
What are the causes and solutions to a CS0122 error when sending onto an MSMQ queue from C#?

Having created a System.Messaging.MessageQueue using the MessageQueue(string queuePath) constructor, attempting to use MessageQueue.Send(obj) results in a 'Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1)' exception with the additional text: 'error CS0122: 'System.__ComObject' is inaccessible due to its protection level'. The queue itsel...

wcf and duplex communication

I have a lot of client programs and one service. This Client programs communicate with the server with http channel with WCF. The clients have dynamic IP. They are online 24h/day. I need the following: The server should notify all the clients in 3 min interval. If the client is new (started in the moment), is should notify it immediate...

stock exchange software

Hi, Does anybody knows how several tens of display screens are refreshed each second in stock exchange buildings? Of course the server pushes the data to each screen, bud is this custom technology or some well known technology like example MSMQ ? Are there any study papers, books or something for the architecture of this kind of softw...

Biztalk - how do I set up MSMQ load balancing and high availability ?

Hi, From what I understand, in order to achieve MSMQ load-balancing, one must use a technology such as NLB. And in order to achieve MSMQ high-availability, one must cluster the related Biztalk Host (and hence the underlying servers have to be in a cluster themselves). Yet, according to Microsoft Documentation, NLB and FailOver Cluste...

msmq binding wcf

I have some messages in my queue. Now I notice that after 3 tries the service host faults. Is this a normal behavior? Where does the 3 times comes from? I thought it came from receiveRetryCount. But I set that one to 1. I got 20 messages in my queue waiting to be processed. The WCF operation that is responsible to process the message s...

MSMQ private queue size limit

Hi, I am trying to put messages in a private queue defined on my local computer, but the queue size cannot exceed 8 MB. I am getting an exception every time after that size is reached. The size for the specific queue is set at 10 GB. I am running Windows 7 Professional. Is there a limitation because of that? ...

NServicebus DNS Entry for Machine location

Hi Guys, I am trying to use a DNS entry for my NServicebus queue endpoint but no messages are being sent. It works fine when I enter the computer name or an IPAddress. I can ping the record and it resolves correctly so i'm wondering if it is possible to use a DNS record? Here is my config: <MessageEndpointMappings> <!--These are the ...

How do I subscribe to a MSMQ queue but only "peek" the message in .Net?

We have a MSMQ Queue setup that receives messages and is processed by an application. We'd like to have another process subscribe to the Queue and just read the message and log it's contents. I have this in place already, the problem is it's constantly peeking the queue. CPU on the server when this is running is around 40%. The mqsvc.e...

nServiceBus with large XML messages

Hello, I have read about the true messaging and that instead of sending payload on the bus, it sends an identifier. In our case, we have a lot of legacy apps/services and those were designed to receive the payload of messages (xml) that is close to 4MB (close MSMQ limit). Is there a way for nService bus to handle large payload and persis...

WCF MSMQ consumer thread count

What's the best way to configure the maximum number of threads that can pull messages from an MSMQ queue, using a netMsmqBinding in WCF? For example, say I have an MSMQ service for which I only want to have 2 (or 10, or whatever number of) worker threads pulling messages off at a time. ...

How to use MSMQ in WCF?

I can work with many WCF bindings, except netMsmqBinding. All I get is: CommunicationObjectFaultedException: "The communication object, System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state." at System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject.Close(TimeSpan timeout) I tried it in...

how to send email when maxretries reached in nservicebus MSMQ

Hi, I have a .net service that processes messages. For any failures, i use log4net and write to a file. I added an SMTP appender for this. The issue is that I only want to send one email when something goes wrong. The MaxRetries in my app.config is set to 5 and this is correct, 5 errors are logged in the log4net file but 5 emails are al...

Message queue 'number of messages' is always 0.

I am trying to send messages to MSMQ on Windows 7 using C#. The code is as below: using(var q = new MessageQueue(".\Private$\hellomsmq")) { q.Send(new Message()); } But when I refresh in Computer Management the 'number of messages' (Message Queuing/Private Queues/hellomsmq) stays at 0. I did not get any exceptions/errors while per...

How do I detect a connection break using MessageQueue

My application written in C# makes use of the MessageQueue class in .NET for communicating messages with another remote application and the MessageQueue should always be "connected" (heartbeat present) with the remote messageQueue under all circumstances. If it is not "connected", then it signals that something is wrong and my applicatio...

MSMQ first Message.Body in queue is OK, all following Message.Body in queue are empty

I send a handful of identical (except for Id#, obviously) messages to an MSMQ queue on my local machine. The body of the messages is a serialized XElement object. When I try to process the first message in the queue, I am able to successfully de-serialize the Message.Body object and save it to file. However, when trying to process the ...

Subscribing to MSMQ over the internet

I haven't been able to find a clear answer to this problem. Is there a good way to subscribe to a MSMQ through the internet? Ideally I need security both in authentication and encryption for this connection. But I would like the subscriber to act just like any other client that would be subscribed on the local network. I believe I have a...

How to research unmanaged memory leaks in .NET?

I have a WCF service running over MSMQ. Memory gradually increases over time, indicating that there is some sort of memory leak. I ran the service locally and monitored some counters using PerfMon. Total CLR memory managed heap bytes remains relatively constant, while the process' private bytes increases over time. This leads me to b...

NServiceBus Testing Framework and NAnt Issue?

Hi Guys, This is my first post here, and I'm new to NService Bus world. After play around for a couple days, and found that it's really powerful framework to creat service and easy to use. :) Now, I came across a small question. I created a project which uses NServiceBus, it got normal message handlers and Saga handlers. And also I c...

What is the point of sending timeouts to a different queue and host in nservicebus?

I notice the default config/recommendation of the timoutmanager is running it in its own host and pointing to its own queue. Is it simply for performance? ...

NServiceBus & MSMQ: How To Change the Default Permissions on the Queue?

My team is on our first attempt at using NServiceBus (v2.0), using MSMQ as the backing storage. We're getting stuck on queue permissions. We're using it in a Web Forms application, where the user account the website runs under is not an administrator on the machine. When NServiceBus creates the MSMQ queue, it gives the local administr...