
Dynamically changing Master Template in ASP.NET MVC

I have the requirement to support different Master pages on my application (ASP.NET MVC). What is the recommended way to: 1- Pass the master page name to the view from. 2- Store the master page (in session, or something) so it sticks during a user's visit. Thank you. ...

Magento products by categories

Does anyone know how I can get a list of products belonging to a specific category from within a view file in Magento? ...

CodeIgniter questions: native PHP sessions, code flow, layout issues?

I am just getting stated with CodeIgniter and am trying to hash out my regular modules/functions and get them working properly within the mvc framework. I have a few specific questions, if anyone has a strong background with CI: SESSIONS The CI session stores session data on the client side in a cookie, which just isn't going to wor...

How to extend this simple DataMapper?

Can someone please derive a concrete example from the following: ..that shows how to deal with one-to-many and many-to-many relationships? I've emailed the author some time ago but received no reply. I like his idea, but can't figure out how to implement it beyond simple single table relations. Not...

mvc framework for winforms .net

please suggest me a good MVC framework for Winforms. ...

How to return a View in MVC with URL like this http://localhost/admin#sayhi

Ok Here is the exact scenario: I have a view named Index I have a partial view (user control) named SayHi I have an AdminController which has an Action named SayHi which doesn't do anything else ViewData["Message"] = "Hi There!"; I am using ajax to load partial views from the Index.aspx so when I have the followinf url > http://lo...

ASP.Net MVC and RenderPartial w/ relative paths

I've been playing around with ASP.NET MVC and had a question. Or maybe its a concern that I am doing this wrong. Just working on a lame site to stretch my wings a bit. I am sorry this question is not at all concise. Ok, here's the scenario. When the user visits home/index, the page should show a list of products and a list of articl...

Is it possible to make an ASP.NET MVC route based on a subdomain?

Is it possible to have an ASP.NET MVC route that uses subdomain information to determine its route? For example: goes to one place goes to another? Or, can I make it so both of these go to the same controller/action with a username parameter? ...

MVC LINQ to SQL Table Join Record Display

Hey all, Im having problems displaying records to my view when passing viewdata to a user control. This is only apparent for linq to sql objects where I am using table joins. The exception I receive is "Unable to cast object of type '<>f__AnonymousType410[System.String,System.Int32,System.Nullable1[System.DateTime],System.String,Syste...

Rails: getting data from a table for each iteraction of a loop

Hi all there, I have a loop (for item in @dataset) and I want, in each iteration, to get different data from another table and make some operations that will be printed in the view. I cant't get this data from the dataset used in the loop. How can I do this according to MVC? I can put the code into the loop, in the view, but I think it...

Have you switched from CodeIgniter to Kohana?

Hi All, I usually just work with straight PHP, but want to try MVC and see if a framework will really speed up development. After much waffling, analysis paralysis, and many dumb SO questions, I thought I had settled on CodeIgniter for my next PHP project. However, I am now seriously considering Kohana. Has anyone made the switch fro...

How do I bind collection attributes to a form in Spring MVC

I'm trying to bind one of my model objects to the fields of a form, using Spring-MVC. Everything works fine, except that one of the attributes of the model object is an unordered collection. Doing something like <c:forEach items="${m.items}" var="i" varStatus="itemsRow"> <form:input path="items[${itemsRow.index}]"/> </c:fo...

OOP: Designing a menu system

Hello! I am currently trying to create a menu system for a game and cannot arrive at any really sound way to do it. There are several menu screens, each of them non-trivial, so that I would like to keep these as separate classes. The main problem I am having is passing control between these menu screens. I tried building each of the scr...

Validating data of a model from another controller in Rails

Hi all, I have two tables: Client(id,name,...) Purchase(id,item,date,client_id,...) They have their respective Model, with their validations. What I need is to create a new client with a new purchase, all into the create method of Client controller. Something like this: def create @client =[:client]) respond_t...

MVC actions, should I create 2 actions for logging in?

Hi, In mvc, I want to create a action for login. So this is how I am doing it: create a action/view named login that simply displays the view. create another action, named login2 that will be the page that handles the form post and checks the database if the username/password are correct. If it is, redirect to somepage, if n...

Castle MonoRail Routing with IIS 7?

I’m trying to make the routing module works with default action or controller, but it doesn’t. I always face with 404 page not found. Did I forget to do something? I really like routing in ASP.NET MVC feature, but I’m not sure I could do the same in MR. I’m using IIS7 with the build from castle trunk for .NET 3.5. ...

Asp.Net MVC vs Castle MonoRail

I've some experiences on build application with Asp.Net, but now MVC frameworks become more popular. I would like to try building new multilingual web application using with Asp.Net MVC or Castle MonoRail but I don't know which one is good for me. I don't like the web form view engine, but I like routing feature in Asp.Net MVC. Could a...

Security and Access control in a MVC application

I have only recently started working with the MVC approach, so I suppose this is an easy one for you gurus here: Where do I put access control? In a view? I don't want to have any logic besides switches and flags in my templates, so that sounds like the least viable option In the model? Should each business object decide what data it ...

Practical Application of MVC || When to use, or not use MVC

I have seen the ASP.NET community buzzing about MVC. I know the basics of its origin, and that there are many sites (unless I am mistaken, stack overflow itself) based on ASP.NET MVC. From everything I have heard and read about MVC it seems to be the future of ASP.NET development. But since I don't usually dabble in .NET web developme...

How can I access a different object collection in a view in Rails?

I'm not sure how to search for this answer, so I'll go ahead and ask it. In my rails project I have a User model and a foo model. A user can have one or more foo models assigned to it. I have accomplished this by adding has_many :foo, :through => :user_foo in my user model. Now, over in my view, I want to display a list of all foo...