
Why aren't the MVP and MVVM patterns seen in Ruby, Python, or PHP?

I've been reading about these and they're pretty prominent in the .NET world. Why aren't there any web frameworks that implement any of these patterns in Ruby, Python, or PHP? Is it because it only works with component-based frameworks, like ASP.NET? Or are they just slow to adopt it? ...

Improving MVP in Scala

The classical strongly typed MVP pattern looks like this in Scala: trait IView { } trait Presenter[View <: IView] { // or have it as an abstract type member val view : View } case class View1(...) extends IView { ... } case object Presenter1 extends Presenter[View1] { val view = View1(...) } Now, I wonder if there is any nice...

Restrict violation of architecture - MVP

If we had a defined hierarchy in an application. For ex a 3 - tier architecture, how do we restrict subsequent developers from violating the norms? For ex, in case of MVP (not MVC) architecture, the presenter should always bind the model and view. This helps in writing proper unit test programs. However, we had instances where p...

Which is better in GWT?

which is better in GWT interface, using the normal MVP with javacode, or UiBinder?? from performance, editing, simplicity aspects. ...

Guice and GWT problem - can't find GWT.rpc

Hi! I build a simple contact manager app with simple service and it did work. Then I decided I want to use Guice for managing my services and implementations. I also use mvp4g plugin for MVP design pattern. I followed the exmaple of Eric Burke on his blog, and my code looks like that: @RemoteServiceRelativePath("GWT....

Exposing Presenter as public member on a View

Is there any drawback to exposing a Presenter as public member on a View. On a project that I am on each page and user control has its own presenter. Now when editing grids (ahhhh) user control gets injected in a grid. I need to get a reference to the presenter for the user contrl. Options are: Use service locator (ObjectFactory.GetIns...

IoC in MVP Asp.NET

Hello, Guys. I'm developing a application using MVP and I have a question about How inject my dependencis in my presenters class. Because my presente receve too an instance of the my view. I thought of create a viewbase and inside it I create my dependencies instances and inject it in my presenter instance. Could also have a HttpModule ...

Anyone doing here WPF with MVC/MVP pattern ?

Would you mind tell me why? :) ...

How should Application.Run() be called for the main presenter of a MVP WinForms app?

I'm learning to apply MVP to a simple WinForms app (only one form) in C# and encountered an issue while creating the main presenter in static void Main(). Is it a good idea to expose a View from the Presenter in order to supply it as a parameter to Application.Run()? Currently, I've implemented an approach which allows me to not expose...

How to add a gwt widget to a gwt Composite already visible at runtime using MVP?

Hi! I'm building an application whose menus depend on user roles. Once user is logged in and, therefore, her roles are known, I want to create the Hyperlinks related to the user and add them to the menu. I'm using MVP. Here's my code for the presenter: public class AdminMenuAreaPresenter extends WidgetPresenter<AdminMenuAreaPresenter.Di...

MCV/MVP Patterns and Applications that interface with Hardware (DAQ/PLC/etc)

I've been reading a lot about the MCV and MVP patterns for use with UI and it seems like a really nice powerful way to handle user interfaces. I am - however - having a difficult time deciding how this could integrate into a system where data in the model is created from a Data Acquisition System or Serial/Ethernet devices. There is al...

Refactoring thick client legacy application

I am working on a fat client legacy C++ application which has a lot of business logic mixed in with the presentation side of things. I want to clean things out and refactor the code out completely, so there is a clear seperation of concerns. I am looking at MVC or some other suitable design pattern in order to achieve this. I would like...

Model View Controler vs Model View Presenter

What do you say? Any good or bad experience in your projects? ...

Pattern for sharing data between views (MVP or MVVM)

What is a good pattern for sharing data between related views?. I have an application where 1 form contains many small views, each views behaves independently from each other more or less (they communicate/interact via an event bus). Every so often I need to pass the same objects to the child views. Sometimes I need this same object to...

Outlook 2007 Ribbon and MVP

I'm working on outlook 2007 VSTO Addin.I have added a Ribbon with a button. I am trying to raise an event on button click.On NewInspector event of Application.Inspectors collection I should be able to hook on to this ribbon event in the Presenter. The questions is how to get hold of Ribbon of Inspector opened. I tried Globals.Ribbons.My...

Scala model-view-presenter, traits

I am a fan of Martin Fowler's (deprecated) model-view-presenter pattern. I am writing a Scala view class containing several button classes. I would like to include methods to set the action properties of the buttons, to be called by the presenter. A typical code fragment looks like this: private val aButton = new JButton def setAButtonA...

What considerations need to be made when transitioning an application to support?

I will be taking on the role of support for a complex application that is transitioning from the development team. This application is a sharepoint solution that connects to several (7) web services. The development team is rolling off almost immediately and will be available only for small questions. I'm new to this role so I'm wonderi...

How to become MCT

Hi, Are there any MCTs here. Please let us know the path to it. I have done some research on it, but would be interesting to know that from first hands. Or may be someone also wants to pass for MCT can share some experience. I can see in requirements Meet MCT competency requirements for each course they deliver. Administer course ev...

GWT Best Practices - MVP

A question for all the GWT gurus out there. I'm a newbie in GWT and am trying to understand the best practices of coding a GWT application. I have gone through "Large scale application development and MVP" based on Ray Ryan's talk at Google I/O 2009 and it has given me a good starting point. I downloaded the sample source code as well ...

MVP, WinForms - how to avoid bloated view, presenter and presentation model

When implementing MVP pattern in winforms I often find bloated view interfaces with too many properties, setters and getters. An easy example with be a view with 3 buttons and 7 textboxes, all having value, enabled and visible properties exposed from the view. Adding validation results for this, and you could easily end up with an interf...