
ASP.Net MVC Charts

Hi, In my project i read the xml file and store the XML file into SQL Db. And then i get the input from sql db ,Display the result in Chart,Graphs... Is It possible ? Can u pls suggest me....? Thanks In Advance. ...

Routing issues? with mvc 2.....

Hey guys, Having some problems with an mvc 2 project. I believe it's a routing issue? but i may be wrong... What happens is I have a method that accepts an HTTPPOST and this method/action will then process an xml file that was sent using post. Now the problem is... every time I try to do any logic with the posted file my clien...

How MVC framework will help to develop php based website

I used to develop websites using php . I like to learn some framework using php. So I like to know how effective MVC is ? Is this easy to learn ? ...

Ok to return a Viewmodel from repository?

Hello all, Been around here for a while but this is my first question @ so. Scenario: Mvc site. Viewmodels for most pages. Each viewmodel contains models or iqueryables acquired from different repositories. Each source is updated frequently (from outside the scoop of the site) so even if caching local it will be a lot of datasource h...

Can MVC validation be trusted?

I'm trying to avoid double up on my validation and want to know if MVC data annotation validation can be trusted as 'server side validation'. I've read several posts saying I should validate again in the business layer but I'd rather avoid doubling up the same validation. Should I ignore data annotations all together and have my busine...

Is this a good way to handle events in Java?

I'm making a game in Java, and I think I have a good idea of how to handle events. Does this sound right? A Window class--the view. It's a representation of the World at the current moment. There's also a Game class -- the controller. (The model's implementation is irrelevant for this question). The Window class doesn't care about even...

Null reference on MVC 2 Server

I'm writing a MVC 2.0 app with VS2010. On my Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit machine it runs fine. On my laptop (Windows 7 Home Premium, 32bit) it is getting a null reference on Server when I call MapPath. public ActionResult Index() { ContentModel content = new ContentModel(); content.Content = ContentInterface.G...

Is it better to import controllers or models in CakePHP?

In a CakePHP application, is it better to import Controllers that have access to models or the Models themselves? ...

MvcContrib Grid - Go to first page when sorting

Hello , i am using the MvcContrib grid for an mvc application. I have set up sorting and paging , but I have to make the grid to go the first page when the user sorts the grid . Any ideas on how doing that ? ...

Where does input validation happen in MVC?

Ok, this has probably been asked before but i cant find a definative answer. Where in the MVC pattern should validation of input happen? I would like to say that things like empty fields and basic general validation should happen in the controller and that rules as lengths and valid characters of for example usernames / passwords etc s...

Subclass UIView or UIViewController

I want to make a "section" which has an image and some text below it. Should I be subclassing UIView or UIViewController? I'm thinking UIView as it won't know what image or what text to display, just that there will be both. Also if it is UIView, what method do I add the subviews (UIImageView and UILabel) in as subviews? Or should I dra...

One model and controller but slightly different views and routes in rails3

I have a model Notifications, and it basically handles the same few things. A simple contact form, an invitations form, etc. They all have the same generic items... ie Name, email, comment, blah. There might be one slightly different field but they are optional, so I'd like to treat them as one model with a differentiating field calle...

Why do UIViewControllers have xib files and UIViews do not?

When I create a new UIViewController in xcode, it offers to make me an associated nib for the interface. However, when I create a UIView, it does not. If my understanding of MVC is correct, views should really be the parts that contain the interface elements (i.e. the nib) while view controllers are the parts that hook the functionality ...

Switching from ASP.NET MVC to Java

Last 8 months I have been working in ASP.NET MVC framework but now I have to switch to Java. So, I wonder what is Java's framework that is the most similar to ASP.NET MVC. I would like to stick to MVC pattern but most of my colleagues work in JSF, which doesn't seem like (real) MVC. Which one would you suggest? ...

Spring and a Swing application together?

Our assignment for our java project is to make a tool for kids to make math excercices. One part should be in a swing application, where the teacher can adjust settings to what the kids should make, view their results, etc... The other part is where kids should be able to make excercices on the internet. Now, so we thought, as we are se...

Get all views associated with controller - Zend

If I'm going about this the wrong way, please let me know and I'll accept that as a potential answer. I have a Zend Framework MVC app that is modular, and in one of the modules the site acts very similar to a static HTML site: Category1_Controller Category1_Subpage_Action1 Category1_Subpage_Action2 Category1_Subpage_Action2...

How can I make sure that UIViewController will not resize my view?

In my app, I have smaller sections where I want to use the MVC pattern to control these. So for example on one screen I have 3 UIViewController instances with their views visible at the same time. From what I know, UIViewController is only good for fullscreen usage. Someone said it can occassionally resize it's view without warning, for...

Jquery selector not working when element contains dot in tag name

Hi All, I have just started using jquery for the first time so i'm not sure if what i'm doing is correct. What i'm trying to do is very basic, I have a script which is adding a css watermark to textboxes upon load in an MVC view. To select the element i do the following: jQuery(document).ready(function(){$('#Department.DeptName').a...

Telerik MVC Combobox AutoComplete error

I am using the Telerik autocomplete option In the header: <script type="text/javascript"> function onAutoCompleteDataBinding(e) { var autocomplete = $('#AutoComplete').data('tAutoComplete'); autocomplete.dataBind(["Product 1", "Product 2", "Product 3"]} </script> In the body of the View: <%=Html.Telerik().AutoComplete() .Name(...

MVC Module Confusion

I am very new to MVC so I have some confusions regarding models when we have relations between multple tables.Formally I was using views or stored procedures of sql to manipulate data but now I am using Entity Framework so confused how my model should look like ? I have a table for Users , UserImages , UserRoles . UserImages and UserRol...