
Foreign Keys won't cascade in MySQL

I can't seem to get my cascade action going here. I've got two tables defined as the following. Can anyone tell me what's wrong? An update to system_rigs "id" won't cascade to the messages table. Messages Table CREATE TABLE `edr_messages` ( `message_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `rig_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NU...

Why are 2 rows affected in my `INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE`?

I'm doing an INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE for a PRIMARY KEY in the following table: mysql> describe users_interests; +------------+---------------------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +------------+---------------------------------+------+...

Can a header() redirect go before the rest of the PHP script executes

I'm writing a redirect script in PHP that will insert info about the click in a MySQL database. Will it always insert the info if the database if I put the header() function before the insert? I want to do it this way to make the redirect as fast as possible. $location = "Location:"; header($location); $sql = "I...

JQuery UI: How to use the progressbar to make a horizontal bar graph?

I am trying to use the progress bar for a non-traditional purpose. I want to use the functionality to display a horizontal bar graph of two values retrieved from a database. My PHP/MySQL/JQuery: // retrieve results for display $query = mysql_query(" SELECT furniture_purchases, electronics_purchases FROM sales WHERE store_id = $storeId...

Recommend Bug Tracking software for Beta app

Hi everyone, I need a PHP/MySQL based Bug Tracking script that will allow me to put up a downloads section and focus each download to have it's own issue list. I can't seem to find any Bug tracking scripts that can do this. Can anyone recommend me one, I prefer opensource, thanks. ...

Are there any mysql storage engines with row locking, and fulltext?

Im using fulltext for searches on my site, but there are a lot of updates being done to the table also, which contains 700,000 records. these updates are usually done via cron, by a script that runs every 10 minutes and commits changes from a temporary table where I simply INSERT all the changes for speed purposes, since updating the liv...

Can you loop over a comma separated list of values in a mysql stored procedure

I need to loop over a comma separated list of IDS that were passed into a stored procedure. I have seen people use locate() and substring etc but I haven't seen anything that really makes sense. Thanks! ...

Relational Database Design - double primary key in one table ?

I have a table that keeps the user ratings for items. I want to allow each user to rate an item only once, is there any way to force the database not to allow duplicate for itemId and userId? I don't want each individual field to be a primary key. I want the primary key to be based on both of them at the same time. for example there i...

How do I count MySQL entries with a HAVING criterion

So usually you can just do SELECT COUNT( FROM table WHERE > 100 and COUNT(field) will return the number of entries that has the criterion of > 100 But then what if you what to count entries specified with the HAVING criterion such as SELECT COUNT(, * 10 AS foo FROM table HAVING foo > 100...

Netflix like ordering logic

I'm trying to devise ordering logic for a service similar to Netflix. There are two methods to create an order; there are two major factors that determine if an order should be placed. It's impossible to write this question without considerable explanation, so bare with me. The first way in which an order can execute is when someone ret...

Search result in presented in specific order?

SELECT id FROM films WHERE id IN (90,4,40) result 4 40 90 but I want it return 90,4,40 what I must do? (mysql) ...

SQL query to remove left and right characters in a field

I have a sql field that i need to edit out characters on the left and right. The table name is: cdr The field name is: dstchannel The dstchannel field shows the following data: Local/872@from-internal-6acb,1 I just the need the 872 as output The field always has the same amount of data, so the 872 will be constaint on its position. How w...

I am writting a mysql query. Help me out.

I have a typical situation. my table has four column. (id, user, col2, status) I want to write a query which gives me the results of col2. But it has a column status which has (0/1). So I want only col2 data which has 0 status + a user's all data (0/1). id user col2 status 1 sam aa 1 2 sam bb 0 3 sam cc 1 4 max dd 0...

How do I set a schema level default engine? [MySQL]

I'm trying to set a default database engine for each of my MySQL schemas, but I can't seem to find out how to do that. I know it's possible to specify the engine at the table level, and in the config file with --default-storage-engine=type, but isn't there a way to set it at the schema level? ...

i am getting the error in the update query

update ao set iansweroptionresultcount = 0 from tab_answeroption ao inner join tab_question q on q.pk_iquestion_id=ao.fk_iquestion_id where q.fk_iquestionaire_id=qid ...

What's the Best way to store html data in a mysql database?

Should I create a text field or a different type of field? Is there anything else I should know before writing the insertion script? ...Or the select scripts? ...

How to upload, extract, store .csv data to server and transfer to mysql.

In short: how to put a zipful of csv data into mysql? Long: I have to create a functionality for an admin to upload bootstrap data for a java web application. The administrator should be able to upload a single zip file of csvs on the admin page. The code needs to unzip csvs and the data must be transferred saved in a mysql DB. I know ...

php memory_limit issue

hi, one of my script required large memory. and probably because of this I am getting following error Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 42729472) (tried to allocate 32 bytes) I tried to change memory_limit by using ini_set('memory_limit', '256M'); on the top of my page but still I am getting same issues. I also tried ini_set...

MYSQL: How to refer to the 1st column

SELECT first_name FROM user WHERE FIRST_COLUMN = '10' What I need to know is how to reference "FIRST_COLUMN" in MYSQL syntax. The first column can be any name and so I need to make it flexible as long it should get the 1st column of any table. thanks ...

How many indexes should be created for faster queries

My object model is given below and would like your inputs on the number of indexes to create for faster query responses (on h2, mysql). Assumptions and questions are given below the following model. @Entity @Table(name = "user") public class User { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY) @Column(name = "id", unique = true...