
API Design: Expose XML or Objects #2

I recently asked this question: Expose XML or Objects - thanks all for the responses. One point to clarify. The API will always be accessed remotely (i.e. as a service), most probably via webservices or WCF. I agree that in theory a strongly typed API exposing objects as the inputs/outputs is the right way to go. However, I feel th...

What books have helped you get a grasp of n-Tier development

What books have helped you get a grasp of n-Tier development (Presentation Layer, UI Business Objects, Data Business Objects, and Data sets)? I'd prefer books, but blogs and other sites are welcome suggestions too. I've inherited a n-Tier designed application at a new job and although it's taken me some time to get used to it, I see ...

traversing object graph from n-tier client

I'm a student currently dabbling in a .Net n-tier app that uses Nhibernate+WCF+WPF. One of the things that is done quite terribly is object graph serialisation, In fact it isn't done at all, currently associations are ignored and we are using DTOs everywhere. As far as I can tell one method to proceed is to predefine which objects and ...

Strategies to Avoid Transaction Escalation in System.Transactions

So, based on the answer to my previous question, transactions do get elevated from the LTM to the DTC if multiple connections are opened during a transaction, even if the connections all have the same connection string. So, my next question is, what strategies could one employ to avoid this "feature?" It seems to me that, based on resou...

ASP.Net MVC and N-Tier

Greetings, Apologies in advance that I have not researched this toughly enough to answer the question myself, but I imagine it would take me some time and I would rather know now before I invest more time in learning it. I couldn't find anything in my initial research.. Why use ASP.Net MVC if your already using a multi-tier architectu...

Fastest way to convert datatable to generic list

I have a data tier select method that returns a datatable. It's called from a business tier method that should then return a strongly typed generic List. What I want to do is very similar (but not the same as) this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/208532/how-do-you-convert-a-datatable-into-a-generic-list What's different i...

What does n-tier mean to you?

I have noticed over the years that different developers have different criteria for what constitutes a tier in the development of an n-tier system so I was curious about what the consensus is here at stackoverflow. Is separate logical layers sufficient to call it a separate tier or does it have to be deployable on a separate server (phy...

Difference between three tier vs. n-tier

I just came across the following sentence: As the industry has moved from a three tier model to n-tier models, the object relational impedance mismatch has become more prevalent. But I can't find a concise explanation of the difference between three tier and n-tier. I know what three tier is, and I assume n-tier just adds one or ...

SubSonic data layer that returns POCOs instead of SubSonic's ActiveRecord objects

I want to use SubSonic (2.2) in an application I'm building because I like its simplicity and it handles any type of query I can foresee needing. At the same time, I want to keep the upper layers of my application de-coupled from the Subsonic Types. I want to return just Plain Old C# Objects and also pass in POCOs to be saved. But here'...

How much logic should be in your domain model objects

Just finished read this post by Greg Young, where he is talking about Microsoft recommending patterns with dumb data transfer objects. He implied that in the Java community, things are trending the other direction. My question is how much logic should be in your entity objects? Our philosophy where I work (C# shop) is that if you can't ...

Best Practices: 3-Tier Architecture in LINQ

I'm working on a personal project (C# / ASP.NET) that will use LINQ to SQL. The Solution will have (so far) a Webform project, a Namespace project (business logic), and a Tests project. I'm in the very early stages so far (clearly in Design phase). Is there a paradigm for 3-Tier Architecture here? It seems like the DAL is entirely usele...

Dependency Injection in an n-tier application?

I have a 3-tier .NET service app, which follows the standard approach: Frontend -> Object Model / Business Logic -> Data Access I'm trying to learn about dependency injection along the way, and thus far have found it great (using Autofac). Each of the 3 tiers needs to create an assortment of objects, sometimes with extra configuration...

What Project Layer Should Screen DTO's Live In?

I have a project where we use screen DTO's to encapsulate the data between the Service Layer and the Presentation Layer. In our case, the presentation layer is ASP.Net. The only classes that know about the DTO's are the service layer classes and the Pages/Controls that call these services and display the DTO's. The DTO's are almost alw...

Is it worth using 3-tier architecture for small(ish) applications

I'm working on a relatively small asp.net web application and am wondering if there is really a need to employ full n-tier architecture. For an idea of size; there are about 20 database tables. In the past I have used a 2-tier approach where business logic and data access are grouped together into a single class library with was an asp...

What objects should you return from the data access layer to the business layer an n-tier system

If you have, for example, a database table called Person (ID,Name etc) what kind of object should the data access tier return to the business tier? I'm thinking something like this: //data access tier public class DataAccess{ public interface IPerson{ int ID{ get; set; } string Name{ get; set; } } internal class P...

How to config CSLA for n-Tier deployment scenarios?

Need Quick and fast list of configuration changes required while moving from single-tier to multi-tier in CSLA deployment Detailed explanation of the above checklist A How to list ...

ASP.NET web application architecture design advice

Hello everyone, previously my ASP.NET web application connects to a database directly using ADO.NET. Now I want to change it to 3 layers, ASP.NET layer, middle web service layer and backend database layer. I think there is benefit that I could abstract data source to ASP.NET front layer, loosely coupled and reduce potential security ris...

How strictly do you follow the n-tier architecture and separation of concerns between the layers in your projects?

I suppose most of the developers have an idea of multi-layer architecture. We have DAL (Data access layer), we have BLL (business logic layer) and somewhere near the end of the road we have our UI. If you have a project which somehow follows these principles, do you keep (or at least try) to keep/put the things where they conceptually be...

Exposing Rich Domain Objects as a service

I’ve been trying to wrap my head around how to expose my domain objects to the client. Whether I’m using a rich client or I’m using the web, I want to use the MVP and repository patterns. What I’m trying to wrap my head around is how I expose my repository and model, which will be on the server. Is it even possible to expose complex b...

Advice on moving to a multi tier Delphi architecture

We have a relatively large application that is strongly tied into Firebird (stored procedures, views etc). We are now getting a lot of requests to support additional databases and we would also like to move a lot of the functionality from the client to the server. Now seems like a good time to move to a 3(4) tier architecture. We have a...