
Mysql: Best practice to get last records

Hi there ! I got a spicy question about mysql... The idea here is to select the n last records from a table, filtering by a property, (possibly from another table). That simple. At this point you wanna reply : let n = 10 SELECT * FROM huge_table JOIN another_table ON = huge_table.another_table_id AN...

How to use having on un-aggregate field in MySQL?

select xx as fieldA from ... group by xxx having fieldA is not null I found that having has no effect ...

MySQL Syntax error

What's wrong with this code? FROM product_tag, ps_product_tags_all LEFT JOIN users ON = product_tag.lang LEFT JOIN images ON = ps_product_tags_all.lang Error: Unknown column 'product_tag.lang' in 'on clause' ...

How to get total number of products in virtuemart?

I want to display total number of products sold for each product. There are around 30 products in my virtue mart and I want each one's total sold number. Table named jos_vm_order_item contains product_id and product_quantity with all other information. How can I display this? Please Help me out its very urgent for me..... Thanks in a...

Parsing a JSON object with jQuery and creating two drop down lists with that data

Hi guys, I am trying to dynamically create two drop down lists, one will be provinces, and the other will contain the cities of each province, so when a user chooses a province, the cities drop down will populate, I am using jQuery's $.ajax funtion to get the data from a database which then passes it back as JSON, here is what I have thu...

Using one mysql database or few. What's suits for me?

Hello all, I'm looking for guidance. Here is what I'm doing. I'm creating an advertising/publishing script using PHP and MySQL. At this time, the current program contains 41 million rows (7.5GB). I'm thinking about storing real-time statistics and other data (users, ads, places, daily/monthly stats) on two mysql databases. And then up...

Processing MySQL result in bash

Hi, I'm currently having a already a bash script with a few thousand lines which sends various queries MySQL to generate applicable output for munin. Up until now the results were simply numbers which weren't a problem, but now I'm facing a challenge to work with a more complex query in the form of: $ echo "SELECT id, name FROM type O...

PHP Pagestructure to array

Okey, so this is my problem. I have a page structure saved into a mysql db. Like this: Page 1 - SubPage 1.1 - - SubPage 1.1.1 - - - SubPage - - - SubPage - - SubPage 1.1.2 - SubPage 1.2 - SubPage 1.3 Page 2 Page 3 The structure can have endless pages and sub pages. All pages have a field called "url" and "childof". "ch...

Can redis fully replace mysql?

Simple question, could I conceivably use redis instead of mysql for all sorts of web applications: social networks, geo-location services etc? ...

How to retrieve count of items in top level categories and including items in immediate sub-categories using mysql query

Hi I tried .. SELECT c.* , ( SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM item t WHERE t.cat_id = c.cat_id )ct_items, ( SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM item t INNER JOIN cat c3 ON t.cat_id = c3.cat_id AND c3.cat_id = c.parent_id ) ct_sub FROM cat c WHERE parent_id = '0' ORDER BY name but got Unknown column 'c.parent_id' in 'on...

Is there a simple way to keep MySQL row ids from growing?

I was wondering what the simplest way of letting a table set ids automatically is, apart from AUTO_INCREMENT. I have a table that will accumulate thousands of rows over a long period of time. Some of these rows will be deleted at a later time. How do I get new rows to get the lowest available id, without getting into doing it manually. ...

Creating JSON from a comma delimited string with PHP

Hi guys, I am trying to create JSON from a comma delimited string, the string look something like this: One,Two,Three,Four,Five,Six,Seven I need it to look something like this: [{"test":"One"},{"test":"Two"},{"test":"Three"},{"test":"Four"},{"test":"Five"},{"test":"Six"},{"test":"Seven"}] Here is the code I have thus far: $stri...

Escaping MySQL wild cards

Hi All, On an older server I'm using that I can't use prepared statements on I am currently trying to fully escape user input before sending it to MySQL. For this I am using the PHP function mysql_real_escape_string. Since this function does not escape the MySQL wildcards % and _ I am using addcslashes to escape these as well. When I s...

What is the best way in SQL to swap the direction of a one-to-many relationship?

Okay, so for whatever reason I have ended up with a situation where the key is pointing the wrong way in a one-to-many. It was obviously never used as a one-to-many, only as a one-to-one, and now there is a need to expand one of those to be many, and the way the key was stored this turned out to be backwards. The images table has a t...

SELECT 'random' results with set parameters

I am developing a system which selects questions from a database to generate a test/exam. Each question has a set 'question type' ('q_type'). I have a database of questions and need to select 4 questions, each with a different 'q_type'. The basic query to select 4 random questions at the moment is: SELECT * FROM questions ORDER BY RAN...

Passing a propel criteria to the symfony routing function that retrieves the object

Hi guys, quick symfony / propel question. I have the following propel collection route: api_offer: class: sfPropelRouteCollection options: prefix_path: /api/offer model: Offer plural: offers singluar: offer actions: [ list ] module: apiOffer requirements: sf_format: (?:html|json) My question is, does ...

Populating a drop down list using jQuery getJSON not working

Hi guys, I am trying to send a variable with jQuery's getJSON function but it doesn't seem to be going through, I am also unsure of how to get the variable I have just sent in the waiting PHP file, do I just reference it via the name I sent it as, for instance if I send a variable called 'test', can I get it like this, $_POST['test'] on ...

MySQL searching on INT columns returning wrong results

I have discovered that MySQL is returning odd results when searching on INT columns. a) SELECT * FROM `sellers` WHERE `seller_key` = '1' Returns seller with the key 1. b) SELECT * FROM `sellers` WHERE `seller_key` = '1sdjhksadhak' Returns seller with the key 1. c) SELECT * FROM `sellers` WHERE `seller_key` = '1a...

SQL select with hierarchy for default values

I have a table in the following format: +---+---+--------+ | u | i | value | +---+---+--------+ | 0 | 1 | Value1 | | 0 | 2 | Value2 | | 0 | 3 | Value3 | | 8 | 2 | Value4 | | 9 | 2 | Value5 | | 9 | 3 | Value6 | +---+---+--------+ My goal is to do a select that selects values from that user (u) for each id (i) if it exists, if not f...


Greetings, I've got a query that I'm struggling with, this is the first time that I am encountering this type of query. I have two table as shown below. xid is the primary key in parent_tbl1, while xid is the foreign key in child_tbl2 parent_tbl1 xid pub 1 1 2 1 3 0 4 1 child_tbl2 id ttype fno xid qnty 1 ...