
where does the model go?

I have a VS solution, with the following projects. -GUI -DataAccess -BusinessLogic -BusinessObjects but where should the main model class reside? This is usually a cache of a set of objects which are the results from the data access layer and the GUI using virtual grids to view data inside the model. The question would be the same ...

PHP 5 Reflection API performance

I'm currently considering the use of Reflection classes (ReflectionClass and ReflectionMethod mainly) in my own MVC web framework, because I need to automatically instanciate controller classes and invoke their methods without any required configuration ("convention over configuration" approach). I'm concerned about performance, even th...

Models in the Zend Framework

What are some of the ways you have implemented models in the Zend Framework? I have seen the basic class User extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract and then putting calls to that in your controllers: $foo = new User; $foo->fetchAll() but what about more sophisticated uses? The Quickstart section of the documentation offers such an example ...

What resources, outside of the Microsoft site(s), are available for learning about Form and MVC web applications?

I've found a few pages (some that even link to a number of other pages) on the Microsoft website that I bookmarked last night for reading today, but I'm curious as to other good non-Microsoft resources for discussing ASP.NET web applications, both Forms and MVC (including comparisons/contrasts between the two). ...

MVC Dynamic Routes

I would like to create dynamic urls that route to controller actions with an Id value. I've created the following route using a catch-all parameter routes.MapRoute( "RouteName", "{id}/{*Url}", new { controller = "Controller", action = "Action", id = "" ...

How do you repopulate a form in ASP.NET MVC that contains a DropDownList?

How do you repopulate a form in ASP.NET MVC that contains a DropDownList? ...

ASP.NET MVC alternatives?

So, I've spent enough time using ASP.NET webforms to know that I'd almost rather go back to doing classic ASP than use them. But I'm hesitant to move to ASP.NET MVC until it becomes more mature. Are there any open source alternatives? The main thing I'm looking for is something that's easy to learn and to get a prototype up and runnin...

ASP.NET MVC Storefront VB Port? LazyList in particular

Hi, I am using Rob Connery's excellent MVC Storefront as a loose basis for my new MVC Web App but I'm having trouble porting the LazyList code to VB.NET (don't ask). It seems that VB doesn't allow the GetEnumerator function to be specified twice with only differing return types. Does anyone know how I might get around this? Thanks Pr...

An MVC Framework Comparison (primarily cost/speed tradeoffs)

I'm developing an idea for a web application that would be well suited to one of the popular MVC frameworks out there right now, but torn between which to go with. I was originally going to go with Pylons, but upon reading about the BizSpark program, I'm reconsidering ASP.NET MVC. The hitch is that if I'm successful I'll need to pony up...

Zend Framework Updates?

How long do you normally test an update for Zend Framework before pushing it out into a productions project. We can break this question up into minor updates 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1 or maybe a major update 1.6.2 -> 1.7.0. Obviously you don't release it if it add bugs to your code. Also, as with most other server software updates normally peopl...

Where can I find clear examples of MVC?

I've read a couple of things about MVCs but I still don't understand when they should be used and when they shouldn't be used. I am looking for clear examples that say things like "if you're developing this then you should use MVC, like this" and "if you're developing this, you shouldn't use MVC." Most of the examples I've seen rely on c...

Can the MVC Design Pattern / architectural pattern be used in Desktop Application Development?

I've just learned what ASP.NET MVC is and I'm wondering if the pattern is ever used in Windows Desktop application development? I'm specifically looking at potentially trying to use it in a Desktop .NET application. Please forgive me if this question is way out in left field in terms of how MVC is suppose to be used. I'm still tryin...

MVC vs. Observer Pattern

I've recently asked a question on StackoverFlow about the MVC: Can the MVC Design Pattern / Architectural pattern be used in Desktop Application Development? Based on the answer provided I started research on how this would be implemented in a Windows form Application. I came upon the following CodeProject article: http://www.codeprojec...

When and why should I consider MVC?

I've noticed a lot of talk about MVC lately, but I haven't come across a clear or compelling description of when, where or why I would want to use it over WebForms. Let's say I wanted to build a small web application that allows a person to advertise some items online. The website will have 4 use cases: Search adverts View l...

How can I post an array of string to ASP.NET MVC Controller without a form?

Hi there, I am creating a small app to teach myself ASP.NET MVC and JQuery, and one of the pages is a list of items in which some can be selected. Then I would like to press a button and send a List (or something equivalent) to my controller containing the ids of the items that were selected, using JQuery's Post function. I managed to ...

Best java mvc framework implementation for web apps

What is the best MVC framework inmplementation in java? It has to be: lightweight KISS philosophy be able to make changes to the views without compile minimalistic; few lines of code ...

Python GTK MVC

I've been looking around for a good MVC framework for Python using PyGTK. I've looked at Kiwi but found it a bit lacking, especially with using the Gazpacho Glade-replacement. Are there any other nice desktop Python MVC frameworks? I'm one of the few (it seems) to not want a webapp. ...

How should I pass a reference of an object to a controller in MVC?

I'm trying to get better at using MVC/MVP style patterns with my WinForm apps and I'm struggling with something that maybe someone here with more experience can help me with. Below is my basic project layout: The class G2.cs handles the running of various threads and includes a Start/Stop and other various methods involved with those ...

Who's responsible for creating the MainViewController instance in the iPhone NavBar example

I'm exploring the NavBar example from the iPhone dev center. More specifically, I'm trying to understand where the MainViewController object is instantiated and I simply can't find where this is happening. The only references to the MainViewController class is in AppDelegate, where there is a forward declaration and #import. However, ...

ASP.NET MVC: How do I pass a list (from a class in Model) to a repeater in a View?

How do I do the above? I've started using MVC and I'm having issues passing data around. My specific problem is to do with a list of objects I have in my Model which I need to access in a View and iterate through. Thanks in advance. ...