
Trouble uploading to twitpic

Hi, I am trying to upload a photo using the API and am having an issue that I hope you can help me with. Below, I have pasted the http request to the API (minus the twitter username/password). I am getting an error message back saying image not found, even though the image is there with the proper name "media". I have created a simpl...

What are the ramifications of null bytes and multipart/form-data?

A third party is sending us a flat file that is supposed to contain exclusively printable ASCII characters. However, we've discovered that there's a string of about 50 0x00 bytes in the middle of the file. We want to be able to upload the file to our web application, but I've discovered that Django doesn't seem to like the null chara...

Cross domain asynchronous multipart POST file uploads using flXHR?

I am building a "widget" that can be embedded in other people's websites, that talk back to my server. Right now I am using flXHR for the cross domain asynchronous communication, and it works fine for doing GETs inside the widget. However the major point of the widget is to allow clients to submit a form back to my server, complete wit...

Load testing multipart form

I'm trying to load-test a Rails application using JMeter. A critical part of the application involves a form that includes both text inputs and file uploads. It works fine in a browser, but when I try to post that page in JMeter, Rails is saving all of the parts of the multipart form as temp files, which causes things to break when it'...

Creating a post request including a multipart file upload

I am writing a simple snippet which sends a simple post request. Currently I am building the request like so: // Construct data String data = URLEncoder.encode("param1", "UTF-8") + "=" + URLEncoder.encode("val1", "UTF-8"); data += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("param2", "UTF-8") + "=" + URLEncoder.encode("val2", "UTF-8"); //...

Post multipart request with Android SDK

Hello all, I'm trying to do something I thought would be relatively simple: Upload an image to a server with the Android SDK. I'm found a lot of example code: But n...

c# multipart/form-data submit programmatically.

So got an small problem. Im creating an small application to automate an form submission on one website. But the bad thing is that they are using multipart/form-data for that. There is no file uploading just some text fields for submission. Of course doing it like this it fails. string postData1 = "firstfield="+firststring+"secondfie...

Flex FileReference - FireFox Multipart-Session bug.

Hi All. In Mozilla FireFox, every time you send a request to the server that has a multipartform-data (using FileReference when uploading a file) the SESSIONID value is not send in the HTTP header. That means that if the application/page/site you are working on is authenticated its not going to work. This only happens in FireFox, IE 6, ...

getPageContext().getRequest().getParameterMap() with multipart forms?

below is the code i'm using to test this: <cfif structkeyexists(form, "submitted")> <cfdump var="#getPageContext().getRequest().getParameterMap()#"> </cfif> <cfoutput> <form method="post" action="#cgi.script_name#?firstname=tony"> <input type="text" size="50" name="page[contents][][content]"> <input type="text" size="50" na...

Restlet JUnit test that POSTs multipart form?

I'm working with Restlet 1.1.8 and am trying to write a Resource that parses a multipart form; it needs to allow upload of an Excel spreadsheet. I have the Resource working, when I run it from my web app it's doing The Right Things(tm) so far, but I want to write an acceptance test that POSTs via Java code so I can throw lots of test ca...

How to send file along some POST variables with Objective-C iPhone SDK?

Hello! I'd like to know {insert_title_here}? I use this method, but with no success: //string data NSString *post = @"message=helloWorld"; NSData *postData = [post dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding allowLossyConversion:YES]; //file data NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, ...

Problem with uploading multipart data to server

Hi, I am trying to upload multipart data to my server which has image data along with the fields specified in the following form <form action="/imageUploader" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"> <p> Title:<br> <input type="text" name="title" size="30"> <input name="action" type="hidden" value="uploadtile" /> <input name="can...

Is there a lightweight multipart/form-data parser in C or C++?

I'm looking at integrating multipart form-data parsing in a web server module so that I can relieve backend web applications (often written in dynamic languages) from parsing the multipart data themselves. The multipart grammar (RFC 2046) looks non-trivial and if I implement it by hand a lot of things can go wrong. Is there already a goo...

Apache HttpClient making multipart form post

I'm pretty green to HttpClient and I'm finding the lack of (and or blatantly incorrect) documentation extremely frustrating. I'm trying to implement the following post (listed below) with Apache Http Client, but have no idea how to actually do it. I'm going to bury myself in documentation for the next week, but perhaps more experienced...

What is the boundary parameter in a HTTP Request?

Hi! I am trying to develop a sidebar gadget that automates the process of checking a web page for the evolution of my transfer quota. I am almost at it but there is one last step I need to get it working: Sending an HttpRequest with the correct POST data to a php page. Using a firefox plugin, here is what the "Content-Type" of the heade...

How can I POST a multipart HTTP request from Perl to Java and get a response?

I'm trying to post from one of my subroutines in Perl a request to a Java based controller. But I'm not getting any kind of response back. I know the Java code works file because I can get a response if I post to it from a HTML form. This is my Perl code: use HTTP::Request::Common; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $response = $u...

How can I use Python with Mechanize for posting multipart/form-data?

Hi there! I am using for programmatic web browsing, I want to be able to upload files to servers the same way the browser does (by sending the content as multipart/form-data, defined in RFC2388) Is this possible with mechanize, can you show me an example? Thanks! ...

Is posible to submit multipart/form-data without refresh page in jQuery?

I want to upload picture from "my_form" in jQuery, I tried submit() function it alway redirect to SavePicture.jsp. Is posible to sumbit this form without refresh any page? This is my html code <form action="SavePicture.jsp" method="post" id="my_form" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input name="file" type="file" id="file" size="35"> <in...

android/rails multipart upload problem

My problem is that I try to upload an image and some text values to an rails server, and the text values end up as files, insted of just param values. How the post looks on the server Parameters: {"action"=>"create", "controller"=>"problems", "problem"=>{"lon"=>#File:/tmp/RackMultipart20100404-598-8pi1vj-0>, "photos_attributes"=>{"0"=...

Decode received multipart/form-data request in Cocoa

Hi: I wonder if there is any possibility to explicitly decode an incoming multipart/form-data POST request. Is there any lib to handle this safely? Several files are embedded in this request and I want to save these files individually. NSData *data = [(id)CFHTTPMessageCopyBody(request) autorelease]; Content-Type: multipart/form-data; bo...