
MySQL, MS SQL Server or Oracle for large size database, calculation, depth analysis, and graph?

I just come to use database management system and have no experience with all the DBMS programme. For those expert who have experience all the three platform, your opinion on this is very much appreciated. Please guide and let me know the pros and cons. I been doing my database in Excel and would like to continue in other platform despi...

how to insert same data into two tables in mysql

dear all. is this possible if i want to insert some data into two tables simultanously? but at table2 i'm just insert selected item, not like table1 which insert all data. This the separate query: $sql = "INSERT INTO table1(model, serial, date, time, qty) VALUES ('star', '0001', '2010-08-23', '13:49:02', '10')"; $sql2 = "INSERT INTO...

how to define null as integer value on mysql server?

I need to allow saving null as integer value on mysql server, how can I do this? ...

Can I directly access MySQL from iPhone using MYSQL API ?

I have developed an iPhone application which needs to access MySQL database on the server. It builds very well on 'iPhone simulator',but when I want to build 'Device' version, it fails with error messages bolow: ld: warning: in /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.dylib, file was built for i386 which is not the architecture being linked ...

Parse XML data into WordPress MySQL database as custom fields

I have an XML job feed which I would like to integrate with my website which is running on a WordPress platform. I have a good understanding of WordPress and am familiar with it's database schema. The XML job feed is delivered automatically via FTP to my websites server via a zipped archive file which contains an XML file with the data...

INSERT SELECT with condition

Hello, I'm trying to do a INSERT SELECT with condition but smthg seems to be wrong. I get an 1064 error for wrong syntax. Here is the query : INSERT INTO `db1`.`table`.`field` ( SELECT a.`field1` , a.`field2` FROM `db2`.`table1` a, `db2`.`table2` b WHERE a.`field1` = b.`field1` AND b.`field2` = 'value' ) WHERE a.`field1` = `...

PHP/MySQL/PDF: charset and how to handle strange characters

Hi, I am designing a small registration system. In this system, people write their name and surname in a form. This information is later saved in a database. The admin can later generate a personalized PDF containing this information (kind of pre-filled form). I am struggling to understand how I should plan the database and the PDF ge...

Insert data into MySql table strange exception...

Hi , I am using this code to insert some values in MySql table: <?php mysql_connect("localhost","root","root"); mysql_select_db("bib"); $id = "12"; $titlu = "Joe"; $query = "INSERT INTO carte SET id='$id', titlu='$titlu'"; $result = mysql_query($query); // Display an appropriate message if ($result) echo "<p>Product successfully in...

problem in adding java date in MySQL?

here is the code String DateOfBirth[]=strDOB.split("/"); Date dateOfBirth = new Date(); dateOfBirth.setYear(Integer.parseInt(DateOfBirth[2].trim())); dateOfBirth.setMonth(Integer.parseInt(DateOfBirth[1].trim())); dateOfBirth.setDate(Integer.parseInt(DateOfBirth[0].trim())); java.text.SimpleDateFormat DateFormat = new java.text.SimpleD...

TINYINT vs ENUM(0, 1) for boolean values in MySQL

Which one is better, Tinyint with 0 and 1 values or ENUM 0,1 in MyISAM tables and MySQL 5.1? ...

Calculating bytes to MB

The mysqladmin command returns the values in bytes. I will like to see the value in MB if it is greater than 1 MB (1048576 bytes). $ mysqladmin variables +---------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------------------------+-------...

how to change this code

SELECT DATE(A.Inspection_datetime) AS Date, A.Model, COUNT(A.Serial_number) AS Qty, B.Name FROM inspection_report AS A LEFT JOIN Employee AS B ON A.NIK = B.NIK GROUP BY A.Model, A.Serial_number ...

When using a simple MySQL statements through PHP, is it better to target SELF or to target an external script?

Basically I'm building a CMS. In this CMS I have the ability to create pages, and this page is managed elsewhere but on this particular page, all you need to do is give it a title. Would it be better (security wise) to nest the PHP and then call it upon submission in THIS page, or would it be better to define the code in another sheet a...

how to query a blob data

I have a table like : ------------------------------ Test_Id Test_data (String) (blob) ------------------------------ I want a query to retrieve all the Test_Id's for a matching Test_data. To achieve something like : select * from test_table where Test_data = blobObject; How can we do above ?? ...

For a stats systems what's better in MySQL: InnoDB, Archive or MyISAM?

I want to store all accesses to a webpage with user-agent, script-execution-time, request-uri, full referer and some more variables. What I have been doing is use normalized MyISAM tables like: stats stats_user_agents stats_referers stats_requested_uris But in a normal webpage this takes some SELECT's and 1 INSERT. It's better use A...

calculate amount on dates difference

i have one table with two columns as shown in picture at the execution of page user enter the start and end date. now what i need to calculate is total amount. for example, if user put start date: 18-jan-2010 end date: 23-jan-2010 then he has 2 dates in first options (20$) and 3 dates in second options (26$) so total...

Does grails / hibernate store Dates with miliseconds in PostgreSQL?

I'm currently using grails with classes storing java.util.Date fields als DATETIME. However I need the precision / miliseconds to be stored as well which I think is not possible with MySQL. If I switch to PostgreSQL, will it store my Dates with milisecond precision (or is it easy to configure it this way)? ...

how to insert BIT values in MySQL using Java?

i am unable to add a Boolean value in Mysql how can i do so using java i have to use QueryExecuter for this perpose ...

MySQL problem! Needs to select unique value from one row only

Hi Everyone:) I'm creating this app where it's important to register if a person is active or not on the current day. My table structure looks like this: | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-----------+-------------+------+-----+-------------------+----------------+ | id | int(11) |...

i want to crete new blog site

any free blog engines which I can use for creating new blog site like ...