
Automapper Custom Mapping Exception

Update 1-13-10 I've been able to find some success using the code below for mapping. I am essentially ignoring any of the properties that do not have a mapping and mapping them afterwards. I would appreciate feedback as to whether or not I am going about this in the best way possible. In addition, I am not sure how to go about unit testi...

Could this be C# Model View Controler console app in and if not why ?

Just trying to grasp the MVC by doing ... and still not sure got it right .. using System; using System.Text; namespace MVPConsoleApp { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { View objView = new View(); Controller objController = new Con...

In MVP (Passive View), can business logic also modify the view interface or is it only the presenter who can?

Please explain the responsibilities of the presenter and of the business logic, and their interaction in MVP passive view. Can the business logic(is it the same as model?) modify the view? Or will it pollute the MVP passive view design? How exactly should presenter use the underlying services? ...

Proper implementation of MVP with complex controls

I'm currently implementing a project using, c# and the MVP (Model-View-Presenter) pattern. The main purpose of this solution is to deliver a graph to the consumer, to be used by a variety of systems. It is basically a custom graph server. The view page in this particular case has an MSChart control on it, which has to be dynamic...

What to use? MVC, MVP or MVVM or…?

I will start a Java project to develop a desktop application. What to use as presentation layer pattern (MVC, MVP,MVVM or....)? ...if it is possible, with some working small example... :-) Thanks. ...

GWT with MVP : add the same presenter to one container several times

Hello, I'm working with GWT with the MVP pattern, actually implementing a search results page. The search results are represented by a picture + some info. I created a presenter and a view for a search result (I'll call this little square "thumbnail" for now on), so that I can add it several times to the search results page, and use i...

Injecting Lower Layer Dependency in Presenter in an ASP.NET MVP Application

I recently read Phil Haack's post where he gives an example of implementing Model View Presenter for ASP.NET. One of the code snippets shows how the code for the view class. public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page, IPostEditView { PostEditController controller; public _Default() { this.controller = ne...

MVP and communication between GWT widgets

If I am using the MVP pattern with GWT, as in the GWT architecture best practices talk from Google I/O from 2009, but have spread out the information into multiple widgets, how should the value object be populated? Say I have a EditPersonView/Presenter, a EditPetView/Presenter and an EditAddressView/Presenter and the last two are widget...

Webforms MVP: What is presenters responsibility

Am I wrong in my view that a presenter in the MVP design pattern should be lean and not have much logic just like the controller in MVC, and that most logic having to do with model updates should live in a application service. My view is that presenter should just build up a command and send it to a service that would process it. ...

wpf mvvm confusion

guys as per my understanding about mvvm is. there is a model (entity class that also implement inotify...), view (xaml code) and some class as vm (kind of controller which normally inherit icommand) to let us make events/commands to be generated on specific event... m just wondering about difference between viewmodel class and xaml'...

MVP - Should views be able to call presenter methods directly or should they always raise events?

I've been using the MVP pattern for a while with ASP.NET. I've stuck to the defined pattern of raising presenter events from the view. It has struck me that I could expose methods in the presenter that the view could call directly. Technically, using direct methods calls would require less code. The other benefit is that I tend to shar...

How to avoid parallel inheritance hierarchies among GUI controls and domain objects.

I am developing a Windows Forms application in C#. I am using the MVP design pattern. In the GUI the user can manipulate printer objects, and there needs to be custom controls that represent the printer objects to the user. There is a class hierarchy that represents the printers. At the base there is an abstract Printer class. Then ...

ObjectContainerDatasource onselecting called twice

Hi guys, This is my first attempt to work with WCSF and MVP here is the setup. a search button when clicked it fires an event to get the data from service public void OnSelecting(int startRowIndex, int maximumRows, string sortExpression) { View.Persons = Controller.GetPersons(startRowIndex, maximumRows, sortExpress...

MVP for an ASP.NET page with a modal dialog

I have to create an ASP.NET page that lists various types of customers in a grid. When a user selects to edit an item, a modal dialog should be displayed that allows the user to update the customer's properties. The dialog will display different fields and perform different validation depending on the type of customer being edited (i.e....

Linq to Sql design and MVP

I'm experimenting with LinqToSql and the MVP pattern and having trouble setting on a good design. I'm using 3.5 (not MVC) Here is a example public interface IMyBusinessCardView { string Field1 { get; set; } string Field2 { get; set; } string Field15 { get; set; } } public class MyBusinessCardPresenter { private...

MVP : Dialog boxes that return value and testable code

In my MVP pattern (Passive view) based application (.NET), I have separated out the message boxes into the View so that when I test my presenter and model my testing code is not affected by the need to show user some information. But I don't know how to accommodate dialog boxes, when user's input is required to decide on a course of acti...

Does Android UI development lend itself well to a particiular design pattern?

Does the Android platform lend itself well to a particular style of UI programming like MVC or MVP? Most of my UI experience is with spaghetti code on a very old embedded device or in GWT with MVP so I do not know where to start. ...

Best Practice for BackGroundWorker in WinForms using an MVP architecture

I am working on a winforms project. I am implementing an MVP architecture. I have some processing intensive jobs running at the presenter (Reading from file system and performing bulk inserts to a DB). I would like to perform these operations in a background thread without locking up the UI and update controls on my view (progress bar, a...

How to implement async pattern in windows forms application?

I'm using an MVC pattern in winforms application. I need to call remote service asynchronously. So On some event in View I invoke corresponding Presenter method. In Presenter I call BeginInvoke method of service. But to View must be updated only in Main Thread. I could actualy point CallBack to some function in View, and update it`s cont...

(nested) user controls within a mvp pattern causing sporadic problems

hi everyone, I have a serious problem with nested user controls (UCs) in WinForms while trying to implement the mvp pattern (passive view). The project consists of one model (designed as a singleton) and a set of different presenters with corresponding view interfaces. To avoid one huge view interface and therefore an overloaded main UI,...