
Myspace app development, showing an external site in app canvas?

is it possible to redirect a user from the app canvas page to another website which is hosted on another site e.g. i mean i have already done it but currently my app is in development mode so I dont know if its possible to publish it and get it approved or not? if it is not possible let me know how should i do it...

Clicking through a transparent .png

First off, I would like to say that myspace is a pain. But, musicians love it, and I can make some money doing layouts for them. I overlayed a layer of .png's over myspace's original look, but need to utilize the myspace music player. So, I made a picture frame that surrounds the myspace player that has a transparent center so you can se...

oAuth consumer for myspace not returning data

I am using the following link as a base for implementing myspace oAuth consumer in my website. When i use the basic oAuthBase.cs class i receive the 401 unauthorized error but when i use the updated oAuthBase.cs as mentioned by the blogger in the above post in respo...

opensocial client library createActivity method returning 404

I am using opensocial client library for C# to use myspace data on my website. The application is an on site application with html/javascript used for the three surfaces. I can connect to myspace properly and can get the data retrieved from myspace easily. however when i use the createActivity method, I receive a 404 error in the respons...

iPhone API libraries for popular websites...

What are (open source) libraries for iPhone that allow your user to interact with popular websites? Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Ebay etc... Please post as much of the following as you can: the name of the website that the library is used to interact with the name of the library the author's name a link or download information the l...

How to create and post activity on myspace using MyspaceID.SDK c# toolkit

Hello I am writing an app that require to post activities to friends. I am using MySpaceID.SDK C# toolkit and using OnsiteContext to create an onsite app within myspace. I have used the Activity template and have seen the tutorial for myspace JSL. On the page, it said Myspace JSL was designed to use by the offsite application and ther...

I need to have a flash overlay disappear after it runs

I'm doing a myspace profile for a client, I'd like to run a flash animation as an overlay and then once it runs, have it completely disappear, set to display: none or any other fashion of that. It must be myspace friendly (no javascript). Thanks for your help! ...

OAuth REST API Usage - Authentication Process (myspace example code)

Can someone give an example of how to do Oauth authentication for the myspace REST API. I have the description here but would like to have some sample code: ...

MySpace integration using REST API oAuth in C#

I am trying to integrate my app with Myspace using oAuth REST API... i have successfully done first 3 steps but unable to compose url for access token (step4)... Authentication Process steps: Step 1: Get a request token. ( Step 2: Redirect to a MySpace URL to authenticate the User. (http://api.mys...

What does "Rogue request trapped" mean when working with MySpace OAuth? (C#)

Hi All, So, I'm extending a social media class that I have (that works with Twitter, Tumblr, Posterous and already) to work with MySpace. I've gotten up to the point where I can request temporary credentials, and then redirect to the authorization url. The problem is that the authorization url keeps returning an XML response with...

MySpace App Invites

I am currently working on a MySpace app (onsite) and cannot find any examples of inviting friends to the app. I'm currently using the MySpaceID SDK for C# (using the OnsiteContext instead of Offsite), but for the app invites, I can use javascript or whatever works. The MySpace developer documentation is crap. Anyone able to help? ...

Instant Messenger in PHP?

I am woking on another project, and need to be able to create an online instant messenger that combines everybody's chat (Myspace, Facebook, Yahoo, AOL, Google , etc) into one in order to provide the user with an easy way to chat with all their friends and not have to download anything. I was thinking of doing this with PHP, but I'm not ...

How to create one column layout in myspace

Hi, I am trying to customize myspace create a one column layout. i want to remove the left photo block and have a banner wide background image and have a div container structure. Whre Can I add custom html and css? In the new myspace 3.0 It wouldnt allow customs css or html. It also doenst give me the optiosn to revert to myspace 2.0 o...

How to update status with myspace python api

I'm using myspace python api to post update status, but its return 401, Can't figure it out ,How to deal with that. ...

How to post text to myspace activity stream by myspace python sdk

I try to post a text to activity stream's myspace, by using python sdk from myspace 's website . Anyone has some example or what i need to use more? ...

Update user status for major social networks from Blackberry

My application is a Radio app which plays different radio stations using live streaming. I want to implement a social networking feature. I want to let users send their current status using different social networking sites. I have already implemented this in my iPhone application. facebook,twitter,myspace,linkedin,orkut. Can anyone...

Social networking in Smart phone

Hello, I have to implement social networking sites in my iphone, blackberry and android applications. I have implemented one radio application in which I have to post status on the regular bases. So, I want to ask that is there anyone who have implemented the facebook,twitter, myspace, linkedin, orkut and flicker in the iphone, blackber...

How to run Hello World app on MySpace?

I try to wrote MySpace app. My OAuth Consumer Key: is and OAuth Consumer Secret is 4d6898d03b24491abc57e98f67508c7e828f9821d84d433b8b541f1865a89fa6 Is used your tutorial: to create APP. I set app to "External ...

C# sample code of MySpace integration to add new post comment

Is there any c# sample code of myspace integrating to add a new comment on my myspace's profile from an ASP.NET web site ? Any help would be appreciated Thank you ...

Dynamic User Directorys

When a user registers I am wondering how to create them a dynamic directory (which will show they're profile), such as Facebook / MySpace. I want the directory to be that of their username. The username is stored on the database. Technologies being used Database: MySQL Front End: PHP I've looked at using the PHP MKDIR command to cre...