
git push validation from windows sets author to unknown

Hello, I have recently setup a new gitosis in my private network on ubuntu server. All other clients in network are windows xp machine except one linux client I have following setup in gitosis.conf: [group MyProjectTeam] writable = MyProjectRepo members = user1 user2 user3 I have also placed, and key fi...

GitHub noobian, should I install msysGit or Cygwin?

I intend to use GitHub with Git Extensions and possibly integrate with FogBugz (optional). Looking at the download page and reading some rather technical half related questions I wanted to see what you thought would be better to install on Windows 7, given I want to integrate with Visual Studio 2008 (thinking this would be through GitEx...

'git clone' with msysGit on Windows not working

I have installed msysGit on several of my computers and only have problems on one particular computer (my main work computer of course). 'git clone' does not work. When I run the clone command on a repository, this occurs: C:\Projects>git clone git://[user]/[project].git Initialized empty Git repository in C:/Projects/[projec...

Setup a Git server with msysgit on Windows

My friends and I are trying to setup Git for Windows using the tutorial Git Server: Gitosis and Cygwin on Windows, but we just keep running into problems. What would a "Setup Git Server" guide for Windows using msysgit be like? There is a comment in the tutorial above suggesting it can't be done with msysgit because gitosis requires t...

msysgit troubles

Hi, So I seem to have some real issues setting up msysgit. I can connect via putty to my SSH directory using ssh://user@host:port And I have the correct keys. I can also do this using plink via the plink -P PORT user@host -i /path/to/private_key.ppk When I attempt to run (via TortiseGIT) or via a git bash git clone ssh...

How can I get git and copSSH to look in the correct directory for keys?

I just installed copSSH for Windows. When I boot it up I get a directory C:\copSSH\home\Nick\.ssh which has my pub and private key it. When I access this directory via a Cygwin bash window using ssh user@host I get happily logged in. However, when I open a git bash window with git clone ssh://user@host it tries to access ...

Trying to fix line-endings with git filter-branch, but having no luck

I have been bitten by the windows/linux line-ending issue with git. It seems, via github, msysgit, and other sources, that the best solution is to have your local repos set to use linux-style line endings, but set core.autocrlf to true. Unfortunately, I didn't do this early enough, so now every time I pull changes the line endings are ...

How can I get my git (msysgit on windows) post-commit script to invoke my python script as python rather than bash?

I wrote a post commit script in python, "c:\myfolder\". I want to invoke it from the post-commit script. This doesn't find it: #!/bin/sh c:\myfolder\ bash thinks the command - the slashes get dropped. So, I tried forward slashes: #!/bin/sh c:/myfolder/ But then it seem...

How can I shell out of an ASP.NET page and execute a git command?

I want my ASP.NET page to shell out and execute git commands. I put the commands in a bat file which works: REM cd to the git repo folder cd c:\temp\mygitrepo "c:\Program Files\Git\Bin\git.exe" show c090dc4b8b1b3512c1b5363c371e21d810d02f54 -- myfile.txt If I run my .bat file from a cmd prompt, no problem. If I run it using System.Di...

SSH Private Key Permissions using Git GUI or ssh-keygen are too open

Recently I've been unable to clone or push to github, and I'm trying to find the root cause. This is on windows I have cygwin + git as well as msysgit. Msysgit was installed with the following options: OpenSSH Use Git from Windows Command Prompt That gives me 4 environments to try to use git in: Windows cmd prompt Powershell Git...

Is there an easy way to change to previously active branch?

I'm using git (in fact, msysgit) 1.6.4 on Windows. Most of the time I'm doing work in some feature branches. Every now and then, I want to hop back to master to cherry-pick one particular commit I did in my feature branch - usually because it's a useful bugfix which makes sense even without the feature. My workflow is like this - if this...

Problem with git on windows ... pushes don't complete/timeout

Git works fine on my dev box, but ever so often, I'll go to push something to the repository and it will go through the motions like its actually pushing, but then it will get stuck like this $ git push origin master Counting objects: 9, done. Delta compression using up to 2 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done. Writing obje...

How do I use Notepad++ (or other) with msysgit?

How do I use Notepad++ (or any other editor besides vim) with msysgit? I tried all of the following to no avail: git config --global core.editor C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe git config --global core.editor "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" git config --global core.editor C:/Program Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe ...

Exporting / Archiving changed files only in Git

This probably very simple, but I can't seem to find clear instructions (and I'm new to Linux/Git); Is there a simple way to export / archive only the changed files from a given commit or series of commits in git? I am using msysgit, and for the most part I'm fine with deploying entire repositories but in many cases it's much more effici...

tortoise git connect to remote git repo (not github)

I have a git branch on my production server which is centos. I am trying to connect to it from tortoisegit on my windows machine but it doesn't seem to be working. I install msysgit, tortoisegit and already have putty. once installed i created a folder on desktop, right clicked, then clicked on Git Clone..., put the remote server's user...

Using Repo with Msysgit

When following the Android Open Source Project instructions on installing repo for use with Git, after running the repo init command, I run into this error: /c/Users/Andrew Rabon/bin/repo: line 23: exec: python: not found I've downloaded repo and put it in ~/bin like it says, and I've installed Python. I wonder what the issue cou...

Git integration in visual studio broken

using visual studio 2008, 9.0.30729.1 SP1 Installed (msys) git, git versin, git-gui i have the GIT menu in the menu bar, and git icons in the toolbar, but clicking them doesn't have any effect any more. It worked before, on my previous laptop. But that was probably a (little) older git version, and m...

How can I find out which files have been modified in a branch?

I have two branches: master and bug1. I checked out bug1, did bunch of changes and multiple commits. How do I get a list of all files that were changed on the branch? I'm not interested in hashes, dates or any other commit related details. I just want to get a simple list of touched files. ...

mingw + python eagerly translating path

I am using: Windows XP Python 2.6.2 (standard install from git version (installed from I have an environment variable looking like an absolute path (/path/to/dir) but I'm using it to construct a git URL. At some point, it's getting translated to C:/Program Files/G...

use Winmerge inside of Git to file diff

Is there a way to use Winmerge inside of Git to do Diffs? Thanks ...