
Multipart email message

How to use html tags in a multipart email message. When I use <b> its not recognized as the bold tag. ...

JavaMail BaseEncode64 Error

Hi, I'm currently developing an application which download attachment from gmail account. Right now, I got error whenever downloading zipped attachment. But, not all, some I can retrieve it without error. Here's the Exception message: Exception in thread "main" com.sun.mail.util.DecodingException: BASE64Decoder: Error in encoded stream...

Separate text and html part from incoming email

Is there a way to separate text and html part when any incoming email is received ? I am using PHP. If the content-type of the incoming email is multipart/alternative Mail received from Outlook are throwing garbled text when the message they contains get forwarded. ...

Browser support of multipart responses

Hi, I would like to create a HTTP response, using multipart/mixed, but I'm not sure which browsers support it; and if it's as convenient as it sounds, from the client's point of view. To be honest, I do not need specifically that content type. I just want to transmit more than one file in the same response; maybe there's another content-...

SQL-Query with a multi-part identifier problem within a subquery

Hi All, i've a query that is supposed to return the sum for "status"-duration entries. The duration is calculated by using datediff(n, datestamp, (subquery that returns the datestamp ending the current status, i.e. finds the next fitting "status change"-entry after the one locked at) My Problem is that the following query returns an mu...

multipart/mixed email. Comes with empty body. What's wrong?

sending an email: From: <...> X-Mailer: SnowBoss Reply-To: <...> X-Priority: 3 (Normal) Message-ID: <[email protected]> To: <...> Subject: =?UTF-8?B?0JzQntCZIFNVQkpFQ1Q=?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----------A4D921C2D10D7DB" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ---------...

Creating a post request including a multipart file upload

I am writing a simple snippet which sends a simple post request. Currently I am building the request like so: // Construct data String data = URLEncoder.encode("param1", "UTF-8") + "=" + URLEncoder.encode("val1", "UTF-8"); data += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("param2", "UTF-8") + "=" + URLEncoder.encode("val2", "UTF-8"); //...

A multi-part/threaded downloader via python?

I've seen a few threaded downloaders online, and even a few multi-part downloaders (HTTP). I haven't seen them together as a class/function. If any of you have a class/function lying around, that I can just drop into any of my applications where I need to grab multiple files, I'd be much obliged. If there is there a library/framework ...

VB.NET - multipart form upload not working. What's wrong?

I tried searching and found out that someone has written a multipart form uploader. Though it had one thing wrong: It transfered all the - supposedly - POST values in the url.. Which the web application doesn't like - somehow. It went all POST /index.php?page=post&s=add&title=test&tags=testtags HTTP/1.1 And only added the file into...

Generating multipart boundary

I'm writing a script that uploads a file to a cgi script that expects a multipart request, such as a form on a HTML page. The boundary is a unique token that annotates the file contents in the request body. Here's an example body: --BOUNDARY Content-Disposition: form-data; name="paramname"; filename="foo.txt" Content-Type: text/plain ....

Can a flash client handle multipart http response

I have a server process that takes 15-80 seconds to complete that is currently being requested via XMLHttpRequest in the background with a progress bar displayed to the end user while the request waits for the response. I have modified the response to send back chunks of data as they are available so that the client can display the avai...

About multipart/form-data?

Is there another multipart/form-data like enctype but not form-data? EDIT Especially,what others are used in web applications? ...

attachment_fu and multipart form_for

Woo. My first question. I have a feeling I'm overlooking something pretty basic in the construction of my form. I'm using attachment_fu and can't get this form to pass anything besides the file data. A user has_many profiles and a profile has_many documents. My form looks like this: <%= error_messages_for :document %> <% form_for([@...

Is there a lightweight multipart/form-data parser in C or C++?

I'm looking at integrating multipart form-data parsing in a web server module so that I can relieve backend web applications (often written in dynamic languages) from parsing the multipart data themselves. The multipart grammar (RFC 2046) looks non-trivial and if I implement it by hand a lot of things can go wrong. Is there already a goo...

How to parse the multipart data in a restful service...

I have written a restful web service in c# and .net using the Restful Starter Kit that receives a mime multipart form via a stream. The multipart form contains a small xml fragment and a small file binary. I have read the stream in, and I have also written some code to parse the data to obtain the XML and the file binary. However, I f...

Help constructing a POST request with MultipartEntity (newbie question)

I'd like to construct a multipart request, with the following parameters: name (string), email (string), and fileupload (file). I'm using the Java code below (working in Android). The httppost.getRequestLine() prints POST HTTP/1.1 So everything looks good on the client site, but my server (Django/Apache)...

My multipart email script sends HTML messages just fine, but the plain text alternative doesn't not work, what may be wrong?

I have a script set up to send out multipart emails; plain text and html messages. The HTML messages work just fine, but when I used an email client that only does plain text the plaint text message does not render and I get the following: -- This message was generated automatically by Me $html_msg...

Javamail read multipart emails

Hey! My code is below, and the problem is that some of the emails i get from my POP3 account cannot be read, but with a simple unix email client it can be. It would be very helpful if you can find me what the problem is, or give me some advices. ps.: yes, i have read the tutorials already. String[] messageText = new String[500]; Stor...

Node.js appears to be missing the multipart module

I am trying to parse form data, including upload files with a node.js http server. All of the tutorial type articles I have found use a require("multipart"); to include the multipart module, but when I try the same I get: Error: Cannot find module 'multipart' I also can't find it in the current api docs (though it is in the google cac...

How do I process multipart http responses in Ruby Net:HTTP?

There is so much information out there on how to generate multipart responses or do multipart file uploads. I can't seem to find any information on how to process a multipart http response. Here is some IRB output from a multipart http response I am working with. >> response.http.content_type => "multipart/related" >> response.http.bod...