
How to fix data after changing key

I have a table with several integers as primary key. One of them is a counter. I need to remove the counter from the key. Removing counter from the key will make many rows duplicates (with different counter values but all other key elements the same). I need a query that will delete all duplicates and leave only the row with the highes...

Creating a quicker MySQL Query

I'm trying to create a faster query, right now i have large databases. My table sizes are 5 col, 530k rows, and 300 col, 4k rows (sadly i have 0 control over architecture, otherwise I wouldn't be having this silly problem with a poor db). SELECT cast( table2.foo_1 AS datetime ) as date, table1.*, table2.foo_2, foo_3, foo_4, fo...

A reverse of Haversine formula for MySQL?

In my DB i store a center point, along with a radius (in meters). I'm looking to pass in a lat/lng, and then have the mysql values i've stored create a circle to tell me if my point i passed in is within that circle. Is there something that would allow me to do this, similar to the haversine forumla (which would assume that my point w...

MySQL between query returning redundant results

SELECT webcal_entry.cal_id, webcal_entry.cal_name , webcal_entry.cal_priority, webcal_entry.cal_date , webcal_entry.cal_time , webcal_entry_user.cal_status, webcal_entry.cal_create_by , webcal_entry.cal_access, webcal_entry.cal_duration , webcal_entry.cal_description , webcal_entry_user.cal_category FROM webcal_entry, webcal_entry_user ...

A sql query

data: id1,id2 1 3 1 8 1 10 1 11 2 3 2 10 2 11 3 2 3 18 3 20 4 3 4 8 5 3 5 10 5 11 5 40 5 45 5 50 6 1 6 59 6 70 I won't get all id1 with id2 = 3,10,11. For example, id1=4 only with id2=3, should not return. The results should be id1 1 2 5 ...

How to get the results of WHERE conditional evaluations in the result set?

The PROBLEM I have a query like this: select from a join b on ( = b.my_a ) join .... where ( /* complex and expensive conditional */ ) AND (( /* conditional #1 */ ) OR ( /* conditional #2 */ ) OR ( /* conditional #3 */)) I would like to have the query return something like: select, co...

How can I optimize this subqueried and Joined MySQL Query?

I'm pretty green on mysql and I need some tips on cleaning up a query. It is used in several variations through out a site. Its got some subquerys derived tables and fun going on. Heres the query: # Query_time: 2 Lock_time: 0 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 SELECT * FROM ( SELECT products . *, categories.category_name AS category, ...

Is it possible to use Mysql foreign keys in InnoDB tables for inverse lookup?

Hi! I wonder if it is possible to use FK's in Mysql (InnoDB) for inverse lookup. The reason - I want to read an XML-like structure from the db (using one table per "layer"), but be able to do this dynamically. I want to be able to update the xml structure by adding a new table and setting a FK constraint. To clarify, say we have a tab...

A sql query to form data

Mysql: Table_A ------------ id name 1 Name1 2 Name2 Table_B ------------ a_id type value 1 width 100 1 height 100 1 color red 2 width 50 2 height 80 It's unknown how many type values exist in Table_B. how to get result as: id name width height color 1 Name1 100 100 red 2 Name2 50 80 null ...

Get earliest timestamps for user's cards in a mysql data table

I have a database of users and a database of cards. The users see the cards repeatedly. I kept a record of every time the users saw the cards and how long they looked at the card. Now that I've got that data, I want to analyze it by considering the first time that each user looked at each card. I got a list of the average msToAnswer ...

MySql Trigger, before insert delete a row in the same table

Is this possible? Before a row is inserted into tableA, I need to delete any rows in tableA containing duplicate data.The trigger below does not generate an error but doesn't work either. CREATE TRIGGER remove_old_user BEFORE INSERT ON userStatus FOR EACH ROW DELETE FROM userStatus WHERE username = NEW.username Any ideas? ...

MySQL merge amounts in a 2 rows

I'm looking to create a sql statement that will update a large set of data. What I have is a table like id, transid, amount, narative1, narative 2, total, active 1 1234 23.2 NULL NULL NULL 1 2 1234 120.33 NULL NULL NULL 1 3 1235 98.00 NULL ...

FInding duplicates that aren't duplicates in a MYSQL table

I have a tab;e set up as follows id origin destination carrier_id so typical row could be, 100: London Manchester 366 Now each route goes both ways, so there shouldn't be a row like this 233: Manchester London 366 since that's essentially the same route (for my purposes anyway) Unfortunately though, i have wound up w...

How to parse this LONGTEXT string field in MySQL

I need to extract the following fields into a new table, any ideas if I can do this exclusively with a query or if I need to use PHP as well. CURRENT TABLE STRUCTURE USERID USEREXPERINCE 1 a:4:{i:0;s:20:"business development";i:1;s:6:"design";i:2;s:9:"marketing";i:3;s:15:"press relations";} REQUIRED TABLE STRUCTURE USERID ...

PYTHON: Update MULTIPLE COLUMNS with python variables

Hello everybody, I'm trying to write a valid mysql statement that would allow me to update multiple columns in one record with values provided as python variables. My statement would look like this: db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="user", passwd="password", db="dbname") cursor = db.cursor() sql_update = "UPDATE table_name ...

MYSQL: Query to get previous and next video ID?

I am developing a video website (PHP - MYSQL), just like youtube, in which I want to provide the functionality of Next video and Previous video. Let's say I am currently on videoId: 234 so Next and Previous video links will point to videoId: 233 and 235 respecively. My table structure is as follows: videoId videoName videoURL ...

Auto Index in My SQL

Hi. I am using MySQL for my database. I have a requirement to store a list of users in the system. The user will have both first name and last name. I cannot have the first name and second name as the primary key. So I need a indexing key. But I do not want to enter the index value every time to add a new row. I want the system to ha...

How to get the latest 2 items per category in one select (with mysql)

My data looks like the following: id|category|insertdate|title.... -------------------------------- 1|1|123|test 1 2|1|124|test 2 3|1|125|test 3 4|2|102|test 4 5|2|103|test 5 6|2|104|test 6 What I try to accomplish is get the latest 2 entries per category (as in order by insertdate DESC), so the result should be: id|.... ---- 3|......

Efficiently querying a 15,000,000 rows table in MySQL

Consider the following database tables: Table "messages" with 13,000,000 rows (one row per message). Table "users" with 3,000,000 rows (one row per user). The following query is used to fetch a bunch of messages and the corresponding users: SELECT, messages.message,, users.username FROM messages INNER JOIN users...

Transfering MySQL Records from Database to Database

I have two databases: Transactions and Customer List I want to populate the customer list database with the customer information that is in the transactions database. I do not wish to transfer ALL of the information from the transactions database because the Customer List database has a different structure. How can I transfer these r...