I've been looking around on SO and have been seeing a lot of questions about category tree menus and was wondering how would my MySQL table or tables look like so I can add many categories and count less sub categories and display them on my web site.
Note I will be using PHP & MySQL.
Our company is working on a project that requires a database with 30-50 million rows of product data. These rows contain text that needs to be searched concurrently thousands of times per second. Moreover, each search needs to take less than one second to execute.
So, all in all, we have a 50M row database that needs to be searc...
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'dbuser1'@'localhost
This is probably something stupid, but I created some code to access my database from a PHP script but there was an error (dbuser1 doesn't exist) at the first run and now its stuck with the same error even if I change the username to anoth...
How would I be able to display a url value from a sub category listed in my MySQL database that looks something like the example below?
Here is the MySQL table.
CREATE TABLE categories (
Is any installer which can configure PHP, IDE, MySQL,Curl API and Apache. my goal is to use Curl API using PHP. I am lots of trouble with manual installing.
I have three MySQL queries I need to combine into a single query using joins. I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out how to do it though. Here are the three queries.
from A join B
on A.BID = B.id
where B.userID=userID
from D left join (C)
on (D.id=C.DID)
where D.userID = userID
I want to be able to count which sub category my new category is so i can give it its proper url value for example
sub category 3 url value will be saved as &sub3=category
Here is an category example.
Web Design //parent category 0
Programming //sub-cat 1
HTML //sub-cat 2
Basics //sub-cat 3
The ...
I have a field in my table having text data type.
Is there a difference in performance for the following two sql queries:
select * from tablename where fieldname="xyz%";
select * from tablename where fieldname="%zyx";
If we were to implement the execution of these queries, this is what I think we would need to do:
We have to match...
My query:
contacts.createdAt AS contactcreatedAt,
contacts.updatedAt AS contactupdatedAt,
bidresponses.itemid AS bidresponseitemid,
bidresponses.personid AS bidresponsepersonid,
SUM(tagsitems.quantity) AS totalquantity
FROM items
LEFT OUTER JOIN tagsitems ON items.id = tagsitems.itemid
I'm developing my university graduation project and I'd like to include an OLAP-based reporting module.
In the past, I've used Mondrian with JPivot as an OLAP solution for Java projects and I'm looking for something similar using .NET. The tricky part is that my project should run on Mono and MySQL (installation environment is a Linux ...
I have the following query:
SELECT products_categories.categoryID, name, COUNT(*) AS itemCount
FROM products_categories
LEFT JOIN products_to_categories ON products_to_categories.categoryID = products_categories.categoryID
GROUP BY products_categories.categoryID
But still there's a problem: categories with no products in them return i...
If my site ever goes live (don't think it will, its just a learning exercise at the moment).
I've been using mysql_real_escape_string(); on data from POST, SERVER and GET.
Also, I've been using intval(); on strings that must only be numbers.
I think this covers me from sql injection? Correct? Can i do more?
But, I'm not sure ho...
How to know prev id value and next id value from a table where id is given ?
like ia have id=5 for a recod in table then i want to know the prev id value and next id value
Does vanilla MySQL have a table name length limit?
(I've tested to 100 chrs on my modified MySQL - no limit so far.. I don't have vanilla MySQL accessible readily, though, but I wonder if my dynamically-created table schema will run on default MySQL)
Question: What happens if you go over 64 chrs on default MySQL? Can you test this ple...
I am trying to count the records in my table and group them per date. My current query looks something like the following:
MONTH(time) as month,
YEAR(time) as year
month, year
year, month
This works, except that I would also like to get a count for months where n...
I'm new to php and sql. I have a table with three columns. One 256 bit hash number and two ints. I want to search for the row that matches my hash and then retrieve one int and increment the other. So, I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone by using first the UPDATE command.
$query = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET activationcount = (activ...
I have mysql and apache running through XAMPP on my Mac machine (10.6.4). I usually do PHP development with this setup butnow I want to start out with Ruby on Rails. Unfortunately I cannot get mysql to work with RoR. I start the mysql Server with XAMPP and when I do "rake db:migrate" I get this output:!!! The bundled mysql.rb driver has ...
I am unable to connect database “test” created in mySQL using Java Server Pages (JSP) & Tomcat. I am getting the error message "Unable to connect to database".
I am using following software specifications
Tomcat 6.0
mySQL 5.1.49
I have configured following environment variables as follow
Hey guys,
I've got a certain question related to a blog, which I am developing in OOP (PHP) right now. All blogposts are stored in a MySQL-table.
In the app you can read a specific post by giving the id of the post via GET-parameter. So like http://example.com/?id=2. Under the blogpost I want to show to navigation links like "previous"...
Hi All,
I'm running MySQL from the command line and executing SQL stored in files. What I'm trying to do, is prompt the user to enter input so that I can include this in the SQL script? Is there a way to do this with MySQL?
Many thanks,