
How to extract private keys from an ssh-agent?

ssh-add -l displays that I have 3 RSA keys added to my SSH agent. ssh-add -L displays the public keys. How do I get the private keys as well, so that I can save them to a file? Or is it by design that this is impossible, i.e. ssh-agent can be asked to do operations using the private key, but it will never return the key itself? If it is ...

Hudson Git Plugin not working on windows

I have msysgit installed with OpenSSH option. In Git bash, I can run ssh-agent, and it manages the passphrase for my ssh key. Is it possible for the Hudson Git plugin to use ssh-agent? Currently, it hangs when trying to clone, no doubt waiting for the passphrase to be entered. Thanks! ...

Add private key permanently with ssh-add on Ubuntu

I have a private key protected with a passowrd to access a server via SSH. I have 2 linux (ubuntu 10.04) machines and the behavior of ssh-add command is different in both of them. In one machine, once I use "ssh-add .ssh/identity" and entered my password, the key was added permanently, i.e., every time I shutdown the computer and log...

getting ssh-agent to work with git run from windows command shell

Hello! I have msysgit installed, with OpenSSH. I am connecting to a gitosis repo. From the git bash, I have created a .profile file that runs ssh-agent (if not already running) each time git bash is opened. Here is my script: I am also using git extensions, which runs the git com...

strange ssh issues with github

Scenario 1. I am doing this from /home/deploy directory I am trying to set up ssh with github for capistrano deployment. this has been an absolute nightmare. when I do ssh [email protected] as the deploy account I get Permission denied (publickey). so may be the key is not being found, so If I do a ssh-add /home/deploy/.ssh/id_rsa Co...