
GIT: clone works, remote push doesn't. Remote repository over copssh.

Hi all, I've "setup-a-msysgit-server-with-copssh-on-windows", following Tim Davis' guide and I was now learning how to use the git commands, following Jason Meridth's guide, and I have managed to get everything working fine, but now I can't pass the push command. I have set the server and the client on the same machine (for now), win7-...

Does using msysgit lead to repository corruption?

While stumbling through the chromium code documentation, I came across this post: If you are using msysgit, you are asking for trouble. Using both msysgit (including TortoiseGit) and cygwin's version of git is a path to lead to repository corruption so it's safer to s...

Msysgit bash is horrendously slow in Windows 7

I love git and use it on OSX pretty much constantly at home. At work, we use svn on Windows, but want to migrate to git as soon as the tools have fully matured (not just TortoiseGit, but also something akin the really nice Visual Studio integration provided by VisualSVN). But I digress... I recently installed msysgit on my Windows 7 m...

msysGit: Why does git log output blank lines?

It appears to insert less blank lines the closer I type the command to the bottom of the terminal window. If I type it at the top of the terminal window, it inserts nearly a full window height of blank lines; if I type it at the very bottom, no blank lines are inserted. It seems like the pager program is pushing output to the bottom ...

Error using the :GDiff command of fugitive.vim using gvim for windows and msys git

I've been using git along with fugitive.vim to manage code when I'm on windows. However, I've run into a problem. According to the documentation, the :GDiff command should a diff window and allow me to stage only parts of a file. However, when I issue the command in a file with changes, I get the following error message: Is this a prob...

Why a different SHA-1 for the same file under windows or linux?

Why on the same machine computing the SHA-1 hash of the same file produces two completely different SHA-1 hashes in windows and inside a msysgit Git bash? Doesn't the SHA-1 algorithm was intended to produce the same hash for the same file in all OSes? On windows (with HashCheck): File hello.txt 22596363b3de40b06f981fb85d82312e8c0ed511...

How can I move my Dynamic Data folder?

I accidentally moved my Dynamic Data folder into my Images folder. The project still compiles, but it's just not right. However, when I try to move it back to the root in Visual Studio, I get an error that the destination folder already exists. If I move Dynamic Data back to the root outside of Visual Studio, the project no longer com...

Stage untracked files for commit without staging tracked file changes

Oftentimes, when using git, I find myself in this situation: I have changes to several files, but I only want to commit parts of them. I have added several untracked files, which I want to track and commit. Solving the first part is easy; I run: git add -p Then, I choose which hunks to stage, and which hunks remain in my working t...

How do I set GIT to use Plink.exe

I'm trying to configure Git to use Plink, now for some reason this option isn't available to me I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Git a hundred times I can't get to this option ...

How to export all changed/added files from Git?

Hi all! I am very new to Git and I have a slight problem. In SVN [this feels like an Only Fools and Horses story by uncle Albert.."during the war..."] when I wanted to update a production site with my latest changes, I'd do a diff in TSVN and export all the changed/added files between two revisions. As you can imagine, it was easy to g...

Git diff gone mad?

I'm trying to figure out what's going on with my local Git repo. I edit a file. Git reports everything has changed in the file (I only changed one line) At first I think "must be a newline problem", but it's not. I do a diff in TortoiseGit, everything looks fine. I do a diff with Netbeans (git plugin), everything seems fine. I do a res...

Git on windows, is it truly distributed?

I am just starting out with git on the Windows platform. I have mysygit installed and bar a few hiccups I am 'git'ing away nicely. However, I must be missing something because I don't understand how two msysgit clients on different Windows machines can push and pull to each other directly? I am a complete linux noob but I think I can ...

Problems cloning a git repository (Newbie problems)

Hi there, Trying to set-up a git server on my local dev machine and have been following this website so far but am a little stuck when trying to clone a repository. In git bash, here's my output: $ git clone ssh://[email protected]:4837/ssh/home/Administrator/project1.git Initialized empty Git repository in C:/Git/project1/....

Git push origin master returns Error cannot spawn ... why?

I'm trying to use GitHub for the first time, but after many issues trying to get the authentication right, I've managed to authenticate with [email protected] and created a repo, but when i try "git push origin master" i get the following error: $ git push origin master error: cannot spawn : No such file or directory fatal: unable to fork ...

How to use my changes for merge in git?

How do I force "my changes" when merging in git? Someone put all bin directories in git and now I have a terrible merge conflict :( Now it says the following: When you have resolved this problem run "git rebase --continue". If you would prefer to skip this patch, instead run "git rebase --skip". To restore the original branc...

Make git track data that is scattered across the disk

My project is set up so that I have source code and configuration files separate folders. For clarity, here is the basic folder structure: C:\SourceCode C:\ConfigFiles1 C:\ConfigFiles2 C:\ConfigFiles3 This causes a problem because I want to track all of these folders using Git. Git, on the other hand, seems to want every tracked fil...

Different between msysgit and cygwin + git ?

Hello What is the different between msysgit and cygwin + git? Now I'm use msysgit, but i don't like the Git Bash (you can't resize or copy/paste) and think about to change to cygwin, because then I could use mintty. ...

Git: How do I set up SSH keys to access my remote repository from a second computer?

I have a git repository on Unfuddle, and a Windows machine I'm using with msysgit. I set up an SSH key on that machine using ssh-keygen, which gave me some key files. I copied the contents of the public key file into my personal settings in my Unfuddle account, and that works fine. So what do I need to do to get it working on a second...

Case typo on path in msysgit

I went out to my github repo and discovered that I had inadvertently added files to msysgit with a typo. Instead of adding files to a directory called "Domain", I added them to "DOmain". I tried git mv, but the path is case-insensitive in Windows and the move fails. What's the best way to resolve an issue like this? ...

Hudson Git Plugin not working on windows

I have msysgit installed with OpenSSH option. In Git bash, I can run ssh-agent, and it manages the passphrase for my ssh key. Is it possible for the Hudson Git plugin to use ssh-agent? Currently, it hangs when trying to clone, no doubt waiting for the passphrase to be entered. Thanks! ...