
UISearchDisplayController and search performance with lots of data

Hello, I'm trying to figure out the best way to perform a fast search using an UISearchDisplayController. I have a plist file with more than 36000 entries. I load this file in a dictionary and I perform the search in this dictionary. It works but it's kinda slow and there is lag between each touch event. I want an autocompletion effect...

Is a variable swap guaranteed to be atomic in python?

With reference to the following link: I wanted to know if the following: (x, y) = (y, x) will be guaranteed atomic in cPython. (x and y are both python variables) ...

Why reduce the size of the Java JVM thread stack?

I was reading an article on handling Out Of Memory error conditions in Java (and on JBoss platform) and I saw this suggestion to reduce the size of the threadstack. Can anyone explain how "reducing" the size of threadstack will help with a max memory error condition? ...

Thread locking issue with FileHelpers between calling engine.ReadNext() method and readign engine.LineNumber property

I use producer/consumer pattern with FileHelpers library to import data from one file (which can be huge) using multiple threads. Each thread is supposed to import a chunk of that file and I would like to use LineNumber property of the FileHelperAsyncEngine instance that is reading the file as primary key for imported rows. FileHelperAs...

How to show that the double-checked-lock pattern with Dictionary's TryGetValue is not threadsafe

Recently I've seen some C# projects that use a double-checked-lock pattern on a Dictionary. Something like this: private static readonly object _lock = new object(); private static volatile IDictionary<string, object> _cache = new Dictionary<string, object>(); public static object Create(string key) { object val; if (!_cac...

Understanding Java Wait and Notify methods

Hello all: I have a following program: import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; public class SimpleWaitNotify implements Runnable { final static Object obj = new Object(); static boolean value = true; public synchronized void flag() { System.out.println("Before Wait"); try { ...

Ruby: Any gems for threadpooling?

Is there a gem for threadpooling anyone can recommend? ...

C# Communication between threads.

Hi, I am using .NET 3.5 and am trying to wrap my head around a problem (not being a supreme threading expert bear with me). I have a windows service which has a very intensive process that is always running, I have put this process onto a separate thread so that the main thread of my service can handle operational tasks - i.e., service...

posix pthreads in c

Iam new to c programming and needs some help. long *taskids[NUM_THREADS]; for(t=0; t<NUM_THREADS; t++) { taskids[t] = (long *) malloc(sizeof(long)); *taskids[t] = t; printf("Creating thread %ld\n", t); rc = pthread_create(&threads[t], NULL, PrintHello, (void *) taskids[t]); ... } This code fragment demonstrates how to pass a...

WinForm-style Invoke() in unmanaged C++

I've been playing with a DataBus-type design for a hobby project, and I ran into an issue. Back-end components need to notify the UI that something has happened. My implementation of the bus delivers the messages synchronously with respect to the sender. In other words, when you call Send(), the method blocks until all the handlers have ...

How to update GUI thread/class from worker thread/class?

First question here so hello everyone. The requirement I'm working on is a small test application that communicates with an external device over a serial port. The communication can take a long time, and the device can return all sorts of errors. The device is nicely abstracted in its own class that the GUI thread starts to run in i...

what is a dispatcher

can anyone please explain the concept of dispatcher, is it one dispatcher per thread or anything else ...

Start thread with two parameters

I've got a method that gets called on an event, which presents me with two variables varA, varB (both strings). This method gets called with new information quite frequently, thus I have created a separate method that takes in the two parameters. I want to run this method in a thread, however have struck the issue that Thread.Start wil...

How does a portable Thread Specific Storage Mechanism's Naming Scheme Generate Thread Relative Unique Identifiers ?

A portable thread specific storage reference/identity mechanism, of which boost/thread/tss.hpp is an instance, needs a way to generate a unique keys for itself. This key is unique in the scope of a thread, and is subsequently used to retrieve the object it references. This mechanism is used in code written in a thread neutral manner. Si...

My Thread Programs Block

I wrote a program that worked as a server. Knowing that "accept" was blocking the program. I wanted to launch a thread with this statement to prevent precisely that the program blocked, but this still happens. Can anybody help? Post code Thanks -(IBAction)Connetti{ if(switchConnessione.on){ int port = [fieldPort.text intVal...

Is DataRow thread safe? How to update a single datarow in a datatable using multiple threads? - .net 2.0

Hello all I want to update a single datarow in a datatable using multiple threads. Is this actually possible? I've written the following code implementing a simple multi-threading to update a single datarow. I get different results each time. Why is it so? public partial class Form1 : Form { private static DataTable dtMain; pr...

Is there an use case for non-blocking receive when I have threads?

I know non-blocking receive is not used as much in message passing, but still some intuition tells me, it is needed. Take for example GUI event driven applications, you need some way to wait for a message in a non-blocking way, so your program can execute some computations. One of the ways to solve this is to have a special thread with m...

Assigning a property across threads

I have set a property across threads before and I found this post about getting a property. I think my issue with the code below is setting the variable to the collection is an object therefore on the heap and there...

deciding between subprocess, multiprocessing and thread in Python?

I'd like to parallelize my Python program so that it can make use of multiple processors on the machine that it runs on. My parallelization is very simple, in that all the parallel "threads" of the program are independent and write their output to separate files. I don't need the threads to exchange information but it is imperative tha...

killing a separate thread having a socket

Hi All I have a separate thread ListenerThread having a socket listening to info broadcasted by some remote server. This is created at the constructor of one class I need to develop. Because of requirements, once the separate thread is started I need to avoid any blocking function on the main thread. Once it comes to the point of calli...