
What is the shortest way to get the next free id from MySQL table ?

I have a table with id column. ids are in ascending order but not necessarily consecutive. For example: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12 I need to find the next "free" id, i.e. max(id) + 1 (or 1 if the table is empty). Currently I'm doing this in PHP like this: function get_free_id($con) { $sql = "SELECT MAX(id) AS last_id FROM Table"; ...

AVG() fuction always returning "Array"

This is what I got, UPDATED $avg_query = "SELECT AVG(rating) AS avg_rating FROM kicks WHERE userid='$userid'"; $avg_result = mysqli_query($cxn, $avg_query) or die("Couldn't execute query."); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($avg_result); $average = $row['avg_rating']; E...

MySQL defaults vs ruby initialize method

You can initialize a db attribute to a default value in the following two ways - Configure your db to assign a default value to that attribute Use Ruby's initialize method to assign it a value during Object creation (using something like ActiveRecord to talk to your db) Is there a reason to prefer one of the above methods over anothe...

MySQL query help: how to pivot this table?

Given a table like this: ============================================== | ID1 | ID2 | ID3 | Name | Value | ============================================== | 16 | 1 | 100 | item_name | Toys | | 16 | 2 | 101 | item_name | Computer | | 16 | 1 | 102 | item_price | 55 | | 16 | 2 | 103 | item_price ...

MYSQL Query Problem

hello.. i have this database Database Image and an array of user id <?php $users = array('0000000002','0000000003'); //i want to show only the post from these $users only.. // i came up with this query.. mysql_query("SELECT * FROM it_posts WHERE postOwner = '0000000002' OR postOwner = '0000000003'"); //but it will not display each p...

How to insert HTML in MySQL DB using Java?

Hey Friends, How can we insert full HTML of a webpage into my table using Java? ...

Change the result of mysql_query

Can I modify the result that I have received from mysql_query than reset the pointer with mysql_data_seek($result, 0) and process the output like from normal query Dummy example: $result = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $row[$fieldName] = $this->someFunction($row['id']); } mysql_data_seek($result, 0);...

Dropping Unique constraint from MYSQL table

How can I drop the "Unique Key Constraint" on a column of a MYSQL table using "Phpmyadmin". Thanks in advance ...

comparing timestamps

HI, My php is very rusty and I can't quite remember how to do this. I have a script that i only want to call every 15 minutes. I've created a table called last_updated. What I want to do is have some code at the top of my script that queries this last_updated table and if now() minus the last updated is greater than 15 minutes then run ...

EntityFramework and MySQL with LINQ

I'm trying to use EntityFramework to work with MySQL database from c#. I'm using MySQL Connector 6.3.3, but i'm unable to use the linq syntax like context.Items.Where(x => x.Id == 3) I only see the following overload for Where: Where(string predicate, params ObjectParameter[] parameters); Is there a provider or something that could...

Search in mysql without special symbols when mysql row with special symbols?

Search input: How to format Mysql row: How to - Format How can I find "How to - Format" if search input is "How to format"? In other words how can I search in mysql without special symbols when mysql row with special symbols? Sorry for my English and thanks for any help. ...

How to keep databases synchronized between hosting account and a local testing server?

I have several databases hosted on a shared server, and a local testing server which I use for development. I would like to keep both set of databases somewhat synchronized (more or less daily). So far, my ideas to solve the problem seem very clumsy. Anyway, for reference, here is what I have considered so far: Make a database dump ...

How to find all records which are NOT in this array? (MySql)

I have an array which contains a bunch of ID:s... I can't figure out how to write a query for finding all records which are NOT inside this array, in mysql. SELECT * FROM main_table WHERE .......... Any ideas? Thanks ...

MySQL create time and update time timestamp

I am creating some tables where I want to store the time when a record was created and when it was last updated. I thought I could have two timestamp fields where one would have the value CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and the other would have CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP. But I guess I can't do this because you can have only 1 times...

Solr How to delete all records EXCEPT ones in an array?

I have a SolrPhpClient which I use to communicate with Solr. I can make queries very easy, like: $solr->deleteByQuery("id: 12345") Anyways, I wonder if anybody out there know of a way to delete all records in a Solr index EXCEPT ones I have inside an array... Is this even possible... Thanks ...

STR_TO_DATE does not exist

Hi, if is use this command in mysq: SELECT node.nid AS nid, users.uid AS users_uid, node.created AS node_created FROM dr_wiwe_node node LEFT JOIN dr_wiwe_content_type_classified node_data_field_classified_valid_till ON node.vid = node_data_field_classified_valid_till.vid INNER JOIN dr_wiwe_users users ON node.uid = users.uid WHERE ( ( ...


I have two tables, 'user' and 'account' with a 1:1 relationship. account has a fk user_id, and account has unique account_id I have to take a csv upload with up to 50k rows and for each row either: insert the data as a new row (in to account and user) if account.account_number is unique update the account table row if the account.acc...

MySQL + PHP: fetching data using foreign keys

I have 2 tables (Users, Wall). The UserID in the Wall table is a foreign key. How would I go about fetching the users details using this? (I want to fetch the users Forename and Surname who posted the message.) Users Table: Wall Table: EDIT: I cannot figure out how to show the data. <?php include('config.php'); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PU...

Mysql::Error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes

script/generate acts_as_taggable_on_migration rake db:migrate causes Mysql::Error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes: CREATE INDEX `index_taggings_on_taggable_id_and_taggable_type_and_context` ON `taggings` (`taggable_id`, `taggable_type`, `context`) What should I do? Here is my database encoding: mysql> S...

MySQL + PHP: General Help Needed for Echoing Data from Foreign Key

I have 2 tables (Users, Wall). The UserID in the Wall table is a foreign key. How would I go about fetching the users details using this? (I want to fetch the users Forename and Surname who posted the message.) Users Table: Wall Table: EDIT: I cannot figure out how to show the data. <?php include('config.php'); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PU...