
Is there any opensourse set of components or some framework for creating Flex mxml graphs (Node-based UIs)?

Is there any opensourse, free set of components for creating Flex mxml graphs? like aviary Peacock style ones with at least Drag, drop, and connect generators so each graph element could have or something like that. Framework should be opensource (like GPL, LGPL etc) BTW: I found one wary bacic made by Erno Aapa with Degrafa ...

How do I insert a variable in MXML (Flash builder 4)?

I have a text box that receives data from XML. Has activated the service. Everything works fine if i use "taurus" instead myVar in {}. Now I want to change the field and depending on the button is pressed to receive different data. But nothing comes out. public var myVar:String = "taurus"; pr...

Flex error: could not resolve to a component implementation

Hi, I am trying to create a menu bar with the following items: File, Database, Navigate, Window. However, I am getting an error which I do not understand: Could not resolve <mx:XMLList> to a component implementation. Can anyone explain the error to me? My code is as follows: ` <mx:XMLList id="topLevelMenu"> <menuitem label="File" /...

TileList creationComplete problem in Adobe Flex 3.0

I have made a tile list is Adobe Flex as follows <mx:TileList height="130" width="636" rowCount="1" columnCount="8" columnWidth="150" direction="horizontal" allowMultipleSelection="false" enabled="true" borderStyle="solid" id="profilelist" verticalScrollPolicy="off" dataProvider="{xmlListColl}" itemRenderer="PageImageRend...

FlexEvent.APPLICATION_COMPLETE never called in simple app

Hello, I've got a really simple flex application, with a main file Rec.mxml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Application xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="215" minHeight="138" width="215" height="138" background...

is there such a thing as an MXML interface

Hi, This could potentially be a dumb question so apologies in advance if it is. I'm wondering if theres an equivilant of Interfaces in MXML? Everytime I feel the need to use an interface I always wind up making an actionscript and not an MXML file because I don't know if / how you can. For example I was going to have a component based...

How to specify swc when building a swf?

Hi, I have implemented some utility classes in Flex that I want to use in multiple AIR projects. I have created a swc which contain these classes. I am working on a Linux machine and do not have FlashBuilder. So I am using the compc and mxmlc command line SDK tools. My problem is that I have not been able to find a way to specify the swc...

Selecting One Particular Data Item

I've created an Flex app. It currently has an drop down menu. With the option to select a Channel. Once the channel is selected the data pulls through. But, what I want to do is just pull through one channel of data as opposed to multiple items of data. How can I achieve this? My code is quite simple at the moment and looks like this : ...

How to do this XML declaration in Flex4

I have a dataProvider that's defined with mx:XML like this. <mx:dataProvider> <mx:XML format="e4x"> <root label="All Items"> <morning label="Evening" type="check" /> <evening label="Evening" type="check" /> <night label="Night" type="check" /> </root> </mx:XML> </mx:dataProvider> This do...

Not receiving an event fired from an .AS class

I have 2 files, 1 to dispatch the event and 1 to receive it (of course in addition to the event class itself). I've done this before with both dispatching and receiving files being mxml, but this time the dispatching file is an actionscript class, and it's not working this time. Is it different for actionscript classes? Here's a dumbed...

Extending a class with multiple classes

I'm creating a class that extends another class. public class ASClass extends UIComponent{ } but I'm trying to make it extend multiple classes. Is this somehow possible? I read it may be possible through composition? ...

Why is a Spark TextArea tiny, when a Height and Width are set?

Here is my problem, fairly obvious: [img at bottom] The problem, as you can see, is that the text (height and width) is nothing like the Height and Width of the compoent (Spark TextArea) that I have set via the Main.mxml file in Flex 4. This is pissing me off so much because nobody can tell me why this is happening, or how to fix it. ...

Proper MXML Class Factory

I would really like to be able to write something like the following: <magical:ClassFactory id="factory"> <some:UIComponentOrWhatever with_event="handlers(event)" event_snippets="" code_values="{ foo + ' ' + bar }" bound_values="{bindabl...

Compiling MXML with ANT - default-background-color not working

When I compile an .as file with MXMLC via ANT Build and set the default-background-color and default-frame-rate compiler options everything works fine. However, when I compile the main Application file of a Flex Project ( .mxml ) these options are not working or are not visible in the output when I launch. The framerate returns as NaN an...

Adobe Flex layout issue. nested containers inside VGroup, 100% height not working

I have a nested layout which is dynamic (sizes are percentage values) or at least it should be. I removed the text of the strings from the code: <s:VGroup width="98%" height="70%" horizontalAlign="center" horizontalCenter="0"> <s:BorderContainer borderStyle="inset" borderWeight="1" cornerRadius="20" textAlign="center" ...

Is there a way to truly extend a Flex component?

I need to create an extension of a Flex component, which (obviously) means that the new component should be able to be used whenever the parent is used. But I don't see the way to do it, Flex offers two ways of extending a component, by defining an AS class extending the parent or by creating an MXML file that uses the parent component a...

accessing a class within mxml tag

I would like to provide my own sortItemRenderer within an AdvancedDataGrid like so: <mx:AdvancedDataGrid sortItemRenderer="MyRenderer"></mx:AdvancedDataGrid> MyRenderer is a class that I wrote, but Flex doesn't see it and gives "defintion not found" error, because it is not within the mx namespace. What is a clean way to make this to...

Ajaxifying flex lists

In html, it's possible to use jquery or javascript to refresh a list of stuff every 10 seconds or so to make it appear like it's live. Is the same thing possible with flex Lists? I heard it's possible to create flex with other programming language. Not sure what the details were, I think they said with javascript too. But I'm working...

flex extending a Mxml

I have a complex layout and many reports need such a layout. Wondering if we can create a "template" like thing where every one can extend and get the layout. Below is my first attempt.(this is just a dummy layout). The below has 3 canvas, one on top, one to left, one to right. <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""...

Asdoc throwing errors for MXML component that includes a separate .as file.

I have an MXML component that includes a .as file with <fx:Script source="" /> Running asdoc throws a whole bunch of errors like "Error: The private attribute may be used only on class property definitions." "Error: The public attribute can only be used inside a package." The only useful information I could find on the sub...