case. ...

MS Dynamics CRM - database GUIDs

I was using the SDK for CRM, and printed out the PK on a bunch of instances of one of our entities. I repeated it with the database's filtered views, and got the same answer: 1a6c691d-391a-de11-8b0e-0050568407cb bd7b0ff0-391a-de11-8b0e-0050568407cb ed272bfe-391a-de11-8b0e-0050568407cb ... and so on ... These don't app...

Scheduled Tasks/plugin on CRM 4.0.

Is it possible to schedule pulgin on CRM. I ‘m trying to create a reminder task activity for an opportunity entity if no there has been no activities in the last week. I would like this to run every week. Thanks in Advance. ...

Count Activities from an opportunity

I have a workflow on an opportunity. I am trying to count the number activities from the opportunity workflow. And use this count on condition within the workflow. ...

Are required fields forced when updating while consuming CrmService?

MSCRM 4.0 When writing plugins, I have assumed that the required fields will always exist either in the Target image or the PreImage image. But recently when coding an external application that consumes the CrmService, I realised that the service will allow a business entity (or dynamic entity) to be created using the 'Create' method, e...

The account of the contact on the order Microsoft CRM 4.0

When I create an order from a contact I want the account of the contact on the regarding field and not the contact. Because of that I created a code in the onload event which works very well. if ( (window.opener != null) && (window.opener.parent != null) && (window.opener.parent.document != null) && (window.opener.pare...

Exporting Data from CRM 4.0 to Excel

What is the best way for a client to export data from CRM 4.0 to Excel? Right now the limit on the number of rows that can be exported is set at 10000? Is there a supported way to increase the limit or is there another way? The client is in a locked down environment so a solution through CRM 4.0 would be ideal. (e.g. export all of th...

CRM: Get children throws exception on no children

We're using MSCRM Dynamics, and we're trying to get all the children of a particular user. (A user has a manager, the manager has 'children'.) The following works, but throws an exception if the user has no children. This seems logical at first, maybe, but why not just return an empty set? And of all things, it throws a SoapException wit...

Why does my CRM workflow steps run individually but not when two steps exist?

I have created a custom workflow activity that copies attachments from a case to an email, both supplied as Lookup parameters. I installed the workflow assembly, created a case with attachments and an email. I then used the workflow design to create a new workflow with one step that runs my custom activity. The attachments copied nicely....

error 401 calling crm4 webservice

I have this code that works in a unit test but doesn't work when executed in the context of a plugin. What the code does is try to create a lead by calling the crm4 webservice. When the plugin executes I get the following exception: "HTTP status 401: Unauthorized" This is the code that initialises an instance of the webservice CrmAuth...

Can Primary-Keys be re-used once deleted?

0x80040237 Cannot insert duplicate key. I'm trying to write an import routine for MSCRM4.0 through the CrmService. This has been successful up until this point. Initially I was just letting CRM generate the primary keys of the records. But my client wanted the ability to set the key of a our custom entity to predefined values. Potential...

Add columns in Article view in MS Dynamics CRM 4.0

The Article entity in MS Dynamics CRM 4.0 doesn't appear to be customizable. Is there any way to add some columns to the view that shows the list of article (without doing an Advanced Find)? I'd like to see the Created By and Created On attributes in there. ...

MS CRM 4 - Custom name for entity lookup link

When I have a custom entity Referral, the primary attribute is a refid and this is what shows up in associated views (as the link text that opens Referral form). I need to change this name to something that is generated from entity attributes). Something like: Referral.ToString() { return + " " + ref.first_name + " " + ref.last_n...