
MVC/MVP/MVVM frameworks for Java GUI applications

Can anybody recommend a (preferably open-source) framework for decoupling GUI from model in Java desktop applications? ...

MVP pattern. Presenter requires new view instance. Best practice

I try to apply MVP pattern for win.forms application. I have 2 forms: main & child. Main has a button and when you click it - child form should appear. There are 2 views interfaces that forms implement IMainView { event OnClick; ... } IChildView { ... } There are two presenters MainPresenter(IMainView) & ChildPresenter(I...

Question on the MVP within GWT. (General Overview)

Hello guys, Could any of you guys give a good explanation of the MVP pattern with regards to use in a GWT application. any example i have viewed, i found it hard to understand the concept of implementing the pattern. Questions such as what is it? what does it achieve, how is it implemented and how can it be extended for future modific...

Model View Presenter plus ASP.NET Web Service; where does the asmx live?

I've been slowly transitioning from a traditional web forms architecture to the MVP pattern (Passive View). So far, it's been fairly easy to implement b/c the views I've dealt with have all employed a classic PostBack model. However, I've come across my first view that will refresh portions of itself via web services. I can't grok w...

How to implement MVP pattern for a tabcontrol?

I have an application that has a tabcontrol with 5 tabpages of information that user interacts with. Also, there are contextual menus and toolbars for editing and formatting the information. Do I create a different view & presenter for each tab page or the tabcontrol iteself? How do I apply the pattern to the toolbars and menus that ca...

How do I get many property values from View to Presenter in WebFormsMvp?

Hey there, What is the best way to get a number of property values of a business object from the View to the Presenter in a WebFormsMvp page? Bearing in mind this issue with DataSources: Here is what i propose: The scenario is, I have a business object called Quote which i would like to load form the database, e...

Would ViewModels fit in the Model View Presenter pattern?

Having used ViewModels in MVC, I was wondering if applying the same to the MVP pattern is practical. I only have a few considerations, one being that MVP is already fairly hard to implement (with all the additional coding, not much on the seeming complexity) or that ViewModels already have a slightly similar way of modeling data or entit...

Exception Handling in MVP Passive View

Hello, I'm wondering what's the preferred way to manage exceptions in an MVP implemented with a Passive View. There's a discussion in my company about putting try/catch blocks in the presenter or only in the view. In my opinion the logical top level caller is the presenter (even if the actual one is the view). Moreover I can test the...

mvp design pattern - question

hi, When I have a button which only changes something in my view (e.g. such that some text appears if I press it), can I write its whole code in the file with my view or should I include event handling of this button in the presenter? This is problem for me, because I don't know, if the presenter handles all events from the view or only...

Any tutorials on the official GWT MVP framework?

Has anyone found/written any tutorials on the official GWT MVP framework that's found in the GWT 2.1 RC? ...

Real winforms/wpf projects which use MVC, MVP, MVVM

Hello everybody, I have looked some videos and read some articles about MVC, MVP, MVVM. I think, that I understood basic principles and differences. But it seems to me that samples in articles and videos are very easy. I think that it's easy to learn how to apply these patterns when you can look on some projects. So I'd like to look ...

Suggestions/Recommendations for a Web Application with Sub-Apps

Hello. I’m starting to think about and develop an architecture for a big web application, and I wanted to get suggestions and/or recommendations on which technologies and/or frameworks to use. The application will be an Intranet-based web site using Windows authentication, running on IIS and using ASP.NET. It’ll need to be structured ...

Is there a good MVVM/MVP/MVC framework for JavaFX?

JavaFX with it's binding seems great technology for building UI layer, replacing PHP+AJAX, but are there any frameworks for building database forms applications with JavaFX, or it is meant to write everything from scratch? ...

mvp session response request

Hi, Guys. I am using the Model-View-Presenter pattern in my project web and now I am with a doubt. How I do to treat session and cookie this scenario? How I do to write file using "Response.WriteFile" for example? ...

Is MVP pattern best way for every winforms app?

HI, i would like develop application about storing some information about books, i would like use MVP pattern - but i have some doubts if this pattern is always best practise for developing small/mid winform apps or maybe is not necessary? ps. I would like use Smart Client Factory from Microsoft, is there any framework for MVP in winfo...

Model-View-Presenter and Three-Tier?

What is the difference between the two architectures: Model-View-Presenter and Three-Tier? I understand the definitions of each when read individually, but I can't readily see how they're different. Is it desktop vs web? I am currently developing a simple desktop application in Python to visualize a complicated data model via a GUI. ...

GWT/MVP: detecting change events in a table with proper MVP pattern

We're using gwt-presenter, but not really a question specific to that... I've got a table with users in it. As I build the table in the view (from the data provided by the presenter), I need to add two action buttons ("Edit", and "Delete") at the end of the row. What's the best way to assign click handlers to these buttons so the pres...

What is the difference between MVP and MVC?

Possible Duplicate: What are MVP and MVC and what is the difference? I don't see any difference between MVP and MVC software architectures (MVC where controller implements mediator pattern), other than the name by which you call the mediator (presenter vs controller) Can someone provide a clear explanation? I care because I ...

ASP.NET MVP as a symbiosis of ASP.NET Webforms and ASP.NET MVC

I have developed web applications for a couple of years with ASP.NET Webforms and I still like it, above all because of the RAD possibilities, it provides. Since two years ASP.NET MVC is now available as a direct competitor to the classic ASP.NET. Somehow I don't want to throw away all my Webforms experiences and move to ASP.NET MVC. One...

"ASP.NET Webforms MVP" as an alternative to "ASP.NET MVC"

Some days ago I discovered a "thing" which is called the ASP.NET MVP framework ( ) What do you think of that ? Is it worth to take a look on it ? Has anybody already experiences with that ? I come from the "webform side" (and also from the desktop development) and really don't want to move to ASP.NET MVC for th...