How can I convert a MySQL database into an older version?
How can I convert a MySQL database into an older version MySQL 5.1.48 - > 5.1.46? ...
How can I convert a MySQL database into an older version MySQL 5.1.48 - > 5.1.46? ...
Hi, I'm trying to get a column result in a single row. Is it possible in My sql say I Select name from users where city = 'NewYork' now this will result in name mak sandy john Can I get the result in this name mak,sandy,john I Mysql concat_ws() function does concat but its not showing me result. ...
Can the php function mysql_insert_id() return no result after processing the INSERT query in mysql db? Just to clarify. There was a script performing by cron on the production site. It contained a cycle for generating invoices for users. Each iteration consists of a INSERT db query and the mysql_insert_id() operation going right after t...
Something like SQL Wave but free or open source? Thanks. ...
get values from table1 match the agaist table2 and if date exist in both table update Enum filed with 1 where table1.row = table2.row is that posible or do i make self clear? ...
My app works pretty much perfectly in production – the website part of it, at least. The problem only pops up when I SSH into my VPS and do "rails c RAILS_ENV=production". The console works fine in development mode. I've had this problem before (or at least one that looks like it) and fixed it by adding "reconnect: true" to database.yml...
Hello, How would you use https ?, would sending information via GET and POST be any different while using https ? Any information and examples on how https is used in php for something simple like a secure login would be useful, Thank you! ...
I've got PyDev installed in Eclipse. I'm trying to play with Django. I'm got a remote MySQL database set up. I would really like to not install MySQL on my MacBook. Trying to set up the MySQL plugin for python, I get (djangotest)jeebus:MySQL-python-1.2.3 blah$ python clean sh: mysql_config: command not found Traceback (most r...
Possible Duplicate: help need a mysql query specialist !! ok i have a table1 containing a fieldset with emails and is constantly adding up via cron jobs now there is tabel2 that has the same emails. now i need to update table2 field "status" (wich is an enum field) where email on table1 = email on table2 ...
Hi all, i try to update a mysql table with multiple check box, but my code doesn't seem to work, so any help is welcome. My code is: <strong>Update <strong class="highlight">multiple</strong> <strong class="highlight">rows</strong> <strong class="highlight">in</strong> <strong class="highlight">mysql</strong></strong><br> <?php $hos...
In my DB I stored the time of the last page refresh in a TIME column. I want to compare the last page refresh to the current time now and find out how many 5 minuet periods have passed? I was thinking take the last page refresh and subtract it from the current time then divide by 5. But I don't know about how things are formatted. He...
Hi all, I'm trying to make django work on snow leopard. So far I've installed mysql 64 bit installed python 2.7 64 bit and installed django 1.2.1. Now I'm trying to install mysql-python-1.2.3; at the beginning I had problems because I hadn't installed the setup tool, having done that when try to install it by executing these command pyt...
I basically want to automatically add line breaks to a VARCHAR variable I acquire from a mysql database trough PHP, so that it shows right. At the moment when I show it trough HTML, all it does is give me a long sentence. I imagine this can be done with CSS, but overflow: scroll just makes it scroll to the right and left. Use of javascr...
MySQL (table) id | url | lat | lng ---------------------------------- 1 | x | 44.339565 | -101.337891 ---------------------------------- 2 | y | 44.150681 | -101.074219 ---------------------------------- 3 | z | 43.897892 | -100.634766 what I want to do now is order the list according to their proximity to (43.834527...
Hi, I have a MyISAM table with 2 fields f1 and f2, both Unsigned integers and cannot be null. The table purposely has no primary key but it has an index on f2. The table currently has 320 million rows. I would like to be able to insert new rows (about 4000 once every week) into this table at a decent speed. However, currently I insert ...
Im putting together a simple script that pulls content from the tweetmeme api and then inserts it into a database for further formating. This is what i currently have but it inserts no records and returns no errors for the database connection so i can assume it connects and fails at the insertion. $dbhost = 'localhost'; $dbuser = 'ro...
Hello Everybody, I'm very new to Rails, so please forgive my lack of understanding. I've installed the latest versions of RubyGems, Ruby, Rails, Rake, and MySQL etc via RubyGems, but I have this problem when starting to make a basic Rails app: Icarus:temporary atg$ rails new people ... (output omitted) ... Icarus:temporary atg$ cd ...
I have a database that's currently running on a 5.0.27 server. I want to move to a new 5.1.41 server. I mysqldump'd all the files. When restoring, I get an error ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 21: Duplicate entry 'weiÃ' for key 'title' I've narrowed the failure down to this script, which I can run and it fails: -- -- Table structure ...
Hello, I am using php/mysql on linux servers. I want to create a user sub domain for each user upon sign up. For instance, john doe --> The issue is, we are going to allow customizations such as adding custom features for clients wanting customizations. So, is it better we automate the process or manually create ...
Is there a way by mysql to set ALL product visibility to catalog, search? ...