
A better database design?

I am designing a database and have run into a snag. Ok, not so much of a snag as just something that I do not like. I will have up to 1000 different scenarios, and in each scenario I will need to store the state of each one of 64 different toggles. I've worked this around as best I can and have come up with the following: Table Scena...

To SHA512-hash a password in MySQL database by Python

This question is based on the answer. I would like to know how you can hash your password by SHA1 and then remove the clear-text password in a MySQL database by Python. How can you hash your password in a MySQL database by Python? ...

Select Top Viewed From Last 7 Days

I have a table with a date stamp E.g (1241037505). There's also a column with the number of views. The data stamp resembles when it was created. So I want to select the top viewed threads from the past week. How do I do this? ...

Connect multiple tables in different databases? MySql.

Hey, I am looking for a good way to connect to at least 2 databases in mysql using php and gathering information within each of those databases from tables. The tables will have related information. eg. I have site names in one database('siteinfo') in a table called 'sites'. I also have the site descriptions in another database('sitede...

Alternative to passing variable info through URLs

I am writing a php/mysql app that uses a few different tables. Table 1 stores user information (name email etc), Table 2 stores that users widgets, and Table 3 stores those individual widgets' configuration. The way im doing this now, is Table 1 has an auto increment key that i use to idenfity that specific user. When they access table...

Permalinks with Russian/Cyrillic news articles

I basically am working with an oldschool php cms based site in Russian, one of the many new functionalities requested is permalinks. As of now, currently the website just uses the standard non-mvc 'article.php?id=50'. I was browsing the Russian wiki and this was really the only Russian site I've seen that made use of native Russian perm...

MySQL IN problem

Hi guys, I'm trying to use the value of another field inside an IN. SELECT, title, auth_users.types FROM types LEFT JOIN auth_users ON IN (8,9) WHERE IN (1,2,3) GROUP BY Works SELECT, title, auth_users.types FROM types LEFT JOIN auth_users ON IN (8,9) WHERE IN ...

LIMIT on a condition in MySql

Hi all I am trying to get info from a table in this form : table_1 jobid(PK) projectid desc 1 1 whatever 2 1 . 3 1 . 4 2 . 5 2 . . . . . . . . . . What I am trying to get is a query wh...

MySQL, MSSql, Oracle: When to use which?

What's the limitation? Is there a specific volume of data each can handle regardless of disk space? When to use what assuming licensing is not a problem? ...

What's faster/better to use MYSQL md5 FUNCTION or run md5 php function ?

i check password of users against the db. what is faster check it in mysql MD5 function ... pwd = MD5('.$pwd.') OR in PHP ... pwd = '.md5($pwd).' or what is The Right Way Between two options ? thanks ...

Fetch MySql database from cocoa app - PHP bridging [Solved]

Hello to everybody, I'm trying to download a range of rows from my MySql database, through a cocoa app that I'm developing! To do all more easy, I use a php that receive an index from my app and send back all the rows up to that index. So, my cocoa code is: NSInteger index = 0; NSString *urlString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://...

About the RoR Update DB Record

I would like to use the ruby on rails and mysql to write a simple test program but, in this time, i can not update the database record. because i use the "mid" to replaced the "id" column in this case, what can i do to work to update the record? Problem: Mysql::Error: Unknown column 'id' in 'where clause': UPDATE `messages` SET `messag...

AccountController using MySQL in ASP.NET MVC

Creating a default ASP.NET MVC project in Visual Studio sets up a basic project where you can register a user. How would I go on changing this to use a MySQL server instead of SQLServer ? ...

How would I log searches on my PHP/MySQL website?

When someone searches my website using a quick search feature I would like to log this into my database Obviously I want to see what my users are searching for I can create a 'tag cloud' based on these searches I have a table searchterms at the moment with two fields: id and terms, I was wondering if this was the best method of loggi...

MYSQL create command optimization?

Following is the code to create a table in mysql database. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `hightraffic` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `videoID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `userid` int(11) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `title` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-0...

plug and play php/mysql user management/login/security system

Can anyone recommend a plug and play php/mysql software that will enable me to manage users, protect pages, prompt for logins, handle lost passwords, store their info such as name/addy/email etc. Anything like that exist? Preferably, id like it to be as easy as including a file in my existing pages to make them a part of the system. ...

MySQL equivalent of PostgreSQL's dblink module?

PostgreSQL's dblink module allows for SQL statements to be written that execute other SQL statements against a remote PostgreSQL database. Is there an equivalent to PostgreSQL's dblink for MySQL? ...

PHP/MySQL SELECT Statement - Slight Issue

Hello all, I have recently found a hole in my SELECT statement for a private messaging system that I am developing. Here's the basic structure of my table: tblpm: unique_id thread_id subject content receiver_id sender_id date_sent The page I am developing is the inbox, where all most recent messages are displaye...

Access error occured in Ruby 1.9 + MySQL

I can't connect mysql db with ruby1.9 OS -> Windows XP SP2 Ruby -> 1.9.1p0 dbi -> 0.4.2 dbd-mysql -> 0.4.3 MySQL API module for Ruby -> 2.7.3 DB(MySQL) -> 5.1.34-community Because msvcrt-ruby18.dll was not found, I was not able to start this application. What's wrong ...

Grouping timestamps in MySQL with PHP

I want to log certain activities in MySql with a timecode using time(). Now I'm accumulating thousands of records, I want to output the data by sets of hours/days/months etc. What would be the suggested method for grouping time codes in MySQL? Example data: 1248651289 1248651299 1248651386 1248651588 1248651647 1248651700 1248651707 ...