
Generate word 2003 document

I have data in XHTML and plain text in SQL Server 2005. I need to generate a Word 2003 document from this data. I was thinking of using Word XML 2003 to do this. Are there any good tools to generate Word XML 2003? ...

AD People Picker for Word 2007?

Is it possible to use a people picker within a field in Word 2007, in order to populate the document with known values from AD user objects? ...

How would I link to a chm file topic from a Word 2007 document?

Is there a way to link to a chm file, and therein to a certain topic, from a Microsoft Word docx document? Something in the lines of: "For more information about this Property see [link ref="./SomeDirectory/somedocument.chm!Sometopic.Somesubtopic" text="MyClass.MyProperty"] ...

SharePoint and Office Open XML interaction question

Hi all, I've been frustrated by this for the entire weekend, plus a day or two, so any help would be significantly appreciated. I'm trying to write a program that can programmatically go into a SharePoint 2007 doc library, open a file, change the contents of the file, then put the file back. I've gotten all but the last part of this do...

Use reference to dynamically created control in Word VBA

I am writing a form in Word 2003 to collect multiple responses to a single question. I have a macro on a button press which duplicates the various input fields (drop-down boxes, radio buttons etc.) ready for a new response. However, I need to change the text of the radio buttons, and set the OnChange event on a combobox, and I can't fin...

Adding Custom Autotext for MS Word

I need to know how to add a custom, dynamic Autotext entry for Microsoft Word. I want to be able to Insert>Autotext>Header/Footer>"Last Friday" and have last Friday's date show up in the spot and keep it updated like inserting the Date Autotext updates each time the document is opened. I have the VB code necessary to compute last Frida...

What is the best format to use when creating a mail list for use in a Word 2007?

I'm writing a web app (Java) which allows users to select contacts. The contacts details can be downloaded (currently in CSV format) and used to perform a mail merge in Word 2007. I would like to use a format which is a bit more 'robust' than CSV. Those of you in non-English areas will know the comma/semicolon problems! Which format wo...

Easiest way or Best tools to convert word text to clean (X)HTML

This might have been asked in another way. I am not doing it on the fly however. Once in a while we get pieces of content in word files that have em dashes, bold, italic text and block quotes. Is there a good tool to convert this into a clean html code. Otherwise what other approaches people take. ...

Make Word's Cursor Type (Or More Text Insert) in Non-Italic After Turning Text Italic

Hello, When I perform the following code: Dim italicSaveRange As Word.Range Dim savedItalic As Variant Dim someRange As Word.Range Set italicSaveRange = someRange.Duplicate italicSaveRange.Collapse (WdCollapseEnd) savedItalic = italicSaveRange.Italic someRange.Italic = True italicSaveRange.Italic = savedItalic I expected that any te...

Troubleshooting: Can't find a referenced unmanaged dll when invoking custom code via a Word code-behind

Context: I have a WPF App that uses certain unmanaged DLLs in the D:\WordAutomation\MyApp_Source\Executables\MyApp folder. I can double click the exe and everything runs. Next I have a Word 2007 code-behind project, that references relevant managed DLLs in the above folder and tries to do the same thing.. bring up the App UI. After ...

Word 2008 macro to SVN ADD current document

I want to invoke "svn add" on the current Word 2008 document. I've got a shell script that'll svn commit it later. I don't want that shell script to indiscriminately svn add files so I'd like to be able to do it from a button in Word 2008 tied a macro or appleScript. ...

Programatically opening an xml file in MS Word

I'm opening an xml file in Microsoft Word 2007 using C#. I'm using an xsl file to define the layout which worked up to the point that I needed to include an image. I used the typical src html tag and the image displays when the xml is viewed in ie but not when it's opened in Word. I get the image place holder so I can only assume Word si...

Is there a way to generate word documents dynamically without having word on the machine

I am planning on generating a Word document on the webserver dynamically. Is there good way of doing this in c#? I know I could script Word to do this but I would prefer another option. ...

Clearing \listlevel status in RTF

I am outputting RTF from a word processor component. This is working well, but there is a specific situation that is failing in that it causes Word 2000 to corrupt the document. Word 2007 is fine with the RTF though, which implies they fixed something. However, I need to be able to output RTF which will work with any version of Word. Th...

Microsoft Word protecting styles using VBA and the "Protect Document" feature.

I am trying to limit the styles a user can use in a Word 2003 document. I am doing this by using the "Protect Document" feature. For my situation I may need to use VBA but I am not sure. After I protect the document, I can no longer apply a style to just a single word without it changing the style for the whole paragraph. For example ...

Extracting equations and images from Word

Is there a programmatic way to extract equations (and possibly images) from an MS Word document? I've googled all over, but have yet to find anything that I can sink my teeth into and work from. If possible, I'd like to be able to do this with VB.NET or C#, but I can pick up enough of any language to hack out a DLL. Thanks! EDIT: Rig...

TinyMCE - Pasting from word

I'm trying to configure TinyMCE so that it accepts pasting from Microsoft Word and cleans it up in an expected HTML hierarchy. Most of our editorial staff use a single line break to denote a line break and a double return to indicate a paragraph. However, MS Word's output puts the next line in a separate paragraph (unless you shift-ent...

Is there anything that will do syntax highlighting that I can put into a word document?

I'm going to be including some code in a word document. Specifically some sql statements but this question applies to any sort of language. I'd like to make the code look a bit nicer and easier to read with some highlighting. Is there any tool that will do syntax highlighting on some code and allow me to copy the result into msword? Pre...

How do I extract Word documents from data recovered from USB device?

I have been able to copy the raw data from an otherwise inaccessible USB drive into a monolithic file of about 250MB. Somewhere in that blob of bytes are about 40 Word documents. Where do I find documentation about the internal structure of Word documents such that I can parse the byte-stream, recognise where a Word doc starts and fin...

VS 2008 Open Word Document - Memory Error

I am executing the following code that worked fine in a vs2003(1.1) but seems to have decided otherwise now that I'm using vs2008(2.0/3.5): Dim wordApp As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application Dim wordDoc As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value wordApp = New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word....