
is it possible to make nant run a publish on web application project

is it possible to make nant run a publish on mvc project or a good old web application project and after the publish make nant FTP the files to the web server UPDATE: found the solution to the ftp problem Nant ftp task thanks Paco what i mean by publich is there a command line application or nant task that can public like visual studio...

How to update assmebly version info with new build and revision during build?

I have to update the build number in assembly version of assemblyinfo.cs file. I have written a custom tasks which updates all the assmeblyinfo.cs under a solution before starting build. But when i change this file and try to build then some of my dlls which has reference of other dlls not able to compile as they dont find the specific v...

How to make NAnt send an email using a real account

First of all, I have already seen this post: nant mail issues but the only answer is not satisfactory (i.e.: doesn't work for me). I am using NAnt to get latest version of source, upgrade version of the libraries and application, build the application, build the setups... all the usual things, I bet. I would like NAnt to send an email...

Microsoft Ajax Minifier and NAnt

Hi folks! Could someone explain to me how to use the Microsoft Ajax Minifier from a nant-script as a nant-task. I've seen examples of how to use it in Visual Studio but I would like the minification to be done on our CI-server. ...

How to use hyphen in the Nant properties

Hi, I would like to use "en Dash"(unicode value=8211) in one of my property in the NAnt script. When i use that property the unicode value that is returning for the en dash character is HYPHEN( value=45) but not the value corrusponding to the En Dash( which is 8211).The script i am running will check for these characters. So it shoul...

SVN revert from within a NAnt script?

I thought this would be a simple task, but I'm currently unable to get it to work. There are built in functions such as <svn-update> etc. But not for revert it seems? I have tried using the following but get an error that I have no supplied enough parameters. <svn command="revert" destination="${root}" uri="${build.repos}" username="${...

MSBuild's XmlMassUpdate task in NAnt?

I have created an MSBuild tasks for building my projects, but for various reasons I wan't to switch to NAnt. Is there some task that would be equivalent to MSBuild's XmlMassUpdate in NAnt? If possible I would like to use the same xml replacement file I used with XmlMassUpdate. (for more info about XmlMassUpdate, here's a short usage I ...

NAnt _ attribute dynamic of <property> task

can anyone show me why to use this attribute because i think it's the same when we set this attribute to true or false ...

MSBuild 2010 - how to publish web app to a specific location (nant)?

I'm trying to get MSBuild 2010 to publish a web app to a specific location. I can get it to publish the deployment package to a particular path, but the deployment package then adds its own path that changes. For example: if I tell it to publish to C:\dev\build\Output\Debug then the actual web files end up at C:\dev\build\Output\Debug\...

Security issue using Nant

I need to store authentication information and I rather not have the password in plain text: <property name="user" value="theUser"/> <property name="password" value="secret"/> Has anyone figured out a way to encrypt property values in Nant? I've looked in Nant and Nantcontrib docs but no mention of encryption. I am considering...

When running NUnit and specifying a category, can all uncategorized tests be included too?

We have several hundred test classes, with a few dozen of them marked with the following attributes: [TestFixture] [Explicit] [Category("IntegrationTests")] so they will only be run in our over-night automated build. The remaining TestFixtures don't have a Category specified (and are not marked Explicit either). Here is the...

FailOnError does not work in custom NAnt task

Hi Fellows, I have custom NAnt task for test purposes and I would like to cancel NAnt build process if the task is failed. I have created custom ErrorTask: [NAnt.Core.Attributes.TaskName("errorTask")] public class ErrorTask : NAnt.Core.Task { public ErrorTask() { FailOnError = true; } protected override void Ex...