What's the best implementation for more than one background service in an ASP.NET application?
Timer Callback
Timer timer = new Timer(new TimerCallback(MyWorkCallback), HttpContext, 5000, 5000);
Thread or ThreadPool
Thread thread = new Thread(Work);
thread.IsBackground = true;
BackgroundWorker work...
Hello, i'm trying to update a Model for GEF and have the changes shown in the view i've created. Currently no change I make is being reflected in the view, i'm using the following approach to update the model and am wondering if its the right approach to take:
Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
When I run following code through Main method, it works fine but when i try to execute it on click of swing button, it hangs.
Please help
import java.util.Hashtable;
import javax.naming.AuthenticationException;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.directory.DirContext;
import javax.nami...
My program consists of a large graphing UI control that I need to spend about 15 seconds re-loading every once in a while. Because the updating code works primarily with the UI control (maybe 90% of it actually sets properties on the control), it would make sense to me to actually let the UI thread handle that. I really don't want the ...
I need a queue that can be processed by multiple readers.
The readers will dequeue an element and send it to a REST service.
What's important to note are:
Each reader should be dequeueing different elements. If the queue has elements A, B & C, Thread 1 should dequeue A and Thread 2 should dequeue B in concurrent fashion. And so forth...
My question relates to this question asked earlier. In situations where I am using a queue for communication between producer and consumer threads would people generally recommend using LinkedBlockingQueue or ConcurrentLinkedQueue?
What are the advantages / disadvantages of using one over the other?
The main difference I can see from ...
I'd like to access my servlet container's thread/busy thread counts within a filter under tomcat.
Is this a part of the jee standard? Or does it have to be tomcat specific? Is there a more general server load measurement?
I am writing a game in which I want to kick off an event for my game main loop, the event has to be fired after a very small interval of time.
DispatcherTimer helped me in implementing that, I came across this article
How do I start 2 or more threads all at once and block the main thread until the others threads are complete?
I have a C# application which uses a COM component. This COM component require a message pump (Application.Run()) to do its processing. This means it's been stuck on the main thread. But I recently discovered that it's possible to start another Application.Run on another thread which gets its own ApplicationContext.
So I want to host...
What is the most efficient way to look up values in a BDB for several files in parallel? If I had a Perl script which did this for one file at a time, would forking/running the process in background with the ampersand in Linux work?
How might Hadoop be used to solve this problem?
Would threading be another solution?
I have a WPF application that spins off several threads. I have defined a DispatcherUnhandledException event handler in App.xaml.cs that displays a detailed error message, and this handler gets called every time the UI thread encounters an exception. The problem is with the child threads: their unhandled exceptions never get handled. How...
Suppose you're running Django on Linux, and you've got a view, and you want that view to return the data from a subprocess called cmd that operates on a file that the view creates, for example likeso:
def call_subprocess(request):
response = HttpResponse()
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("W") as f:
In the past few years I've mostly done UI development in Eclipse, which is very conservative in terms of thread access: any attempt to change a property on a UI widget (e.g., color, text) from outside the UI thread throws an exception.
I am now looking at an existing program in Swing that has a window with a large number of custom widge...
Hokay so here is what I'm trying to accomplish:
I'm going to be sending some mesh data over a network that my render-er (programmed in XNA) must render. For those not familiar, a typical XNA "game" basically runs in a continuous thread... which updates and draws your data. The problem is, I don't want to slow this thread down by havin...
Hi. I was googling for some advise about this and I found some links. The most obvious was this one but in the end what im wondering is how well my code is implemented.
I have basically two classes. One is the Converter and the other is ConverterThread
I create an instance of this Converter class that has a property ThreadNumber that ...
I'm running Django, and I'm creating threads that run in parallel while Django runs. Those threads sometimes run external processes that block while waiting for external input.
When I restart Django, those threads that are blocking while awaiting external input sometimes persist through the restart, and further they have and keep open P...
I can acheive the same functionality by both PostMessage and AfxBeginThread ( calling asynchrously )
So where lies the the difference between PostMessage and AfxBeginThread?
I'm writing a Linux application which observes other applications and tracks consumption of resources . I'm planning work with Java, but programming language isn't important for me. The Goal is important, so I can switch to another technology or use modules. My application runs any selected third party application as child process. Mostl...
In Tomcat, I wrote a ServletContextListener which will start an ExecutorService during startup and terminate it when it is unloaded.
I am following the example in the javadoc for ExecutorService
public void contextDestroyed( ServletContextEvent sce )
executor.awaitTermination( 50, TimeUn...