
mysql: recover database from frm files

At some point my MAMP installation became corrupt and I decided to move to XAMPP instead. However I now can't get my databases across. Other people have said I simply need to copy the DB files to XAMPP but this only partially work. I can see the databases however all the tables have message "in use" and if I try to query a table I get ...

Is it possible to have 2 limits in a MySQL query?

Ok here is the situation (using PHP/MySQL) you are getting results from a large mysql table, lets say your mysql query returns 10,000 matching results and you have a paging script to show 20 results per page, your query might look like this So page 1 query SELECT column FROM table_name WHERE userId=1 AND somethingelse=something else...

How can I optimise this MySQL query?

I am using the following MySQL query in a PHP script on a database that contains over 300,000,000 (yes, three hundred million) rows. I know that it is extremely resource intensive and it takes ages to run this one query. Does anyone know how I can either optimise the query or get the information in another way that's quicker? I need to ...

Mysql Sub-Select Problem

Hi, I have two queries to get related tags from a mysql database, one works, one does not, my question is: "why?" Problem: When executing the first query, the mysql server gets 100% cpu usage, and has to be restarted to function again. Query 1 (does not work): SELECT tags.*, COUNT(ct.company_id) AS count FROM company2tag ct, tags WHE...

"fatal error encountered during command execution" when trying to add a view from MySQL DB

I'm trying to add some tables and views from a MySQL database to a project in VS2005. After a lot of looking around I ended using the ADO.NET connector, which works pretty fine, except when trying to add a View with the Data source configuration wizard, where I get the "fatal error encountered during command execution" error message, and...

Question about mysql_real_escape_string and single quote

Hey everyone, I'm quite frustrated. I want to be able to insert into my database names with single quotes - for example, O'Connor. So, when inserting into the DB, I do: $lname = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['lname']); And then I insert $lname into the DB. When it's in the DB, it appears as O\'Connor. So, if I were to recall th...

Changes to a MySQL InnoDB table - which files are involved and why?

When changing the content of an InnoDB MySQL table the following files on the file system appears to be involved/changed: /path/to/mysql/data/[database]/[table].ibd (due to innodb_file_per_table) /path/to/mysql/data/data/ib_logfile0 /path/to/mysql/data/data/ib_logfile1 /path/to/mysql/data/data/ibdata1 For each of these files: When ...

How Secure is this MySQL statement in a PHP script?

How secure is this MySQL statement built in a PHP? Would it be vulnerable to an SQL injection? $sql = sprintf("INSERT IGNORE INTO my_table VALUES(%d, %d, 1, NOW())", mysql_escape_string($_SESSION['client']['id']), mysql_escape_string($_POST['id'])); ...

How to optimize MySQL query (group and order)

Hey all, I've got a query in need of optimizing. It works but its a dog, performance wise. It reads like this: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM views WHERE user_id = '1' ORDER BY page DESC ) v GROUP BY v.session I'm tracking views to different pages, and I want to...

Update Multiple Rows Mysql from php

Hi all, Here's what I'm trying to do: Update an arbitrary number of rows, changing several fields to the SAME value. $var = "1 3 5 7 9"; $query = "UPDATE tablename SET seen_before = 1 WHERE id = SET ($var);" My question is this: What is the exact syntax on the Where clause when I lookin in a set, and how do I pass in the Set ite...

How to store a vector of time/value data in a database

I'm gathering a vector of time/value pairs, in this case I/O latency versus time for a server. I'd like to store them in a MySQL database that is queryable by date, server and other metadata. Examples: I want be able to query the I/O latencies from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM for the server Atriedes on August 19th, 2007. I want to also be able...

Which is faster: Many rows or many columns?

In MySQL, is it generally faster/more efficient/scalable to return 100 rows with 3 columns, or 1 row with 100 columns? In other words, when storing many key => value pairs related to a record, is it better to store each key => value pair in a separate row with with the record_id as a key, or to have one row per record_id with a column f...

mysql query performance

Hi folks! Can somebody give a hint on this one? : I have a table, let's say tblA, where I have id1 and id2 as columns and index(id1,id2). I want to select the id1´s where id2´s belong to several sets. So I would want to say select id1 from tblA where id2 in (val1,val2,val3 ...) union select id1 from tblA where id2 in (val4,val2,val3...

Advanced MySql Query: Update table with info from another table.

I would like to update a table in mySql with data from another table. I have two tables "people" and "business". The people table is linked to the business table by a column called "business_id". The necessary table structure, primary key is starred (Table: columns): People: *business_id, *sort_order, email Business: *business_id, em...

How to limit a join when second table may not have relevant rows

I have two tables in a MySQL database, courses and sessions. I'm trying to summarise the entries in sessions for each course each month. I can summarise the total sessions for each course, no problem using this query: SELECT courses.CourseID, SUM(IF( sessions.Duration IS NULL , 0, sessions.Duration)) AS Hrs FROM courses ...

MySQL Error "Too many connections"

Hey everyone, I am using MySQL 5.0 for a site that is hosted by GoDaddy (linux). I was doing some testing on my web app, and suddenly I noticed that the pages were refreshing really slowly. Finally, after a long wait, I got to a page that said something along the lines of "MySQL Error, Too many connections...", and it pointed to my co...

Simple Bash Script to install MySQL - Need some help

I am writing a simple bash script to install MySQL on Ubuntu. #!/bin/bash apt-get update # Install MySQL5 aptitude -y install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient15-dev However MySQL prompts for a password and confirmation. How do I pass along a root password. Is there an echo I can use? Thank you, Cei ...

What's the equivalent of escaping strings for MySQL database input in Perl?

What's the equivalent of escaping strings for MySql database input in perl? Is Quote the best way? ...

what does adding ranked to a mysql query do?

What does adding ranked to a mysql query do? I'm trying code from this post SELECT * FROM ( SELECT @row := @row +1 AS rownum, [column name] FROM ( SELECT @row :=0) r, [table name] ) ranked WHERE rownum % [n] = 1 ...

Mysql calculation issues: 1+1=1.999999999

The problem is this, when I add two or more doubles from a table to a view, instead of giving me the right results, it adds a about ten or so more digits. For example 0.5+1.5=1.99999999998 or 5.5+8.5=14.0000000001. Any ideas? (I know this is sort of n00b question and I remember having to deal with stuff like that in the exams at 9th grad...