
vbCrLf in Multiline TextBox shows up only when .Trim() is called

I have an ASP TextBox with TextMode set to MultiLine. I'm having problems with preserving the vbCrLf characters when a user tries to put line breaks into the text. When a button on the page is pressed, I'm taking the text from the control, trimming it using String.Trim, and assigning that value to a String property on an object (which, i...

Using or in multiline sed replacement

hi folks I'm confused with a seeming simple part of sed - the or statement. I wrote the following sed which parses an event file with multiple events encapsulated between event tags and then prints the output of each event on 1 line each: machinename:~$ sed -n "/<event/,/<\/event>/ {/<result/{s/.*result value=\" \(.*\)\"\/>.*/\1/g; p};...

attach event to sharepoint multiline textbox having text type "Enhance Rich Text"

Hi All, I have to attach OnKeyPress event to the SharePoint multiline column with text type as "Enhance Rich Text". Following is the jscript code that I am using <script> var ele=document.getElementById(inpID); if(ele!=null){ ele.onkeypress=function(){calLen(this);}; } function calLen(obj) { if(obj.value.lengt...

Does Perl have the equivalent of Python's multiline strings?

In Python you can have a multiline string like this using a docstring foo = """line1 line2 line3""" Is there something equivalent in Perl? ...

Java: How to display a multi-line ToolTip with AWT?

Hi, I wrote an application and now I'm making a tray-icon. Now I want to set a multi-line tooltiptext to the tray-icon. But I don't know how. I know how to do this with Swing: component.setToolTipText("<html>Line 1<br>Line2</html>"); But this doesn't work with AWT. Also serarating lines by \n doesn't work. I'm running on linux: Ubu...

can I have multiline text with GD and PHP?

hello! I'm trying to output multiline text with GD+PHP but can't get it working. my php knowledge is really basic. here's the code, any idea on how to output 2 or 3 lines of text? $theText = (isset($_GET['caption']))? stripslashes($_GET['caption']) :''; imagettftext($baseImage, $textSize, $textAngle, $textXposition, $textYposition, $te...

HOW TO SElect line number in TextBox Multiline

Hi all, I have large text in System.Windows.Forms.TextBox control in my form (winforms), vs 2008. I want find a text, and select the line number where I've found that text. Sample, I have fat big text, and I find "ERROR en línea", and I want select the line number in textbox multiline. string textoLogDeFuenteSQL = @"SQL*Plus: Releas...

What is a way to fill a multiline editbox with line of text.

What im after is a greyed out editbox you see at the bottom of some programs. A list of results. Im having problems having the text properly formatted. so starting from scratch, how is it usually done? The filling of the half page sized editbox with text. one big long string with line breaks? Results->Text = System::Convert::ToString...

New line or Carraige Return syntax problems

Im pretty new to coding, heres my problem. Results->Text = "G55 > Y" + System::Convert::ToString(destY); "Results" is a System.Windows.Forms.Textbox "multiline btw", or so says VS. That line works fine, but i need a "new line or CR" at the end, so that i can repeat that line with different Literals and a different var in ToString. F...

How do I save a macro consisting of multiple search and replace into my .vimrc

I have a macro that I use to replace special characters for its html entities. I would like to save it in my .vimrc. According to this, I should use let @r=' *macro_text_goes_here* '. The problem is that my macro is a series of search and replace, something like this: :%s:á:\&aacute;:Ige :%s:é:\&eacute;:Ige :%s:í:\&iacute;:Ige So, I'...

Textarea (asp:Textbox TextMode="Multiline") overlapping buttons

Hi all, I'm having this problem with form buttons overlapping an asp:Texbox with TextMode set to multi-line: Here is the code: <asp:Panel ID="pnlGiftStep" Visible="false" runat="server"> <img src="/images/shopping-cart/form-separator.png" alt="separator" /> <div class="form-title">GIFT OPTIONS</div> ...

How do you prevent a multiline textbox from scrolling when text is added?

I have a multiline TextBox called Console. While running, this textbox is being filled up with some communications data. I use TextBox.AppendText("txt\r\n"); to add a line to it and that allows me to have it autoscroll down. My problem is I want to be able to not have it autoscroll down. So I thought I would try TextBox.Text += "...

How to enter a multi-line command

Is it possible to split a Powershell command line over multiple lines? In Visual Basic I can use the underscore "_" to continue the command in the next line. ...

Click event for multiline textbox

This is for a multiline textbox on an site. I can use either a html control or a an control but what I want to do is somehow recognize which line is being clicked - preferably server-side so that it works without javascript but a jquery solution would be fine as well. After the line is clicked I need to take the text from...

match and replace multiple newlines with a SED or PERL one-liner

I have an input C file (myfile.c) that looks like this : void func_foo(); void func_bar(); //supercrazytag I want to use a shell command to insert new function prototypes, such that the output becomes: void func_foo(); void func_bar(); void func_new(); //supercrazytag So far I've been unsuccessful using SED or PERL. What didn't w...

Multi-line buttons in HTML

If the width of a button element isn't wide enough to contain the button text Firefox and Chrome give the button more height, IE (v7 at least) will just cut off. How can I make IE expand the height to contain the text? Ideally just using CSS. I've tried explicitly giving IE7 a height that makes the button bigger but it still just displ...

convert textbox to multiline with jquery

I have a single line textbox. I want to with jquery convert it to multiline but control how many lines that are added to it. I want to also be able to limit the number of characters on each line. Any ideas how I can do this with jquery? EDIT: Yes what I meant by textbox was <input type="text"> EG. <input type="text" value="" name="t...

how to print a section of file between two regular expressions only if a line within the section contains a certain string within it

Hi I have a file of events that has multiple multi lined events between <event> and </event> tags. I want to print out the entire event From <event> to </event> only if a line within that event contains either the string uniqueId="1279939300.862594_PFM_1_1912320699" or uniqueId="1281686522.353435_PFM_1_988171542". The file has 100000 eve...

sed extract data from dos text file convert to csv

I need to pull RAM information from several cpuz reports and put them into a csv for reporting reasons. below is an example text file (snipped) which contains the text i want to extract. I want to extract all the text following the lines beginning with DIMM but only where the next line begins with tab and SMBus address, and going down t...

Proper indendation with backslash line continuations in python-mode.el

I like to use python-mode.el and (gnu) emacs for editing my python files. If I use parentheses for multiline continuations, indentation works as I expect. For example, foo_long_long_long_long = ( bar_long_long_long_long[ (x_long_long_long_long == X) & (y_long_long_long_long == Y)]) is just the way I like it. On ...