
multipart file-upload post request from java

I'm trying to make a program that uploads a image to a webserver that accepts multipart file-uploads. More specificly i want to make a http POST request to that sends a file in the variable "pic". I've made a lot of tries but i don't know if i've even been close. The hardest part seems to be to get a HttpURLConnection to...

Multipart Form Problem in Ruby on Rails

I am developing a Ruby on Rails app that utilizes a Java Uploader. The uploader creates a multipart HTML form and submits it to my upload controller. For testing purposes, I have also created a simple multipart HTML form with a single input generated with file_field_tag. The HTML version behaves as expected, and generates the following...

Update twitter profile image using OAuth

I'm trying to get twitter update_profile_image to work using OAuth. I was using curl with regular authentication and everything was working fine, but I switched to OAuth using this library, and now everything except update_profile_image works. I read something about twitter OAuth having problems with multipart data, but that was a whil...

A Python Wrapper for Shutterfly. Uploading an Image

I'm working on a Django app in which I want to order prints through Shutterfly's Open API: So far I've been able to build the appropriate POSTs and GETs using the modules and suggested code snippets including httplib, httplib2, urllib, urllib2, mimetype, etc. But I'm stuck on the im...

Parsing content-disposion header's filename in multipart/from-data

Hello According to RFC, in multipart/form-data content-disposition header filename field receives as parameter HTTP quoted string - string between quites where character '\' can escape any other ascii character. Problem web browsers don't do it. IE6 sends: Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="z:\tmp\test.txt" Inste...

JRun Servlet Error "The system cannot find the path specified" when attempting to upload multipart form

Hi there, Some code a production server which uploaded files has seemingly stopped working with the following error: JRun Servlet Error as the title of the page and the following in the page body: 500 The system cannot find the path specified The system cannot find the path specified at

Problem with uploading image (iphone sdk, multipartform-data)

Hi, I need to upload image to custom server. I have code like this: NSString* boundary = @"blablablablabla"; NSString* boundaryString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\r\n--%@\r\n", boundary]; NSString* boundaryStringFinal = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\r\n--%@--\r\n", boundary]; NSMutableData* postData = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity...

HTML-Form not Posting? Content-Length: 0 (in HttpFox)

Literally yesterday an application I am developing does not post any form inputs and instead using HttpFox watch tool I am seeing the following as the POST data. Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 0 When running the application locally with ASP.NET development server I cannot post the form using any browse...

FAPWS: Form with File Upload and parameters. Help parse the raw input?

I have a form that is multi-part for file upload, but it also has some other parameters like username, password, etc. Here's what the HTML form looks like: And here's my python code to handle it: I've verified with Charles that all the parameters are being submitted, they're ju...

Specifying the Content-Type of each part of multipart/form-data in PHP's curl

How do I specify the content type of a specific part of a multipart/form-data request? The content type for the image is being sent as application/octet-stream, however the server is expecting it to be image/jpeg. This causes the server to deny my request. $data["file"] = "@/image.jpg"; $data["title"] = "The title"; $data["description"]...

Merging PHP arrays

I am working on a project at the moment, that allows the user to create any number of news headlines, articles and images, the only rule with this system is that a headline must have an article and an image. My question is on my form when I submit I get 2 arrays one is the $_POST and the other is $_FILES. $_POST Array ( [campaign_...

Alternative way to grab progress on multipart/form upload (Android)

As described in this answer you cannot grab a progress of a multipart/form POST upload in Android using only the Android SDK, because there is an issue with the stream buffering when using HttpURLConnection which will be fixed post Froyo (see Since the Apache HttpClient 3.1 was...

Send multipart/form-data content type request.

Hi The follow http post request send data using multipart/form-data content type. -----------------------------27311326571405\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="list"\r\n\r\n8274184\r\n-----------------------------27311326571405\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="list"\r\n\r\n8274174\r\n-----------------------------2731132...

PHP Upload Form: Why isn't my multipart/form-data form sending any POST data? (LARGE FILE UPLOADING)

i'm uploading a 70mb ZIP file. perhaps debugging may be putting things out of sync? when i don't have the file in the file input, i get the post data, but when i do, the post data is empty. <form method="post" action="load_statements.php?action=load" id="form1" enctype="multipart/form-data"> i have fields (with the name attribute) and...

How use multipart/form-data upload picture/image on Android

This is my code. I got Http 400 error, can someone help me? HttpClient httpClient; HttpPost httpPost; HttpResponse response; HttpContext localContext; FileEntity tmp = null; String ret = null; httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient( ); httpClient.getParams().setParameter( ClientPNames.COOKIE_POLICY, CookiePolicy.RFC_2109...

Multipart File Uploads in ASP.NET, can the data be written to disk rather than read into RAM?

I'm using ASP.NET for file uploads, and I'm hitting a bit of a snag in that data sent by the client as multipart form data is read straight into RAM. Obviously, this means maximum file upload size is limited to the available RAM on the machine, and even then is much smaller as soon as you have multiple simultaneous uploads. Is it possi...

How to prevent XSS in a Classic ASP multipart form [URGENT]

I am calling on the collective mind of the stackoverflow community to help this novice programmer fix a major issue. I have a multipart form written in Classic ASP that is based on the code below. I use stored procedures and parameters to write to the sql DB, I use Server.HTMLEncode before it is submitted also. I have javascript based v...

Ruby/Mechanize Multipart Form With File Upload to a Mediawiki

I've been trying to write a ruby script using mechanize to batch upload a large number of images to a MediaWiki. The script runs without any errors but I suspect there is something wrong with the way I'm handling multipart forms with mechanize. The result variable at the end of the code gives no indication of success or failure, it just ...

Android Multipart HTTP Post does not send the File's MIME type

Hi everyone, Trying to figure what's wrong with my codings. I followed a blog post from here. I managed to get the codes to actually upload the file to a PHP web service. However, for some reason although I've set explicitly the MIME type for the file, PHP shows that the MIME is just a blank string and therefore rejected. Here's my co...

What is the '-' in multipart/form-data?

I want to ask a question about the multipart/form data. I find the http header of multipart post and the Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=-----...---boundaryNumber. I want to ask, how many of '-' between the boundaryNumber and '='? ...