
When to show the view in winform MVP pattern

I am wondering where to call the ShowDialog() in MVP pattern, Presenter is normally defined as: public Presenter(IView view, IModel model) { this.View = view; this.View.Presenter = this; this.Model = model; } And I wanna show the View Modelly by calling ShowDialog(), then where should I call the ShowDialog()? public void ...

Correct way to trigger object clone/memento when property changes

Hi, I have a big doubt about the correct way to save an object state (clone object), if necessary to rollback the changes, when a property has changed. I know that the IEditableObject interface exists for those cases but during some tests the BeginEdit would just fire like crazy (I have a DataGrid whose values can be edited but I won't ...

Stupid question: where to set wait cursor in long operation in MVP pattern?

For a long operation that will be executed in presenter, where to set the wait cursor? in View? the view shouldn't know too much about business logic, it is passive. in presenter? seems odd in presenter to call UI code. add method to View interface, like SetWait(bool), and call it in presenter? So what do you think? ...

"Illegal characters in path." Visual Studio WinForm Design View

I am putting together a lightweight MVP pattern for a WinForms project. Everything compiles and runs fine. However when I attempt to open the WinForm in design mode in Visual Studio I get a "Illegal characters in path" error. My WinForm is using generics and inheriting from a base Form class. Is there a problem with using generics in...

Is there a Java (Sun/Oracle) equivalent of the Microsoft MVP Program?

We already run a NFR (not for resale) program where we give Microsoft MVP's a reduced cost licence of our software. We would like to extend this to the Java community, but I'm having trouble finding the equivalent program in the Sun/Oracle world. Is there such a thing? ...

Can anyone point me in direction of any good MVP articles/tutorials?

Trying to learn MVP pattern with C#... Does anyone know of any particularly good tutorials or articles?! ...

What offers for Microsoft MVP and RD do you know from third-part companies?

Some companies propose there products and services for Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals and Microsoft Regional Directors for free or with discounts. I can list some of them: JetBrains (ReSharper) Altova (XmlSpy) TechSmith (Camtasia Studio) Telerik (ASP.NET controls and OpenAccess ORM) Developer Express (controls) PluralSightgi...

Scaling gwt's "Contacts" (sample project) AppController with MVP

I'm just learning GWT so I'm still trying to sort out all of its quirks and features. I'm reading through the example they give illustrating the MVP pattern, and I pretty much get it, except I'm wondering about one thing. The AppController they use implements the ValueChangeHandler interface and the onValueChange method is triggered wh...

How should the View pull on the Presenter in the MVP pattern

I have a ASP.NET Web Forms application and I'm using some dynamic controls in the view which depend on stuff that the presenter exposes. Is it okay for the view in this case to pull on the presenter for that data? Is there anything I should be extra careful about when considering testability and a loosely coupled design. The page in thi...

Decoupling the view, presentation and ASP.NET Web Forms

I have an ASP.NET Web Forms page which the presenter needs to populate with controls. This interaction is somewhat sensitive to the page-life cycle and I was wondering if there's a trick to it, that I don't know about. I wanna be practical about the whole thing but not compromise testability. Currently I have this: public interface IS...

GWT CssResource Customization

I'm writing a GWT widget using UIBinder and MVP. The widget's default styles are defined in TheWidgetView.ui.xml: <ui:style type="com.widgetlib.spinner.display.TheWidgetView.MyStyle"> .textbox { border: 1px solid #red; } .important { font-weight: bold; } </ui:style> The widget's CssResource interface is...

Most popular classroom, bootcamp, or online training for ASP.NET 3.5

What are the most popular and highest quality training sources for ASP.NET 3.5. I am interested in both "boot camp" class room training and online self-paced training. I am interested in both training that can be applied to certification but also non certification based training in the following areas: ASP.NET 3.5, AJAX, and web security...

Working with DataBinding and Page_Load in ASP.NET MVP

I'm using WebForms MVP to create some simple reporting applications. Most of these applications consist of a few search criteria inputs and a ComponentArt datagrid that I'm populating with data from the database. Most of the markup is in a UserControl, which is in a content page with a master page. My problem is that the control's Pag...

Unbinding presenters necessary in GWT

I'm using the MVP pattern from my GWT application following the example given here I have a single MainPresenter and sub-presenter for each of the panels in the MainView. To show a new sub-presenter, I do something like this: presenter = new PresenterA(new Vie...

Looking for input on GWT / MVP action w/o browser history change

Hello there, I am trying to develop a GWT app with the MVP pattern. So far so good except for one specific case of actions: actions that do not change the url (no browser history change). In the GWT MVP pattern, events are sent from presenters, the an app controller catches them and update the browser history. If the history has change...

Winforms MVP with Castle Windsor - DI for subforms?

I'm building a winforms app utilizing passive-view MVP and Castle Windsor as an IoC container. I'm still a little new to dependency injection and MVP, so I'm looking for some clarity... I have a main form which contains a number of user controls, and also will bring up other dialogs (ex. Login, options, etc) as needed. My first questi...

MVP - - passing information via views - confused

Hi, I've just started to play around with MVP in One thing I quite cant figure out is how do I pass information, i.e. an integer variable from one view(webform) to another. Let's I have a customerlistView which is mapped to a customerlist.aspx page. From it I select a customer and it's record id. Say I want to display the cust...

Examples of architecturally well-designed ASP.NET WebForms sites

What's an example of a reasonably modern, well-designed, fairly complex ASP.NET webforms site, with source code available? Particularly that use MVP or MVC patterns. Note: I'm not looking for sites that use the ASP.NET MVC framework. I'm looking for sites built with traditional webforms, even if they happen to use the MVC pattern ...

GWT MVP - retriving custom event parameters problem

Hi, I am developing a GWT application with presenter, dispatcher and Gin. I have a presenter which is retrieving an ArrayList<JobPosting> from server and firing a ManageJobsEvent. dispatcher.execute(new GetJobPostings(userId), new DisplayCallback<GetJobPostingsResult>(display) { @Override ...

Folders without Namespaces C#, .Net, VS 2008

I'm working on an ASP.NET webapp using the MVP pattern, and as I'm organizing my files I'm wondering - are there conventions on folders within projects and how they relate to namespaces? I have a bunch of controls and a bunch of pages, and I was going to throw them into Controls and Pages folders with subfolders, but I didn't know if i...